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This release is 1 version behind 24.6.2 — the latest version of @rivet-gg/actor-client. Jump to latest

🔧 Rivet Actors have built-in RPC, state, and events — the easiest way to build modern applications.

This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers
This package works with Cloudflare Workers
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
This package works with Browsers
JSR Score
a month ago (24.6.1-rc.2)
Package root>src>handle.ts
import { assertEquals } from "jsr:@std/assert@^1.0.8"; import * as cbor from "jsr:@std/cbor@^0.1.3"; import { MAX_CONN_PARAMS_SIZE } from "../common/network.ts"; import { assertUnreachable } from "../common/utils.ts"; import type { ProtocolFormat } from "../protocol/ws/mod.ts"; import type * as wsToClient from "../protocol/ws/to_client.ts"; import type * as wsToServer from "../protocol/ws/to_server.ts"; import * as errors from "./errors.ts"; import { logger } from "./log.ts"; import { type WebSocketMessage, messageLength } from "./utils.ts"; interface RpcInFlight { resolve: (response: wsToClient.RpcResponseOk) => void; reject: (error: Error) => void; } interface EventSubscriptions<Args extends Array<unknown>> { callback: (...args: Args) => void; once: boolean; } /** * A function that unsubscribes from an event. * * @typedef {Function} EventUnsubscribe */ export type EventUnsubscribe = () => void; interface SendOpts { ephemeral: boolean; } /** * Provides underlying functions for {@link ActorHandle}. See {@link ActorHandle} for using type-safe remote procedure calls. * * @see {@link ActorHandle} */ export class ActorHandleRaw { #disconnected = false; #websocket?: WebSocket; #websocketQueue: WebSocketMessage[] = []; #websocketRpcInFlight = new Map<number, RpcInFlight>(); // biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: Unknown subscription type #eventSubscriptions = new Map<string, Set<EventSubscriptions<any[]>>>(); #requestIdCounter = 0; // TODO: ws message queue /** * Do not call this directly. * * Creates an instance of ActorHandleRaw. * * @param {string} endpoint - The endpoint to connect to. * @param {unknown} parameters - The parameters to pass to the connection. * @param {ProtocolFormat} protocolFormat - The format used for protocol communication. * * @protected */ public constructor( private readonly endpoint: string, private readonly parameters: unknown, private readonly protocolFormat: ProtocolFormat, ) {} /** * Call a raw RPC handle. See {@link ActorHandle} for type-safe RPC calls. * * @see {@link ActorHandle} * @template Args - The type of arguments to pass to the RPC function. * @template Response - The type of the response returned by the RPC function. * @param {string} name - The name of the RPC function to call. * @param {...Args} args - The arguments to pass to the RPC function. * @returns {Promise<Response>} - A promise that resolves to the response of the RPC function. */ async rpc<Args extends Array<unknown> = unknown[], Response = unknown>( name: string, ...args: Args ): Promise<Response> { logger().debug("rpc", { name, args }); // TODO: Add to queue if socket is not open const requestId = this.#requestIdCounter; this.#requestIdCounter += 1; const { promise: resolvePromise, resolve, reject, } = Promise.withResolvers<wsToClient.RpcResponseOk>(); this.#websocketRpcInFlight.set(requestId, { resolve, reject }); this.#webSocketSend({ body: { rr: { i: requestId, n: name, a: args, }, }, } satisfies wsToServer.ToServer); // TODO: Throw error if disconnect is called const { i: responseId, o: output } = await resolvePromise; assertEquals(responseId, requestId); return output as Response; } //async #rpcHttp<Args extends Array<unknown> = unknown[], Response = unknown>(name: string, ...args: Args): Promise<Response> { // const origin = `${resolved.isTls ? "https": "http"}://${resolved.publicHostname}:${resolved.publicPort}`; // const url = `${origin}/rpc/${encodeURIComponent(name)}`; // const res = await fetch(url, { // method: "POST", // // TODO: Import type from protocol // body: JSON.stringify({ // args, // }) // }); // if (!res.ok) { // throw new Error(`RPC error (${res.statusText}):\n${await res.text()}`); // } // // TODO: Import type from protocol // const resJson: httpRpc.ResponseOk<Response> = await res.json(); // return resJson.output; //} /** * Do not call this directly. * * Establishes a WebSocket connection to the server using the specified endpoint and protocol format. * * @protected */ public connect() { this.