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This release is 1 version behind 24.6.2 — the latest version of @rivet-gg/actor-client. Jump to latest

🔧 Rivet Actors have built-in RPC, state, and events — the easiest way to build modern applications.

This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers
This package works with Cloudflare Workers
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
This package works with Browsers
JSR Score
a month ago (24.6.1-rc.2)
Package root>src>client.ts
import type { ActorTags } from "../common/utils.ts"; import type { ActorsRequest, ActorsResponse, RivetConfigResponse, } from "../manager-protocol/mod.ts"; import type { CreateRequest } from "../manager-protocol/query.ts"; import type { ProtocolFormat } from "../protocol/ws/mod.ts"; import * as errors from "./errors.ts"; import { ActorHandleRaw } from "./handle.ts"; import { logger } from "./log.ts"; /** * Options for configuring the client. * @typedef {Object} ClientOptions * @property {ProtocolFormat} [protocolFormat] - The format used for protocol communication. */ export interface ClientOptions { protocolFormat?: ProtocolFormat; } /** * Options for querying actors. * @typedef {Object} QueryOptions * @property {unknown} [parameters] - Parameters to pass to the connection. */ export interface QueryOptions { /** Parameters to pass to the connection. */ parameters?: unknown; } /** * Options for getting an actor by ID. * @typedef {QueryOptions} GetWithIdOptions */ export interface GetWithIdOptions extends QueryOptions {} /** * Options for getting an actor. * @typedef {QueryOptions} GetOptions * @property {boolean} [noCreate] - Prevents creating a new actor if one does not exist. * @property {Partial<CreateRequest>} [create] - Config used to create the actor. */ export interface GetOptions extends QueryOptions { /** Prevents creating a new actor if one does not exist. */ noCreate?: boolean; /** Config used to create the actor. */ create?: Partial<CreateRequest>; } /** * Options for creating an actor. * @typedef {QueryOptions} CreateOptions * @property {CreateRequest} create - Config used to create the actor. */ export interface CreateOptions extends QueryOptions { /** Config used to create the actor. */ create: CreateRequest; } /** * Connection to an actor. Allows calling actor's remote procedure calls with inferred types. See {@link ActorHandleRaw} for underlying methods. * * @example * ``` * const room = await client.get<ChatRoom>(...etc...); * // This calls the rpc named `sendMessage` on the `ChatRoom` actor. * await room.sendMessage('Hello, world!'); * ``` * * Private methods (e.g. those starting with `_`) are automatically excluded. * * @template A The actor class that this handle is connected to. * @see {@link ActorHandleRaw} */ export type ActorHandle<A = unknown> = ActorHandleRaw & { [K in keyof A as K extends string ? K extends `_${string}` ? never : K : K]: A[K] extends (...args: infer Args) => infer Return ? ActorRPCFunction<Args, Return> : never; }; /** * RPC function returned by `ActorHandle`. This will call `ActorHandle.rpc` when triggered. * * @typedef {Function} ActorRPCFunction * @template Args * @template Response * @param {...Args} args - Arguments for the RPC function. * @returns {Promise<Response>} */ export type ActorRPCFunction< Args extends Array<unknown> = unknown[], Response = unknown, > = ( ...args: Args extends [unknown, ...infer Rest] ? Rest : Args ) => Promise<Response>; /** * Represents a region to connect to. * @typedef {Object} Region * @property {string} id - The region ID. * @property {string} name - The region name. * @see {@link|Edge Networking} * @see {@link|Available Regions} */ export interface Region { /** * The region slug. */ id: string; /** * The human-friendly region name. */ name: string; } /** * Client for managing & connecting to actors. * @see {@link|Create & Manage Actors} */ export class Client { #managerEndpointPromise: Promise<string>; #regionPromise: Promise<Region | undefined>; #protocolFormat: ProtocolFormat; /** * Creates an instance of Client. * * @param {string | Promise<string>} managerEndpointPromise - The manager endpoint or a promise resolving to it. See {@link|Initial Setup} for instructions on getting the manager endpoint. * @param {ClientOptions} [opts] - Options for configuring the client. * @see {@link|Initial Setup} */ public constructor( managerEndpointPromise: string | Promise<string>, opts?: ClientOptions, ) { if (managerEndpointPromise instanceof Promise) { // Save promise this.