@preact-icons/sl@1.0.12Built and signed on GitHub ActionsBuilt and signed on GitHub Actions
Built and signed on GitHub Actions
UrielCh/react-icons-slSimple Line Icons icons for preact
This package works with Node.js, DenoIt is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Bun, Browsers
JSR Score
6 months ago (1.0.12)
import { GenIcon } from "../deps.ts"; import type { IconBaseProps, JSX, VNode } from "../deps.ts"; /** * SocialDropbox icon from Simple Line Icons * @module */ export function SlSocialDropbox(props: IconBaseProps): VNode<JSX.SVGAttributes> { return GenIcon({tag:"svg",attr:{viewBox:"0 0 1024 1024"},child:[{tag:"path",attr:{d:"M1023.42 224.752a32.048 32.048 0 0 0-14.976-24.914L723.26 21.87c-11.6-7.216-26.431-6.32-37.055 2.289L511.98 165.103 337.789 24.159c-10.592-8.56-25.536-9.535-37.056-2.287L15.549 199.84A32.046 32.046 0 0 0 .572 224.752c-.752 10.224 3.472 20.16 11.312 26.75L177.1 390.32 35.564 501.503c-8.096 6.32-12.624 16.177-12.224 26.417s5.681 19.664 14.225 25.36l130.976 87.312c-6.432 5.84-10.544 14.208-10.544 23.6v128.335c0 11.12 5.776 21.44 15.248 27.28l321.968 182.433c5.12 3.152 10.944 4.72 16.752 4.72s11.632-1.6 16.784-4.751l318.224-182.432a32.013 32.013 0 0 0 15.216-27.248V642c0-2.065-.24-4.08-.608-6.033l124.048-82.688a31.97 31.97 0 0 0 14.224-25.328c.4-10.256-4.095-20.08-12.16-26.416L846.781 390.384l165.312-138.88c7.856-6.592 12.08-16.528 11.328-26.751zM736.673 390.654L511.985 531.438 287.297 390.654 511.985 244.43zM86.801 230.847L315.265 88.255l142.368 115.184-227.344 147.968zm143.12 199.376l225.969 141.6-128.064 98.032-218-145.312zm-7.903 246l89.344 59.567c11.344 7.569 26.32 7.057 37.183-1.215l129.408-99.04v282.8l-255.936-143.68v-98.432zm576.191 98.431L541.953 920.335V632.559l132.656 101.968c5.712 4.4 12.624 6.624 19.504 6.624a31.81 31.81 0 0 0 17.744-5.376l86.336-57.568v96.448h.016zm115.248-250.175L695.426 669.806l-127.44-97.936 226-141.632zM793.666 351.405L566.321 203.437l142.4-115.184 228.464 142.592z"}}]})(props); } export default SlSocialDropbox;