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Audited & minimal JS implementation of Salsa20, ChaCha and AES

This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers
This package works with Cloudflare Workers
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
This package works with Browsers
JSR Score
2 months ago (1.2.1)
Package root>src>utils.ts
/** * Utilities for hex, bytes, CSPRNG. * @module */ /*! noble-ciphers - MIT License (c) 2023 Paul Miller ( */ import { abytes, isBytes } from './_assert.ts'; // prettier-ignore export type TypedArray = Int8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Uint8Array | Uint16Array | Int16Array | Uint32Array | Int32Array; // Cast array to different type export const u8 = (arr: TypedArray): Uint8Array => new Uint8Array(arr.buffer, arr.byteOffset, arr.byteLength); export const u32 = (arr: TypedArray): Uint32Array => new Uint32Array(arr.buffer, arr.byteOffset, Math.floor(arr.byteLength / 4)); // Cast array to view export const createView = (arr: TypedArray): DataView => new DataView(arr.buffer, arr.byteOffset, arr.byteLength); // big-endian hardware is rare. Just in case someone still decides to run ciphers: // early-throw an error because we don't support BE yet. export const isLE: boolean = new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([0x11223344]).buffer)[0] === 0x44; if (!isLE) throw new Error('Non little-endian hardware is not supported'); // Array where index 0xf0 (240) is mapped to string 'f0' const hexes = /* @__PURE__ */ Array.from({ length: 256 }, (_, i) => i.toString(16).padStart(2, '0') ); /** * @example bytesToHex(Uint8Array.from([0xca, 0xfe, 0x01, 0x23])) // 'cafe0123' */ export function bytesToHex(bytes: Uint8Array): string { abytes(bytes); // pre-caching improves the speed 6x let hex = ''; for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { hex += hexes[bytes[i]]; } return hex; } // We use optimized technique to convert hex string to byte array const asciis = { _0: 48, _9: 57, A: 65, F: 70, a: 97, f: 102 } as const; function asciiToBase16(ch: number): number | undefined { if (ch >= asciis._0 && ch <= asciis._9) return ch - asciis._0; // '2' => 50-48 if (ch >= asciis.A && ch <= asciis.F) return ch - (asciis.A - 10); // 'B' => 66-(65-10) if (ch >= asciis.a && ch <= asciis.f) return ch - (asciis.a - 10); // 'b' => 98-(97-10) return; } /** * @example hexToBytes('cafe0123') // Uint8Array.from([0xca, 0xfe, 0x01, 0x23]) */ export function hexToBytes(hex: string): Uint8Array { if (typeof hex !== 'string') throw new Error('hex string expected, got ' + typeof hex); const hl = hex.length; const al = hl / 2; if (hl % 2) throw new Error('hex string expected, got unpadded hex of length ' + hl); const array = new Uint8Array(al); for (let ai = 0, hi = 0; ai < al; ai++, hi += 2) { const n1 = asciiToBase16(hex.charCodeAt(hi)); const n2 = asciiToBase16(hex.charCodeAt(hi + 1)); if (n1 === undefined || n2 === undefined) { const char = hex[hi] + hex[hi + 1]; throw new Error('hex string expected, got non-hex character "' + char + '" at index ' + hi); } array[ai] = n1 * 16 + n2; // multiply first octet, e.g. 'a3' => 10*16+3 => 160 + 3 => 163 } return array; } export function hexToNumber(hex: string): bigint { if (typeof hex !== 'string') throw new Error('hex string expected, got ' + typeof hex); return BigInt(hex === '' ? '0' : '0x' + hex); // Big Endian } // BE: Big Endian, LE: Little Endian export function bytesToNumberBE(bytes: Uint8Array): bigint { return hexToNumber(bytesToHex(bytes)); } export function numberToBytesBE(n: number | bigint, len: number): Uint8Array { return hexToBytes(n.toString(16).padStart(len * 2, '0')); } // There is no setImmediate in browser and setTimeout is slow. // call of async fn will return Promise, which will be fullfiled only on // next scheduler queue processing step and this is exactly what we need. export const nextTick = async (): Promise<void> => {}; // Global symbols in both browsers and Node.js since v11 // See declare const TextEncoder: any; declare const TextDecoder: any; /** * @example utf8ToBytes('abc') // new Uint8Array([97, 98, 99]) */ export function utf8ToBytes(str: string): Uint8Array { if (typeof str !