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🟩 A modern, small, fast, performant, zero dependency TypeScript library made for pinging and getting status of Minecraft servers.
This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun

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2 months ago (1.2.1)
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(alias: hostname) * <b>`port?:`</b> number <i> `default: 25565`</i> > Port of the server. SRV lookup is disabled when using ports other than 25565. * <b>`timeout?:`</b> number <i>`default: 10000`</i> > How long until an error is thrown if the transaction still hasn't finished. Default is 10 seconds. * <b>`ping?:`</b> boolean <i>`default: true`</i> > Whether to send a payload at the end to measure the server latency. If false, the `latency` field will be null. * <b>`protocolVersion?:`</b> number <i>`default: 767`</i> > Protocol version to send to the server to simulate different Minecraft client versions. Here, you can see the [Protocol Version Numbers](https://wiki.vg/Protocol_version_numbers). The current default protocol version is for 1.21.1 (767) and will be irregularly updated to newer versions. * <b>`throwOnParseError?:`</b> boolean <i>`default: true`</i> > Whether to throw an error if the status packet fails to parse the status field. The `statusRaw` field is always included. * <b>`SRVLookup?:`</b> boolean <i>`default: true`</i> > Whether to perform a SRV lookup on the provided hostname. Set to `true` in order to skip. Useful to disable when you're only looking up the basic DNS records and a server with a specific port. * <b>`JSONParse?:`</b> boolean <i>`default: true`</i> > Whether to parse the JSON `status` field. Useful to disable when you only need the raw plaintext response. If false, the `status` field will be null. * ServerStatus * <b>`latency?:`</b> number > The time it takes to receive back a response after sending a small payload to a server, in milliseconds. Will be null if the `ping` option is false. * <b>`status?:`</b> DynamicObject > Parsed status response from the server. Will be null if the status fails to parse, or if disableJSONParse is true. <a href="https://pinger.floppa.hair/responses/">Example of a valid Status Response.</a> * <b>`statusRaw:`</b> string > Plaintext status response in the form of JSON. Useful when `status` fails to parse. * <b id="setDnsOptions">.setDnsServers(): `((serverArray: string[]) => Promise<boolean>)`</b> > It wraps the `dns.setServers` function, useful for looking up SRV records through different DNS servers. <br> The first IP in the array will always be used first, others will be tried if the first one is unreachable. <br><br> Accepts an array of hostnames or IP addresses of DNS servers. It will either return true, or throw an error. Usage: ```js // For example: mc.setDnsServers(["", "", ""]) // (Quad9, Cloudflare, Google) // Cloudflare is usually the fastest for DNS queries. ``` If you never changed the DNS settings of your computer, the default DNS server will be your ISP's.<br> <code style="color : darkorange">❗ I recommend changing your default DNS servers if you're doing thousands of lookups, such as for mass scanning.</code><br> ### Changelog **[View Changelog](https://pinger.floppa.hair/changelog/)**, Latest version: <b><i><code>v1.2.1</code></i></b> ### Contact If you have some questions, you can message me through Discord - **woodendoors7** ### Acknowledgements [TINY Readme](https://gist.github.com/noperator/4eba8fae61a23dc6cb1fa8fbb9122d45) ### To-do - [x] Do SRV lookups - [ ] Parse MOTDs - [ ] Support versions less than 1.7. - [ ] Support Bedrock ### License This project is licensed under the [GNU General Public License v3.0](LICENSE).