This release is 1 version behind 24.6.2 — the latest version of @rivet-gg/actor-client. Jump to latest
🔧 Rivet Actors have built-in RPC, state, and events — the easiest way to build modern applications.
This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers

JSR Score
a month ago (24.6.1-rc.2)
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444import { assertEquals } from "jsr:@std/assert@^1.0.8"; import * as cbor from "jsr:@std/cbor@^0.1.3"; import { MAX_CONN_PARAMS_SIZE } from "../common/network.ts"; import { assertUnreachable } from "../common/utils.ts"; import type { ProtocolFormat } from "../protocol/ws/mod.ts"; import type * as wsToClient from "../protocol/ws/to_client.ts"; import type * as wsToServer from "../protocol/ws/to_server.ts"; import * as errors from "./errors.ts"; import { logger } from "./log.ts"; import { type WebSocketMessage, messageLength } from "./utils.ts"; interface RpcInFlight { resolve: (response: wsToClient.RpcResponseOk) => void; reject: (error: Error) => void; } interface EventSubscriptions<Args extends Array<unknown>> { callback: (...args: Args) => void; once: boolean; } /** * A function that unsubscribes from an event. * * @typedef {Function} EventUnsubscribe */ export type EventUnsubscribe = () => void; interface SendOpts { ephemeral: boolean; } /** * Provides underlying functions for {@link ActorHandle}. See {@link ActorHandle} for using type-safe remote procedure calls. * * @see {@link ActorHandle} */ export class ActorHandleRaw { #disconnected = false; #websocket?: WebSocket; #websocketQueue: WebSocketMessage[] = []; #websocketRpcInFlight = new Map<number, RpcInFlight>(); // biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: Unknown subscription type #eventSubscriptions = new Map<string, Set<EventSubscriptions<any[]>>>(); #requestIdCounter = 0; // TODO: ws message queue /** * Do not call this directly. * * Creates an instance of ActorHandleRaw. * * @param {string} endpoint - The endpoint to connect to. * @param {unknown} parameters - The parameters to pass to the connection. * @param {ProtocolFormat} protocolFormat - The format used for protocol communication. * * @protected */ public constructor( private readonly endpoint: string, private readonly parameters: unknown, private readonly protocolFormat: ProtocolFormat, ) {} /** * Call a raw RPC handle. See {@link ActorHandle} for type-safe RPC calls. * * @see {@link ActorHandle} * @template Args - The type of arguments to pass to the RPC function. * @template Response - The type of the response returned by the RPC function. * @param {string} name - The name of the RPC function to call. * @param {...Args} args - The arguments to pass to the RPC function. * @returns {Promise<Response>} - A promise that resolves to the response of the RPC function. */ async rpc<Args extends Array<unknown> = unknown[], Response = unknown>( name: string, ...args: Args ): Promise<Response> { logger().debug("rpc", { name, args }); // TODO: Add to queue if socket is not open const requestId = this.#requestIdCounter; this.#requestIdCounter += 1; const { promise: resolvePromise, resolve, reject, } = Promise.withResolvers<wsToClient.RpcResponseOk>(); this.#websocketRpcInFlight.set(requestId, { resolve, reject }); this.#webSocketSend({ body: { rr: { i: requestId, n: name, a: args, }, }, } satisfies wsToServer.ToServer); // TODO: Throw error if disconnect is called const { i: responseId, o: output } = await resolvePromise; assertEquals(responseId, requestId); return output as Response; } //async #rpcHttp<Args extends Array<unknown> = unknown[], Response = unknown>(name: string, ...args: Args): Promise<Response> { // const origin = `${resolved.isTls ? "https": "http"}://${resolved.publicHostname}:${resolved.publicPort}`; // const url = `${origin}/rpc/${encodeURIComponent(name)}`; // const res = await fetch(url, { // method: "POST", // // TODO: Import type from protocol // body: JSON.stringify({ // args, // }) // }); // if (!res.ok) { // throw new Error(`RPC error (${res.statusText}):\n${await res.text()}`); // } // // TODO: Import type from protocol // const resJson: httpRpc.ResponseOk<Response> = await res.json(); // return resJson.output; //} /** * Do not call this directly. * * Establishes a WebSocket connection to the server using the specified endpoint and protocol format. * * @protected */ public connect() { this.#disconnected = false; let url = `${this.endpoint}/connect?version=1&format=${this.protocolFormat}`; if (this.parameters !== undefined) { const paramsStr = JSON.stringify(this.parameters); // TODO: This is an imprecise count since it doesn't count the full URL length & URI encoding expansion in the URL size if (paramsStr.length > MAX_CONN_PARAMS_SIZE) { throw new errors.ConnectionParametersTooLong(); } url += `¶ms=${encodeURIComponent(paramsStr)}`; } const ws = new WebSocket(url); this.#websocket = ws; ws.onopen = () => { logger().debug("socket open"); // Resubscribe to all active events for (const eventName of this.#eventSubscriptions.keys()) { this.#sendSubscription(eventName, true); } // Flush queue // // If the message fails to send, the message will be re-queued const queue = this.#websocketQueue; this.#websocketQueue = []; for (const msg of queue) { this.#webSocketSendRaw(msg); } }; ws.onclose = (ev) => { // TODO: Handle queue // TODO: Reconnect with backoff logger().debug("socket closed", { code: ev.code, reason: ev.reason, wasClean: ev.wasClean, }); this.#websocket = undefined; // Automatically reconnect if (!this.#disconnected) { // TODO: Fetch actor to check if it's destroyed // TODO: Add backoff for reconnect // TODO: Add a way of preserving connection ID for connection state // this.connect(...args); } }; ws.onerror = (event) => { if (this.#disconnected) return; logger().debug("socket error", { event }); }; ws.onmessage = async (ev) => { const response = (await this.#parse( as wsToClient.ToClient; if ("ro" in response.body) { // RPC response OK const { i: rpcId } =; const inFlight = this.