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lastlogin auth for smallweb

This package works with Node.js, Deno, Bun
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
JSR Score
2 months ago (0.5.13)
import { type Cookie, deleteCookie, getCookies, setCookie, } from "jsr:/@std/http@^1.0.9/cookie"; import * as jwt from "jsr:/@hono/hono@^4.6.9/jwt"; const JWT_COOKIE = "lastlogin_jwt"; const OAUTH_COOKIE = "oauth_store"; /** * Options for configuring the LastLogin module. */ /** * Options for configuring the LastLogin service. */ export type LastLoginOptions = { /** * The email address or addresses of the user. * It can also be passed using the LASTLOGIN_EMAIL environment variable. */ email?: string | string[]; /** * A function to verify the email address. * It can return a boolean or a Promise that resolves to a boolean. */ verifyEmail?: (email: string) => Promise<boolean> | boolean; /** * The domain of the login service. * @default "" */ domain?: string; /** * The provider name for the login service. */ provider?: | "google" | "github" | "facebook" | "gitlab" | "hello"; /** * Indicates that authentication is optional. */ public?: boolean; /** * An array of route paths that do not require authentication. * @default [] */ publicRoutes?: string[]; /** * An array of route paths that require authentication. * @default [] */ privateRoutes?: string[]; /** * The secret key used to sign the JWT token. * It can also be passed using the LASTLOGIN_SECRET_KEY environment variable. */ secretKey?: string; }; type Handler = (req: Request) => Response | Promise<Response>; /** * Middleware function to handle user authentication and session management. * * @param next - The next fetch function to call in the middleware chain. * @param options - Configuration options for the lastlogin middleware. * @returns A fetch function that handles authentication and session management. * * @example * import { lastlogin } from './mod.ts'; * * const options = { * privateRoutes: ['/dashboard', '/settings'], * provider: 'google', * verifyEmail: async (email) => { * // Custom email verification logic * return email.endsWith(''); * }, * }; * * const handleRequest = async (req: Request) => { * return new Response('Hello, world!'); * }; * * export default { * fetch: lastlogin(handleRequest, options);, * }; */ export function lastlogin( handler: Handler, options: LastLoginOptions = {}, ): Handler { const { domain = "", provider = Deno.env.get("LASTLOGIN_PROVIDER"), } = options; const verifyEmail = (email: string) => { if (typeof == "string") { return email ==; } if (Array.isArray( { return; } if (options.verifyEmail) { return options.verifyEmail(email); } const env = Deno.env.get("LASTLOGIN_EMAIL"); if (!env) { return false; } const emails = env.trim().split(","); return emails.includes(email); }; const isPublicRoute = (url: string) => { let isPublic = !!options.public; for (const pathname of options.privateRoutes ?? []) { const pattern = new URLPattern({ pathname }); if (pattern.test(url)) { isPublic = false; break; } } for (const pathname of options.publicRoutes ?? []) { const pattern = new URLPattern({ pathname }); if (pattern.test(url)) { isPublic = true; } } return isPublic; }; const cookieAttrs: Partial<Cookie> = { httpOnly: true, secure: true, sameSite: "Lax", path: "/", }; const secretKey = options.secretKey || Deno.env.get("LASTLOGIN_SECRET_KEY"); if (!secretKey) { throw new Error("Secret key is required"); } return async (req: Request) => { if (req.method == "OPTIONS") { return new Response(null, { status: 204, headers: { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "*", } }); } // clone the request to modify it req = new Request(req); req.headers.delete("X-LastLogin-Email"); const url = new URL(req.url); const authorization = req.headers.get("Authorization"); if (authorization) { if (!authorization.startsWith("Bearer ")) { return new Response("Invalid Authorization header", { status: 400, }); } const token = authorization.slice(7); const payload = await jwt.verify(token, secretKey).catch(() => null); if (!payload || typeof != "string") { if (isPublicRoute(req.url)) { return handler(req); } return new Response("Invalid token", { status: 401 }); } if (payload.domain && payload.domain != url.hostname) { return new Response("Invalid domain", { status: 