#disconnected = false; let url = `${this.endpoint}/connect?version=1&format=${this.protocolFormat}`; if (this.parameters !== undefined) { const paramsStr = JSON.stringify(this.parameters); // TODO: This is an imprecise count since it doesn't count the full URL length & URI encoding expansion in the URL size if (paramsStr.length > MAX_CONN_PARAMS_SIZE) { throw new errors.ConnectionParametersTooLong(); } url += `&params=${encodeURIComponent(paramsStr)}`; } const ws = new WebSocket(url); this.#websocket = ws; ws.onopen = () => { logger().debug("socket open"); // Resubscribe to all active events for (const eventName of this.#eventSubscriptions.keys()) { this.#sendSubscription(eventName, true); } // Flush queue // // If the message fails to send, the message will be re-queued const queue = this.#websocketQueue; this.#websocketQueue = []; for (const msg of queue) { this.#webSocketSendRaw(msg); } }; ws.onclose = (ev) => { // TODO: Handle queue // TODO: Reconnect with backoff logger().debug("socket closed", { code: ev.code, reason: ev.reason, wasClean: ev.wasClean, }); this.#websocket = undefined; // Automatically reconnect if (!this.#disconnected) { // TODO: Fetch actor to check if it's destroyed // TODO: Add backoff for reconnect // TODO: Add a way of preserving connection ID for connection state // this.connect(...args); } }; ws.onerror = (event) => { if (this.#disconnected) return; logger().debug("socket error", { event }); }; ws.onmessage = async (ev) => { const response = (await this.#parse( as wsToClient.ToClient; if ("ro" in response.body) { // RPC response OK const { i: rpcId } =; const inFlight = this.#takeRpcInFlight(rpcId); inFlight.resolve(; } else if ("re" in response.body) { // RPC response error const { i: rpcId, c: code, m: message, md: metadata, } =; logger().info("received error from actor", { rpc: rpcId, code, message, metadata, }); const inFlight = this.#takeRpcInFlight(rpcId); inFlight.reject(new errors.RpcError(code, message, metadata)); } else if ("ev" in response.body) { this.#dispatchEvent(response.body.ev); } else if ("er" in response.body) { const { c: code, m: message, md: metadata } =; logger().info("received error from actor", { code, message, metadata, }); } else { assertUnreachable(response.body); } }; } #takeRpcInFlight(id: number): RpcInFlight { const inFlight = this.#websocketRpcInFlight.get(id); if (!inFlight) { throw new errors.InternalError(`No in flight response for ${id}`); } this.#websocketRpcInFlight.delete(id); return inFlight; } #dispatchEvent(event: wsToClient.ToClientEvent) { const { n: name, a: args } = event; const listeners = this.#eventSubscriptions.get(name); if (!listeners) return; // Create a new array to avoid issues with listeners being removed during iteration for (const listener of [...listeners]) { listener.callback(...args); // Remove if this was a one-time listener if (listener.once) { listeners.delete(listener); } } // Clean up empty listener sets if (listeners.size === 0) { this.#eventSubscriptions.delete(name); } } #addEventSubscription<Args extends Array<unknown>>( eventName: string, callback: (...args: Args) => void, once: boolean, ): EventUnsubscribe { const listener: EventSubscriptions<Args> = { callback, once, }; let subscriptionSet = this.#eventSubscriptions.get(eventName); if (subscriptionSet === undefined) { subscriptionSet = new Set(); this.#eventSubscriptions.set(eventName, subscriptionSet); this.#sendSubscription(eventName, true); } subscriptionSet.add(listener); // Return unsubscribe function return () => { const listeners = this.