Base options for building a URL for the Thumbor image service. Additional options are available when resizing the image, see ThumborUrlResizedOptions.
Hostname of the Thumbor server, such as http://localhost:8888
If provided, the URL will be generated as an absolute URL.
If not provided, the URL will be generated as a relative URL.
Security key used to sign secure URLs. Should be kept secret and have corresponding configuration on the Thumbor server.
endpoint: "image" | "metadata"
Either retrieve the image (default) or the metadata of the image.
resize: { width: number | OriginalSize; height: number | OriginalSize; }
Resize the image to be a specific width and height. How it is resized can be further configured with other options.
Crop the image between two points.
trim: boolean | { value: TrimPixelColor; colorTolerance?: number; }
Removing surrounding space in image.
fitIn: FitInStyle | boolean
Constrain the image size inside the resized box, scaling as needed.
fit-in means that the generated image should not be auto-cropped and otherwise just fit in an imaginary box specified by ExF. If a full fit-in is specified, then the largest size is used for cropping (width instead of height, or the other way around). If adaptive fit-in is specified, it inverts requested width and height if it would get a better image definition;
is equivalent to fit-in