401 }); } req.headers.set("X-LastLogin-Email",; return handler(req); } const clientID = `${url.protocol}//${}/`; const redirectUri = `${url.protocol}//${}/_auth/callback`; if (url.pathname == "/_auth/callback") { const cookies = await getCookies(req.headers); const store = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(cookies[OAUTH_COOKIE])); const state = url.searchParams.get("state"); if (!state || state != store.state) { return new Response("state mismatch", { status: 400 }); } const code = url.searchParams.get("code"); if (!code) { return new Response("code not found", { status: 400 }); } const tokenUrl = new URL(`https://${domain}/token`); tokenUrl.searchParams.set("client_id", clientID); tokenUrl.searchParams.set("code", code); tokenUrl.searchParams.set("redirect_uri", redirectUri); tokenUrl.searchParams.set("response_type", "code"); tokenUrl.searchParams.set("state", store.state); const tokenResp = await fetch(tokenUrl.toString()); if (!tokenResp.ok) { throw new Error(await tokenResp.text()); } const payload = (await tokenResp.json()) as { access_token?: string; }; if (!payload.access_token) { return new Response(`invalid token payload: ${JSON.stringify(payload)}`, { status: 500, }); } const resp = await fetch(`https://${domain}/userinfo`, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${payload.access_token}`, }, }); if (!resp.ok) { throw new Error(await resp.text()); } const { email } = (await resp.json()) as { email: string }; const res = new Response(null, { status: 302, headers: { Location: store.redirect, }, }); const exp = Math.floor( / 1000) + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; const token = await jwt.sign({ email, iat: Math.floor( / 1000), exp, domain: url.hostname, }, secretKey); deleteCookie(res.headers, OAUTH_COOKIE, cookieAttrs); setCookie(res.headers, { ...cookieAttrs, expires: new Date(exp * 1000), name: JWT_COOKIE, value: token, }); return res; } if (url.pathname == "/_auth/logout") { const cookies = getCookies(req.headers); if (!(JWT_COOKIE in cookies)) { return new Response("session cookie not found", { status: 401, }); } const res = new Response(null, { status: 302, headers: { Location: "/", }, }); deleteCookie(res.headers, JWT_COOKIE, cookieAttrs); return res; } const cookies = getCookies(req.headers); const payload = await jwt.verify(cookies[JWT_COOKIE], secretKey).catch( () => null, ); if ( !payload || typeof != "string" || payload.domain != url.hostname ) { if (isPublicRoute(req.url)) { return handler(req); } const state = crypto.randomUUID(); const authUrl = new URL(`https://${domain}/auth`); if (provider) { authUrl.searchParams.set("provider", provider); } authUrl.searchParams.set("client_id", clientID); authUrl.searchParams.set("redirect_uri", redirectUri); authUrl.searchParams.set("scope", "email"); authUrl.searchParams.set("response_type", "code"); authUrl.searchParams.set("state", state); const res = new Response(null, { status: 302, headers: { Location: authUrl.toString(), }, }); deleteCookie(res.headers, JWT_COOKIE, cookieAttrs); setCookie(res.headers, { ...cookieAttrs, name: OAUTH_COOKIE, value: encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify( { state, redirect: url.toString(), }, ), ), }); return res; } req.headers.set("X-LastLogin-Email",; if (isPublicRoute(req.url)) { return handler(req); } if ( !verifyEmail( ) { return new Response( "You do not have permission to access this page", { status: 403, }, ); } return handler(req); }; } export type JwtPayload = { [key: string]: unknown /** * The token is checked to ensure it has not expired. */ exp?: number /** * The token is checked to ensure it is not being used before a specified time. */ nbf?: number /** * The token is checked to ensure it is not issued in the future. */ iat?: number } export type CreateTokenOptions = { /** * The secret key used to sign the JWT token. * It can also be passed using the LASTLOGIN_SECRET_KEY environment variable. */ secretKey?: string; } export function createToken(payload: JwtPayload, options: CreateTokenOptions = {}): Promise<string> { if (!payload.iat) { payload.iat = Math.floor( / 1000); } const secretKey = options.secretKey || Deno.env.get("LASTLOGIN_SECRET_KEY"); if (!secretKey) { throw new Error("Secret key is required"); } return jwt.sign(payload, secretKey); }