#eventSubscriptions.get(eventName); if (listeners) { listeners.delete(listener); if (listeners.size === 0) { this.#eventSubscriptions.delete(eventName); this.#sendSubscription(eventName, false); } } }; } /** * Subscribes to an event that will happen repeatedly. * * @template Args - The type of arguments the event callback will receive. * @param {string} eventName - The name of the event to subscribe to. * @param {(...args: Args) => void} callback - The callback function to execute when the event is triggered. * @returns {EventUnsubscribe} - A function to unsubscribe from the event. * @see {@link|Events Documentation} */ on<Args extends Array<unknown> = unknown[]>( eventName: string, callback: (...args: Args) => void, ): EventUnsubscribe { return this.#addEventSubscription<Args>(eventName, callback, false); } /** * Subscribes to an event that will be triggered only once. * * @template Args - The type of arguments the event callback will receive. * @param {string} eventName - The name of the event to subscribe to. * @param {(...args: Args) => void} callback - The callback function to execute when the event is triggered. * @returns {EventUnsubscribe} - A function to unsubscribe from the event. * @see {@link|Events Documentation} */ once<Args extends Array<unknown> = unknown[]>( eventName: string, callback: (...args: Args) => void, ): EventUnsubscribe { return this.#addEventSubscription<Args>(eventName, callback, true); } #webSocketSend(message: wsToServer.ToServer, opts?: SendOpts) { this.#webSocketSendRaw(this.#serialize(message), opts); } async #parse(data: WebSocketMessage): Promise<unknown> { if (this.protocolFormat === "json") { if (typeof data !== "string") { throw new Error("received non-string for json parse"); } return JSON.parse(data); } else if (this.protocolFormat === "cbor") { if (data instanceof Blob) { return cbor.decodeCbor(await data.bytes()); } else if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return cbor.decodeCbor(new Uint8Array(data)); } else { throw new Error("received non-binary type for cbor parse"); } } else { assertUnreachable(this.protocolFormat); } } #serialize(value: unknown): WebSocketMessage { if (this.protocolFormat === "json") { return JSON.stringify(value); } else if (this.protocolFormat === "cbor") { return cbor.encodeCbor(value as cbor.CborType); } else { assertUnreachable(this.protocolFormat); } } #webSocketSendRaw(message: WebSocketMessage, opts?: SendOpts) { if (this.#websocket?.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { try { this.#websocket.send(message); logger().debug("sent websocket message", { len: messageLength(message), }); } catch (error) { logger().warn("failed to send message, added to queue", { error }); // Assuming the socket is disconnected and will be reconnected soon // // Will attempt to resend soon this.#websocketQueue.unshift(message); } } else { if (!opts?.ephemeral) { this.#websocketQueue.push(message); logger().debug("queued websocket message", { len: messageLength(message), }); } } } // TODO: Add destructor /** * Disconnects the WebSocket connection. * * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the WebSocket connection is closed. */ disconnect(): Promise<void> { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (!this.#websocket) return; this.#disconnected = true; logger().debug("disconnecting"); // TODO: What do we do with the queue? if (this.#websocket) { this.#websocket.addEventListener("close", () => resolve()); this.#websocket.close(); this.#websocket = undefined; } }); } /** * Disposes of the ActorHandleRaw instance by disconnecting the WebSocket connection. * * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the WebSocket connection is closed. */ async dispose(): Promise<void> { logger().debug("disposing"); // TODO: this will error if not usable await this.disconnect(); } #sendSubscription(eventName: string, subscribe: boolean) { this.#webSocketSend( { body: { sr: { e: eventName, s: subscribe, }, }, }, { ephemeral: true }, ); } }