@seally/simple-lexer@0.1.2Built and signed on GitHub ActionsBuilt and signed on GitHub Actions
Built and signed on GitHub Actions
Seally/jsr-simple-lexerAn extremely simple JavaScript RegExp-based lexer.
This package works with DenoIt is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Bun, Browsers
JSR Score
a week ago (0.1.2)
Simple Lexer
An extremely simple JavaScript RegExp
-based lexer. It has no advanced
capabilities. It will never have them, else it'd no longer be "simple". But
sometimes, what it can do is all that you need.
Creating a lexer for JSON:
import { SimpleLexer } from "@seally/simple-lexer"; const lexer = new SimpleLexer({ tokens: { "whitespace": /\s+/u, "openBrace": "{", "closeBrace": "}", "openBracket": "[", "closeBracket": "]", "comma": ",", "colon": ":", "null": "null", "boolean": /true|false/u, "number": /-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?/u, "string": /"(?:[^"\\]|\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}))*"/u, }, }); // Note that `tokenize()` returns a generator, so spread the result into an // array if you need a list of tokens. console.log([ ...lexer.tokenize( '{ "foo": "bar", "fruits": ["apple", "cherry", "kiwi"] }', ), ]);
This should print something like:
[ { type: "openBrace", image: "{", startOffset: 0, nextOffset: 1 }, { type: "whitespace", image: " ", startOffset: 1, nextOffset: 2 }, { type: "string", image: '"foo"', startOffset: 2, nextOffset: 7 }, { type: "colon", image: ":", startOffset: 7, nextOffset: 8 }, { type: "whitespace", image: " ", startOffset: 8, nextOffset: 9 }, { type: "string", image: '"bar"', startOffset: 9, nextOffset: 14 }, { type: "comma", image: ",", startOffset: 14, nextOffset: 15 }, { type: "whitespace", image: " ", startOffset: 15, nextOffset: 16 }, { type: "string", image: '"fruits"', startOffset: 16, nextOffset: 24, }, { type: "colon", image: ":", startOffset: 24, nextOffset: 25 }, { type: "whitespace", image: " ", startOffset: 25, nextOffset: 26 }, { type: "openBracket", image: "[", startOffset: 26, nextOffset: 27 }, { type: "string", image: '"apple"', startOffset: 27, nextOffset: 34 }, { type: "comma", image: ",", startOffset: 34, nextOffset: 35 }, { type: "whitespace", image: " ", startOffset: 35, nextOffset: 36 }, { type: "string", image: '"cherry"', startOffset: 36, nextOffset: 44, }, { type: "comma", image: ",", startOffset: 44, nextOffset: 45 }, { type: "whitespace", image: " ", startOffset: 45, nextOffset: 46 }, { type: "string", image: '"kiwi"', startOffset: 46, nextOffset: 52 }, { type: "closeBracket", image: "]", startOffset: 52, nextOffset: 53 }, { type: "whitespace", image: " ", startOffset: 53, nextOffset: 54 }, { type: "closeBrace", image: "}", startOffset: 54, nextOffset: 55 }, ];
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deno add @seally/simple-lexer
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import * as mod from "@seally/simple-lexer";
---- OR ----
Import directly with a jsr specifier
import * as mod from "jsr:@seally/simple-lexer";
Add Package
npx jsr add @seally/simple-lexer
Import symbol
import * as mod from "@seally/simple-lexer";
Add Package
yarn dlx jsr add @seally/simple-lexer
Import symbol
import * as mod from "@seally/simple-lexer";
Add Package
pnpm dlx jsr add @seally/simple-lexer
Import symbol
import * as mod from "@seally/simple-lexer";
Add Package
bunx jsr add @seally/simple-lexer
Import symbol
import * as mod from "@seally/simple-lexer";