@n1xx1/ocgcore-wasm@0.0.29Built and signed on GitHub ActionsBuilt and signed on GitHub Actions
ProjectIgnis' EDOPro Core built for WebAssembly using emscripten.
Utility function to check if the specified card matches the opcode sequence.
The initializer to create a core. If both Initializer.locateFile andInitializer.wasmBinary are missing then it will be importedautomatically.
Initialize async version
Initialize sync version
Monster card attribute.
Parse a (OcgAttribute:type) mask and return the matching attributes.
Card data definition. These values should be imported as is from thecards.cdb of the card database you want to use. These will be requestedin OcgDuelOptions#cardReader.
Card passcode, location.
Card passcode, location, effect activation info.
Card passcode, location, attack info.
Card passcode, location, battle stats.
Card passcode, location, counter info.
Card passcode, location, position.
Card passcode, location, position, activation info.
Card passcode, location, sum info
Card passcode, location, tribute info.
Card passcode and position.
Returned cards by OcgCardQueryInfo.
Card passcode, location, position, chain info.
OcgCore interface.
Internal representation of a duel.
Duel creation options.
Parse a (OcgDuelMode:type) mask and return the matching options.
Duel creation options.
Remapped options for the sync version of the core.
Duel creation team settings.
Hint type.
Link monster markers positions.
Parse a (OcgLinkMarker:type) mask and return the matching markers.
Location of a card.
Location and position.
Log type.
Additional information, usually card specific or for things that don't belong to a specific message.
Sent when an invalid response was provided.
Available battle step actions.
Available main phase actions.
Duel start.
Message type enum.
Provide a response.
Duel win.
Card creation definition. Used in OcgCore#duelNewCard.
Opcode for the stack based card announcing process, used in OcgMessageAnnounceCard.
Convert a (OcgOpCode:type) to its string representation.
Turn phase.
Position (faceup or facedown and defense or attack) of a card.
Parse a position mask and returns the list of actual positions it matches.
The result of each call to OcgCore#duelProcess.
Query interface to request information about a location.
Requested card properties, used when querying.
Monster card race.
Parse a (OcgRace:type) mask and return the matching races.
Rock paper scissor.
Legality scope of a card.
Card type (monster/spell/trap and additional properties in case of a monster).
Parse a OcgType mask and return the matching types.