Client for the Thumbor image service which allows you to build URIs in an expressive fashion using a fluent API.
Base options for building a URL for the Thumbor image service.Additional options are available when resizing the image, see ThumborUrlResizedOptions.
This filter adds a blur effect to the image using the specified radius and sigma.
This filter increases or decreases the image brightness.
Builds URL for the Thumbor image service using a fluent API.
Describe red, green, and blue values
The filter increases or decreases the image contrast.
This filter equalizes the color distribution in the image.
This filter permit to return an image sized exactly as requested wherever is its ratio byfilling with chosen color the missing parts. Usually used with "fit-in" or "adaptive-fit-in"
Style of resizing for 'fit-in'.
Specify the output format of the image.
This filter uses a 9-patch to overlay the image.
This filter changes the image to grayscale.
Horizontal alignment for crop positioning.
Image formats supported by Thumbor.
This filter adds noise to the image.
This filter tells thumbor not to upscale your images.
Original size for image width or height. *
Original size for image width or height. *
This filter changes the overall quality of the JPEG image (does nothing for PNGs or GIFs).
This filter changes the amount of color in each of the three channels.
This filter rotates the given image according to the angle passed.
This filter adds rounded corners to the image using the specified color as the background.
This filter enhances apparent sharpness of the image. It's heavily based on Marco Rossini'sexcellent Wavelet sharpen GIMP plugin. Check http://registry.gimp.org/node/9836 for detailsabout how it work.
This filter strips the ICC profile from the image.
These options are only available if the image will be resized.
Orientation from where to get the pixel color for trim.
Vertical alignment for crop positioning.
This filter adds a watermark to the image.
This filter adds a blur effect to the image using the specified radius and sigma.
This filter increases or decreases the image brightness.
Describe red, green, and blue values
The filter increases or decreases the image contrast.
This filter equalizes the color distribution in the image.
This filter permit to return an image sized exactly as requested wherever is its ratio byfilling with chosen color the missing parts. Usually used with "fit-in" or "adaptive-fit-in"
Specify the output format of the image.
This filter uses a 9-patch to overlay the image.
This filter changes the image to grayscale.
This filter adds noise to the image.
This filter tells thumbor not to upscale your images.
This filter changes the overall quality of the JPEG image (does nothing for PNGs or GIFs).
This filter changes the amount of color in each of the three channels.
This filter rotates the given image according to the angle passed.
This filter adds rounded corners to the image using the specified color as the background.
This filter enhances apparent sharpness of the image. It's heavily based on Marco Rossini'sexcellent Wavelet sharpen GIMP plugin. Check http://registry.gimp.org/node/9836 for detailsabout how it work.
This filter strips the ICC profile from the image.
This filter adds a watermark to the image.