#takeRpcInFlight(rpcId); inFlight.resolve(; } else if ("re" in response.body) { // RPC response error const { i: rpcId, c: code, m: message, md: metadata, } =; logger().info("received error from actor", { rpc: rpcId, code, message, metadata, }); const inFlight = this.#takeRpcInFlight(rpcId); inFlight.reject(new errors.RpcError(code, message, metadata)); } else if ("ev" in response.body) { this.#dispatchEvent(response.body.ev); } else if ("er" in response.body) { const { c: code, m: message, md: metadata } =; logger().info("received error from actor", { code, message, metadata, }); } else { assertUnreachable(response.body); } }; } #takeRpcInFlight(id: number): RpcInFlight { const inFlight = this.#websocketRpcInFlight.get(id); if (!inFlight) { throw new errors.InternalError(`No in flight response for ${id}`); } this.#websocketRpcInFlight.delete(id); return inFlight; } #dispatchEvent(event: wsToClient.ToClientEvent) { const { n: name, a: args } = event; const listeners = this.#eventSubscriptions.get(name); if (!listeners) return; // Create a new array to avoid issues with listeners being removed during iteration for (const listener of [...listeners]) { listener.callback(...args); // Remove if this was a one-time listener if (listener.once) { listeners.delete(listener); } } // Clean up empty listener sets if (listeners.size === 0) { this.#eventSubscriptions.delete(name); } } #addEventSubscription<Args extends Array<unknown>>( eventName: string, callback: (...args: Args) => void, once: boolean, ): EventUnsubscribe { const listener: EventSubscriptions<Args> = { callback, once, }; let subscriptionSet = this.#eventSubscriptions.get(eventName); if (subscriptionSet === undefined) { subscriptionSet = new Set(); this.#eventSubscriptions.set(eventName, subscriptionSet); this.#sendSubscription(eventName, true); } subscriptionSet.add(listener); // Return unsubscribe function return () => { const listeners = this.#eventSubscriptions.get(eventName); if (listeners) { listeners.delete(listener); if (listeners.size === 0) { this.#eventSubscriptions.delete(eventName); this.#sendSubscription(eventName, false); } } }; } /** * Subscribes to an event that will happen repeatedly. * * @template Args - The type of arguments the event callback will receive. * @param {string} eventName - The name of the event to subscribe to. * @param {(...args: Args) => void} callback - The callback function to execute when the event is triggered. * @returns {EventUnsubscribe} - A function to unsubscribe from the event. * @see {@link|Events Documentation} */ on<Args extends Array<unknown> = unknown[]>( eventName: string, callback: (...args: Args) => void, ): EventUnsubscribe { return this.#addEventSubscription<Args>(eventName, callback, false); } /** * Subscribes to an event that will be triggered only once. * * @template Args - The type of arguments the event callback will receive. * @param {string} eventName - The name of the event to subscribe to. * @param {(...args: Args) => void} callback - The callback function to execute when the event is triggered. * @returns {EventUnsubscribe} - A function to unsubscribe from the event. * @see {@link|Events Documentation} */ once<Args extends Array<unknown> = unknown[]>( eventName: string, callback: (...args: Args) => void, ): EventUnsubscribe { return this.#addEventSubscription<Args>(eventName, callback, true); } #webSocketSend(message: wsToServer.ToServer, opts?: SendOpts) { this.#webSocketSendRaw(this.#serialize(message), opts); } async #parse(data: WebSocketMessage): Promise<unknown> { if (this.protocolFormat === "json") { if (typeof data !== "string") { throw new Error("received non-string for json parse"); } return JSON.parse(data); } else if (this.protocolFormat === "cbor") { if (data instanceof Blob) { return cbor.decodeCbor(await data.bytes()); } else if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return cbor.decodeCbor(new Uint8Array(data)); } else { throw new Error("received non-binary type for cbor parse"); } } else { assertUnreachable(this.protocolFormat); } } #serialize(value: unknown): WebSocketMessage { if (this.protocolFormat === "json") { return JSON.stringify(value); } else if (this.protocolFormat === "cbor") { return cbor.encodeCbor(value as cbor.CborType); } else { assertUnreachable(this.protocolFormat); } } #webSocketSendRaw(message: WebSocketMessage, opts?: SendOpts) { if (this.#websocket?.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { try { this.#websocket.send(message); logger().debug("sent websocket message", { len: messageLength(message), }); } catch (error) { logger().warn("failed to send message, added to queue", { error }); // Assuming the socket is disconnected and will be reconnected soon // // Will attempt to resend soon this.#websocketQueue.unshift(message); } } else { if (!opts?.ephemeral) { this.#websocketQueue.push(message); logger().debug("queued websocket message", { len: messageLength(message), }); } } } // TODO: Add destructor /** * Disconnects the WebSocket connection. * * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the WebSocket connection is closed. */ disconnect(): Promise<void> { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (!this.#websocket) return; this.#disconnected = true; logger().debug("disconnecting"); // TODO: What do we do with the queue? if (this.#websocket) { this.#websocket.addEventListener("close", () => resolve()); this.#websocket.close(); this.#websocket = undefined; } }); } /** * Disposes of the ActorHandleRaw instance by disconnecting the WebSocket connection. * * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the WebSocket connection is closed. */ async dispose(): Promise<void> { logger().debug("disposing"); // TODO: this will error if not usable await this.disconnect(); } #sendSubscription(eventName: string, subscribe: boolean) { this.#webSocketSend( { body: { sr: { e: eventName, s: subscribe, }, }, }, { ephemeral: true }, ); } }