#managerEndpointPromise = managerEndpointPromise; } else { // Convert to promise this.#managerEndpointPromise = new Promise((resolve) => resolve(managerEndpointPromise), ); } this.#regionPromise = this.#fetchRegion(); this.#protocolFormat = opts?.protocolFormat ?? "cbor"; } /** * Gets an actor by its ID. * @template A The actor class that this handle is connected to. * @param {string} actorId - The ID of the actor. * @param {GetWithIdOptions} [opts] - Options for getting the actor. * @returns {Promise<ActorHandle<A>>} - A promise resolving to the actor handle. */ async getWithId<A = unknown>( actorId: string, opts?: GetWithIdOptions, ): Promise<ActorHandle> { logger().debug("get actor with id ", { actorId, parameters: opts?.parameters, }); const resJson = await this.#sendManagerRequest< ActorsRequest, ActorsResponse >("POST", "/actors", { query: { getForId: { actorId, }, }, }); const handle = this.#createHandle(resJson.endpoint, opts?.parameters); return this.#createProxy(handle) as ActorHandle<A>; } /** * Gets an actor by its tags, creating it if necessary. * * @example * ``` * const room = await client.get<ChatRoom>({ * name: 'chat_room', * // Get or create the actor for the channel `random` * channel: 'random' * }); * * // This actor will have the tags: { name: 'chat_room', channel: 'random' } * await room.sendMessage('Hello, world!'); * ``` * * @template A The actor class that this handle is connected to. * @param {ActorTags} tags - The tags to identify the actor. * @param {GetOptions} [opts] - Options for getting the actor. * @returns {Promise<ActorHandle<A>>} - A promise resolving to the actor handle. * @see {@link} */ async get<A = unknown>( tags: ActorTags, opts?: GetOptions, ): Promise<ActorHandle<A>> { if (!("name" in tags)) throw new Error("Tags must contain name"); // Build create config let create: CreateRequest | undefined = undefined; if (!opts?.noCreate) { create = { // Default to the same tags as the request tags: opts?.create?.tags ?? tags, // Default to the chosen region region: opts?.create?.region ?? (await this.#regionPromise)?.id, }; } logger().debug("get actor", { tags, parameters: opts?.parameters, create }); const resJson = await this.#sendManagerRequest< ActorsRequest, ActorsResponse >("POST", "/actors", { query: { getOrCreateForTags: { tags, create, }, }, }); const handle = this.#createHandle(resJson.endpoint, opts?.parameters); return this.#createProxy(handle) as ActorHandle<A>; } /** * Creates a new actor with the provided tags. * * @example * ``` * // Create a new document actor * const doc = await client.create<MyDocument>({ * create: { * tags: { * name: 'my_document', * docId: '123' * } * } * }); * * await doc.doSomething(); * ``` * * @template A The actor class that this handle is connected to. * @param {CreateOptions} opts - Options for creating the actor. * @returns {Promise<ActorHandle<A>>} - A promise resolving to the actor handle. * @see {@link} */ async create<A = unknown>(opts: CreateOptions): Promise<ActorHandle<A>> { // Build create config const create = opts.create; // Default to the chosen region if (!create.region) create.region = (await this.#regionPromise)?.id; logger().debug("create actor", { parameters: opts?.parameters, create }); const resJson = await this.#sendManagerRequest< ActorsRequest, ActorsResponse >("POST", "/actors", { query: { create, }, }); const handle = this.#createHandle(resJson.endpoint, opts?.parameters); return this.#createProxy(handle) as ActorHandle<A>; } #createHandle(endpoint: string, parameters: unknown): ActorHandleRaw { const handle = new ActorHandleRaw( endpoint, parameters, this.