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TypeScript-based CLI tool to manage golinks on your tailnet

This package works with Deno
This package works with Deno
JSR Score
2 weeks ago (0.2.0)


TypeScript-based CLI for managing your compatible API and friends, built in Deno using jsr:@cliffy/command library instead of npm:commander.


Note: Currently works only on Deno for now, but feel free to contribute patches for npm and bun support

Requires Tailscale to be installed and authenicated with MagicDNS enabled if you want to use the default base URL.

deno install -gArf jsr:@recaptime-dev/golinkctl


  • golinkctl set your-mom - create a golink with custom short link (omit your-mom to generate a 8-character slug)
    • note that you can reuse the set command to update existing golinks
    • to avoid confusion and to ease integration, command aliases new and update exist
  • golinkctl info <short> - get information about a golink
  • golinkctl export -f ./bak - back up JSON Lines-formatted golinks DB
  • golinkctl --url --api-key ${GITHUB_TOKEN} ... - example usage for @ajhalili2006's golink server

Environment variables / global flags

  • GOLINK_URL / -u | --url - defaults to http://go
  • GOLINK_API_KEY / -k | --api-key - golink API key



Built and signed on
GitHub Actions
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Add Package

deno add jsr:@recaptime-dev/golinkctl

Import symbol

import * as golinkctl from "@recaptime-dev/golinkctl";

---- OR ----

Import directly with a jsr specifier

import * as golinkctl from "jsr:@recaptime-dev/golinkctl";