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This release is 5 versions behind 0.8.4 — the latest version of @mizu/render. Jump to latest

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🌊 Lightweight HTML templating library for any-side rendering

This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers
This package works with Cloudflare Workers
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
This package works with Browsers
JSR Score
2 months ago (0.7.6)
Package root>server>generate.ts
// Imports import type { Arg, Arrayable, Promisable } from "jsr:@mizu/internal@^0.7.1/engine" import type { Server, ServerGenerateFileSystemOptions as FileSystemOptions, ServerGenerateOptions as GenerateOptions } from "./server.ts" import { common, dirname, globToRegExp, join, resolve } from "jsr:@std/path@1" import { readAll, readerFromStreamReader } from "jsr:@std/io@~0.225" // deno-lint-ignore no-external-import import { Buffer } from "node:buffer" /** Text encoder. */ const encoder = new TextEncoder() /** Text decoder. */ const decoder = new TextDecoder() /** Used by {@linkcode Server.generate()} to generate content. */ export async function generate(server: Server, sources: Array<StringSource | GlobSource | CallbackSource | URLSource>, { output, clean, fs } = {} as Omit<Required<GenerateOptions>, "fs"> & { fs: Required<FileSystemOptions> }): Promise<void> { // Prepare output directory output = resolve(output) if ((await Promise.resolve(fs.stat(output)).then(() => true).catch(() => false)) && clean) { await fs.rm(output, { recursive: true }) } await fs.mkdir(output, { recursive: true }) // Generate files for (const [source, destination, options = {}] of sources) { const path = join(output, destination) // Copy content from URL if (source instanceof URL) { const bytes = await fetch(source).then((response) => response.bytes()) await fs.write(path, await render(server, Buffer.from(bytes), options.render)) } // Copy content from callback else if (typeof source === "function") { let bytes = await source() if (typeof bytes === "string") { bytes = Buffer.from(encoder.encode(bytes)) } await fs.write(path, await render(server, bytes, options.render)) } // Copy content from local files else if ("directory" in options) { const root = `${}` const sources = [source].flat() for (const source of sources) { for await (const { path: from } of expandGlob(source, { fs, root })) { const path = join(output, from.replace(common([root, from]), "")) await fs.mkdir(dirname(path), { recursive: true }) await fs.write(path, await render(server, await, options.render)) } } } // Copy content from string else { await fs.write(path, await render(server, Buffer.from(encoder.encode(source as string)), options.render)) } } } /** Used by {@linkcode generate()} to render content. */ async function render(server: Server, content: Arg<NonNullable<FileSystemOptions["write"]>, 1>, render?: Arg<Server["render"], 1>): Promise<Arg<NonNullable<FileSystemOptions["write"]>, 1>> { if (render) { if (content instanceof ReadableStream) { content = Buffer.from(await readAll(readerFromStreamReader(content.getReader()))) } const rendered = await server.render(decoder.decode(content), render) content = Buffer.from(encoder.encode(rendered)) } return content } /** String source. */ export type StringSource = [ /** File content. */ string, /** Destination path (including filename). */ string, /** Options. */ { /** Whether to render content with {@linkcode Static.render()}. */ render?: Arg<Server["render"], 1> }?, ] /** * Glob source. * * The presence of the `directory` option is used to distinguish this type from {@linkcode StringSource}. */ export type GlobSource = [ /** A list of file globs. */ Arrayable<string>, /** Destination path (excluding filename). */ string, /** Options. */ { /** Source directory. */ directory: string /** Whether to render content with {@linkcode Static.render()}. */ render?: Arg<Server["render"], 1> }, ] /** Callback source. */ export type CallbackSource = [ /** A callback that returns file content. */ () => Promisable<Arg<NonNullable<FileSystemOptions["write"]>, 1> | string>, /** Destination path (including filename). */ string, /** Options. */ { /** Whether to render content with {@linkcode Static.render()}. */ render?: Arg<Server["render"], 1> }?, ] /** URL source. */ export type URLSource = [ /** Source URL. */ URL, /** Destination path (including filename). */ string, /** Options. */ { /** Whether to render content with {@linkcode Static.render()}. */ render?: Arg<Server["render"], 1> }?, ] /** Expand glob patterns. */ async function* expandGlob(glob: string, { fs, root, directory = root }: { fs: Pick<FileSystemOptions, "readdir" | "stat">; root: string; directory?: string }): AsyncGenerator<{ path: string }> { if (!await Promise.resolve(fs.stat(directory)).then(() => true).catch(() => false)) { return } for (const entry of await fs.readdir(directory)) { const file = typeof entry === "object" ? : entry const path = join(directory, file) const stats = await fs.stat(path) if (stats) { if (typeof stats.isDirectory === "function" ? stats.isDirectory() : stats.isDirectory) { yield* expandGlob(glob, { fs, root, directory: path }) } else { let relative = common([root, directory]).replaceAll("\\", "/") if (!relative.endsWith("/")) { relative += "/" } if (globToRegExp(glob, { extended: true, globstar: true }).test(path.replaceAll("\\", "/").replace(relative, ""))) { yield { path } } } } } }