#protocolFormat, ); handle.connect(); return handle; } #createProxy(handle: ActorHandleRaw): ActorHandle { // Stores returned RPC functions for faster calls const methodCache = new Map<string, ActorRPCFunction>(); return new Proxy(handle, { get(target: ActorHandleRaw, prop: string | symbol, receiver: unknown) { // Handle built-in Symbol properties if (typeof prop === "symbol") { return Reflect.get(target, prop, receiver); } // Handle built-in Promise methods and existing properties if ( prop === "then" || prop === "catch" || prop === "finally" || prop === "constructor" || prop in target ) { const value = Reflect.get(target, prop, receiver); // Preserve method binding if (typeof value === "function") { return value.bind(target); } return value; } // Create RPC function that preserves 'this' context if (typeof prop === "string") { let method = methodCache.get(prop); if (!method) { method = (...args: unknown[]) => target.rpc(prop, ...args); methodCache.set(prop, method); } return method; } }, // Support for 'in' operator has(target: ActorHandleRaw, prop: string | symbol) { // All string properties are potentially RPC functions if (typeof prop === "string") { return true; } // For symbols, defer to the target's own has behavior return Reflect.has(target, prop); }, // Support instanceof checks getPrototypeOf(target: ActorHandleRaw) { return Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target); }, // Prevent property enumeration of non-existent RPC methods ownKeys(target: ActorHandleRaw) { return Reflect.ownKeys(target); }, // Support proper property descriptors getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target: ActorHandleRaw, prop: string | symbol) { const targetDescriptor = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop); if (targetDescriptor) { return targetDescriptor; } if (typeof prop === "string") { // Make RPC methods appear non-enumerable return { configurable: true, enumerable: false, writable: false, value: (...args: unknown[]) => target.rpc(prop, ...args), }; } return undefined; }, }) as ActorHandle; } /** * Sends an HTTP request to the manager actor. * @private * @template Request * @template Response * @param {string} method - The HTTP method. * @param {string} path - The path for the request. * @param {Request} [body] - The request body. * @returns {Promise<Response>} - A promise resolving to the response. * @see {@link} */ async #sendManagerRequest<Request, Response>( method: string, path: string, body?: Request, ): Promise<Response> { try { const managerEndpoint = await this.#managerEndpointPromise; const res = await fetch(`${managerEndpoint}${path}`, { method, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: body ? JSON.stringify(body) : undefined, }); if (!res.ok) { throw new errors.ManagerError(`${res.statusText}: ${await res.text()}`); } return res.json(); } catch (error) { throw new errors.ManagerError(String(error), { cause: error }); } } /** * Fetches the region information. * @private * @returns {Promise<Region | undefined>} - A promise resolving to the region or undefined. * @see {@link} */ async #fetchRegion(): Promise<Region | undefined> { try { // Fetch the connection info from the manager const { endpoint, project, environment } = await this.#sendManagerRequest< undefined, RivetConfigResponse >("GET", "/rivet/config"); // Fetch the region // // This is fetched from the client instead of the manager so Rivet // can automatically determine the recommended region using an // anycast request made from the client const url = new URL("/regions/resolve", endpoint); if (project) url.searchParams.set("project", project); if (environment) url.searchParams.set("environment", environment); const res = await fetch(url.toString()); if (!res.ok) { // Add safe fallback in case we can't fetch the region logger().error("failed to fetch region, defaulting to manager region", { status: res.statusText, body: await res.text(), }); return undefined; } const { region }: { region: Region } = await res.json(); return region; } catch (error) { // Add safe fallback in case we can't fetch the region logger().error("failed to fetch region, defaulting to manager region", { error, }); return undefined; } } }