== 'string') throw new Error('string expected'); return new Uint8Array(new TextEncoder().encode(str)); // } /** * @example bytesToUtf8(new Uint8Array([97, 98, 99])) // 'abc' */ export function bytesToUtf8(bytes: Uint8Array): string { return new TextDecoder().decode(bytes); } export type Input = Uint8Array | string; /** * Normalizes (non-hex) string or Uint8Array to Uint8Array. * Warning: when Uint8Array is passed, it would NOT get copied. * Keep in mind for future mutable operations. */ export function toBytes(data: Input): Uint8Array { if (typeof data === 'string') data = utf8ToBytes(data); else if (isBytes(data)) data = copyBytes(data); else throw new Error('Uint8Array expected, got ' + typeof data); return data; } /** * Checks if two U8A use same underlying buffer and overlaps (will corrupt and break if input and output same) */ export function overlapBytes(a: Uint8Array, b: Uint8Array): boolean { return ( a.buffer === b.buffer && // probably will fail with some obscure proxies, but this is best we can do a.byteOffset < b.byteOffset + b.byteLength && // a starts before b end b.byteOffset < a.byteOffset + a.byteLength // b starts before a end ); } /** * If input and output overlap and input starts before output, we will overwrite end of input before * we start processing it, so this is not supported for most ciphers (except chacha/salse, which designed with this) */ export function complexOverlapBytes(input: Uint8Array, output: Uint8Array): void { // This is very cursed. It works somehow, but I'm completely unsure, // reasoning about overlapping aligned windows is very hard. if (overlapBytes(input, output) && input.byteOffset < output.byteOffset) throw new Error('complex overlap of input and output is not supported'); } /** * Copies several Uint8Arrays into one. */ export function concatBytes(...arrays: Uint8Array[]): Uint8Array { let sum = 0; for (let i = 0; i < arrays.length; i++) { const a = arrays[i]; abytes(a); sum += a.length; } const res = new Uint8Array(sum); for (let i = 0, pad = 0; i < arrays.length; i++) { const a = arrays[i]; res.set(a, pad); pad += a.length; } return res; } type EmptyObj = {}; export function checkOpts<T1 extends EmptyObj, T2 extends EmptyObj>( defaults: T1, opts: T2 ): T1 & T2 { if (opts == null || typeof opts !== 'object') throw new Error('options must be defined'); const merged = Object.assign(defaults, opts); return merged as T1 & T2; } // Compares 2 u8a-s in kinda constant time export function equalBytes(a: Uint8Array, b: Uint8Array): boolean { if (a.length !== b.length) return false; let diff = 0; for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) diff |= a[i] ^ b[i]; return diff === 0; } // For runtime check if class implements interface export abstract class Hash<T extends Hash<T>> { abstract blockLen: number; // Bytes per block abstract outputLen: number; // Bytes in output abstract update(buf: Input): this; // Writes digest into buf abstract digestInto(buf: Uint8Array): void; abstract digest(): Uint8Array; /** * Resets internal state. Makes Hash instance unusable. * Reset is impossible for keyed hashes if key is consumed into state. If digest is not consumed * by user, they will need to manually call `destroy()` when zeroing is necessary. */ abstract destroy(): void; } // This will allow to re-use with composable things like packed & base encoders // Also, we probably can make tags composable export type Cipher = { encrypt(plaintext: Uint8Array): Uint8Array; decrypt(ciphertext: Uint8Array): Uint8Array; }; export type AsyncCipher = { encrypt(plaintext: Uint8Array): Promise<Uint8Array>; decrypt(ciphertext: Uint8Array): Promise<Uint8Array>; }; export type CipherWithOutput = Cipher & { encrypt(plaintext: Uint8Array, output?: