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Icons8 Line Awesome icons for preact

This package works with Node.js, DenoIt is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Bun, Browsers
It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
It is unknown whether this package works with Bun
It is unknown whether this package works with Browsers
JSR Score
3 months ago (1.0.12)
Package root>ico>LiaAccessibleIcon.ts
import { GenIcon } from "../deps.ts"; import type { IconBaseProps, JSX, VNode } from "../deps.ts"; /** * AccessibleIcon icon from Icons8 Line Awesome * @module */ export function LiaAccessibleIcon(props: IconBaseProps): VNode<JSX.SVGAttributes> { return GenIcon({tag:"svg",attr:{viewBox:"0 0 32 32"},child:[{tag:"path",attr:{d:"M 24 4 C 22.355469 4 21 5.355469 21 7 C 21 8.644531 22.355469 10 24 10 C 25.644531 10 27 8.644531 27 7 C 27 5.355469 25.644531 4 24 4 Z M 24 6 C 24.5625 6 25 6.4375 25 7 C 25 7.5625 24.5625 8 24 8 C 23.4375 8 23 7.5625 23 7 C 23 6.4375 23.4375 6 24 6 Z M 18.5625 9.03125 L 14.96875 9.4375 C 14.398438 9.503906 13.921875 9.84375 13.59375 10.3125 L 13.5625 10.28125 L 13.53125 10.34375 L 11.21875 13.40625 L 12.78125 14.59375 L 15.15625 11.5 L 15.21875 11.4375 L 17.40625 11.1875 L 15.71875 15.03125 C 13.464844 15.121094 11.464844 16.261719 10.25 18 L 13.03125 18 C 13.863281 17.378906 14.886719 17 16 17 C 18.757813 17 21 19.242188 21 22 C 21 24.757813 18.757813 27 16 27 C 14.371094 27 12.945313 26.207031 12.03125 25 L 9.6875 25 C 10.8125 27.359375 13.214844 29 16 29 C 19.859375 29 23 25.859375 23 22 C 23 21.660156 22.953125 21.328125 22.90625 21 L 24.875 21 L 23.34375 26.75 L 25.28125 27.25 L 26.9375 21.03125 L 27 20.8125 L 26.96875 20.5625 C 26.769531 19.648438 25.933594 19 25 19 L 22.3125 19 C 22.019531 18.386719 21.636719 17.84375 21.1875 17.34375 L 22.8125 13.9375 L 22.84375 13.875 L 22.84375 13.84375 C 23.347656 12.449219 22.742188 10.886719 21.4375 10.1875 L 19.75 9.25 L 19.75 9.28125 C 19.390625 9.089844 18.964844 8.984375 18.5625 9.03125 Z M 19.46875 11.375 L 20.5 11.9375 C 20.945313 12.175781 21.140625 12.683594 20.96875 13.15625 L 19.59375 16 C 19.035156 15.664063 18.429688 15.421875 17.78125 15.25 Z M 7 19 L 7 21 L 14 21 L 14 19 Z M 4 22 L 4 24 L 17 24 L 17 22 Z"}}]})(props); } export default LiaAccessibleIcon;