InternalMappedMap<readonly [readonly [1, "test_mode"], readonly [2, "attack_first_turn"], readonly [4, "use_traps_in_new_chain"], readonly [8, "six_step_batlle_step"], readonly [16, "pseudo_shuffle"], readonly [32, "trigger_when_private_knowledge"], readonly [64, "simple_ai"], readonly [128, "relay"], readonly [256, "obsolete_ignition"], readonly [512, "first_turn_draw"], readonly [1024, "one_faceup_field"], readonly [2048, "pzone"], readonly [4096, "separate_pzone"], readonly [8192, "emzone"], readonly [16384, "fsx_mmzone"], readonly [32768, "trap_monsters_not_use_zone"], readonly [65536, "return_to_extra_deck_triggers"], readonly [131072, "trigger_only_in_location"], readonly [262144, "spsummon_once_old_negate"], readonly [524288, "cannot_summon_oath_old"], readonly [1048576, "no_standby_phase"], readonly [2097152, "no_main_phase_2"], readonly [4194304, "three_columns_field"], readonly [8388608, "draw_until_5"], readonly [16777216, "no_hand_limit"], readonly [33554432, "unlimited_summons"], readonly [67108864, "inverted_quick_priority"], readonly [134217728, "equip_not_sent_if_missing_target"], readonly [268435456, "zero_atk_destroyed"], readonly [536870912, "store_attack_replays"], readonly [1073741824, "single_chain_in_damage_substep"], readonly [2147483648, "can_repos_if_non_sumplayer"], readonly [4294967296, "tcg_segoc_nonpublic"], readonly [8589934592, "tcg_segoc_firsttrigger"], readonly [bigint, "mode_speed"], readonly [bigint, "mode_rush"], readonly [bigint, "mode_goat"], readonly [bigint, "mode_mr2"], readonly [bigint, "mode_mr3"], readonly [bigint, "mode_mr4"], readonly [bigint, "mode_mr5"], ]>
@n1xx1/ocgcore-wasm@0.0.29Built and signed on GitHub ActionsBuilt and signed on GitHub Actions
Built and signed on GitHub Actions
n1xx1/ocgcore-wasmProjectIgnis' EDOPro Core built for WebAssembly using emscripten.
This package works with Node.js, Deno, BrowsersIt is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Bun
JSR Score
5 months ago (0.0.29)
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deno add jsr:@n1xx1/ocgcore-wasm
Import symbol
import { ocgDuelModeString } from "@n1xx1/ocgcore-wasm";
---- OR ----
Import directly with a jsr specifier
import { ocgDuelModeString } from "jsr:@n1xx1/ocgcore-wasm";
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npx jsr add @n1xx1/ocgcore-wasm
Import symbol
import { ocgDuelModeString } from "@n1xx1/ocgcore-wasm";
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yarn dlx jsr add @n1xx1/ocgcore-wasm
Import symbol
import { ocgDuelModeString } from "@n1xx1/ocgcore-wasm";
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pnpm dlx jsr add @n1xx1/ocgcore-wasm
Import symbol
import { ocgDuelModeString } from "@n1xx1/ocgcore-wasm";
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bunx jsr add @n1xx1/ocgcore-wasm
Import symbol
import { ocgDuelModeString } from "@n1xx1/ocgcore-wasm";