Uint8Array): Uint8Array; decrypt(ciphertext: Uint8Array, output?: Uint8Array): Uint8Array; }; // Params is outside return type, so it is accessible before calling constructor // If function support multiple nonceLength's, we return best one export type CipherParams = { blockSize: number; nonceLength?: number; tagLength?: number; varSizeNonce?: boolean; }; export type ARXCipher = (( key: Uint8Array, nonce: Uint8Array, AAD?: Uint8Array ) => CipherWithOutput) & { blockSize: number; nonceLength: number; tagLength: number; }; export type CipherCons<T extends any[]> = (key: Uint8Array, ...args: T) => Cipher; /** * @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */ export const wrapCipher = <C extends CipherCons<any>, P extends CipherParams>( params: P, constructor: C ): C & P => { function wrappedCipher(key: Uint8Array, ...args: any[]): CipherWithOutput { // Validate key abytes(key); // Validate nonce if nonceLength is present if (params.nonceLength !== undefined) { const nonce = args[0]; if (!nonce) throw new Error('nonce / iv required'); if (params.varSizeNonce) abytes(nonce); else abytes(nonce, params.nonceLength); } // Validate AAD if tagLength present const tagl = params.tagLength; if (tagl && args[1] !== undefined) { abytes(args[1]); } const cipher = constructor(key, ...args); const checkOutput = (fnLength: number, output?: Uint8Array) => { if (output !== undefined) { if (fnLength !== 2) throw new Error('cipher output not supported'); abytes(output); } }; // Create wrapped cipher with validation and single-use encryption let called = false; const wrCipher = { encrypt(data: Uint8Array, output?: Uint8Array) { if (called) throw new Error('cannot encrypt() twice with same key + nonce'); called = true; abytes(data); checkOutput(cipher.encrypt.length, output); return (cipher as CipherWithOutput).encrypt(data, output); }, decrypt(data: Uint8Array, output?: Uint8Array) { abytes(data); if (tagl && data.length < tagl) throw new Error('invalid ciphertext length: smaller than tagLength=' + tagl); checkOutput(cipher.decrypt.length, output); return (cipher as CipherWithOutput).decrypt(data, output); }, }; return wrCipher; } Object.assign(wrappedCipher, params); return wrappedCipher as C & P; }; export type XorStream = ( key: Uint8Array, nonce: Uint8Array, data: Uint8Array, output?: Uint8Array, counter?: number ) => Uint8Array; export function getOutput( expectedLength: number, out?: Uint8Array, onlyAligned = true ): Uint8Array { if (out === undefined) return new Uint8Array(expectedLength); if (out.length !== expectedLength) throw new Error('invalid output length, expected ' + expectedLength + ', got: ' + out.length); if (onlyAligned && !isAligned32(out)) throw new Error('invalid output, must be aligned'); return out; } // Polyfill for Safari 14 export function setBigUint64( view: DataView, byteOffset: number, value: bigint, isLE: boolean ): void { if (typeof view.setBigUint64 === 'function') return view.setBigUint64(byteOffset, value, isLE); const _32n = BigInt(32); const _u32_max = BigInt(0xffffffff); const wh = Number((value >> _32n) & _u32_max); const wl = Number(value & _u32_max); const h = isLE ? 4 : 0; const l = isLE ? 0 : 4; view.setUint32(byteOffset + h, wh, isLE); view.setUint32(byteOffset + l, wl, isLE); } export function u64Lengths(ciphertext: Uint8Array, AAD?: Uint8Array): Uint8Array { const num = new Uint8Array(16); const view = createView(num); setBigUint64(view, 0, BigInt(AAD ? AAD.length : 0), true); setBigUint64(view, 8, BigInt(ciphertext.length), true); return num; } // Is byte array aligned to 4 byte offset (u32)? export function isAligned32(bytes: Uint8Array): boolean { return bytes.byteOffset % 4 === 0; } // copy bytes to new u8a (aligned). Because Buffer.slice is broken. export function copyBytes(bytes: Uint8Array): Uint8Array { return Uint8Array.from(bytes); } export function clean(...arrays: TypedArray[]): void { for (let i = 0; i < arrays.length; i++) { arrays[i].fill(0); } }