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An extremely simple JavaScript RegExp-based lexer.

This package works with DenoIt is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Bun, Browsers
It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers
It is unknown whether this package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
It is unknown whether this package works with Bun
It is unknown whether this package works with Browsers
JSR Score
a week ago (0.1.2)

Simple Lexer

An extremely simple JavaScript RegExp-based lexer. It has no advanced capabilities. It will never have them, else it'd no longer be "simple". But sometimes, what it can do is all that you need.

Read the documentation.


Creating a lexer for JSON:

import { SimpleLexer } from "@seally/simple-lexer";

const lexer = new SimpleLexer({
    tokens: {
        "whitespace": /\s+/u,
        "openBrace": "{",
        "closeBrace": "}",
        "openBracket": "[",
        "closeBracket": "]",
        "comma": ",",
        "colon": ":",
        "null": "null",
        "boolean": /true|false/u,
        "number": /-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?/u,
        "string": /"(?:[^"\\]|\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}))*"/u,

// Note that `tokenize()` returns a generator, so spread the result into an
// array if you need a list of tokens.
        '{ "foo": "bar", "fruits": ["apple", "cherry", "kiwi"] }',

This should print something like:

    { type: "openBrace", image: "{", startOffset: 0, nextOffset: 1 },
    { type: "whitespace", image: " ", startOffset: 1, nextOffset: 2 },
    { type: "string", image: '"foo"', startOffset: 2, nextOffset: 7 },
    { type: "colon", image: ":", startOffset: 7, nextOffset: 8 },
    { type: "whitespace", image: " ", startOffset: 8, nextOffset: 9 },
    { type: "string", image: '"bar"', startOffset: 9, nextOffset: 14 },
    { type: "comma", image: ",", startOffset: 14, nextOffset: 15 },
    { type: "whitespace", image: " ", startOffset: 15, nextOffset: 16 },
        type: "string",
        image: '"fruits"',
        startOffset: 16,
        nextOffset: 24,
    { type: "colon", image: ":", startOffset: 24, nextOffset: 25 },
    { type: "whitespace", image: " ", startOffset: 25, nextOffset: 26 },
    { type: "openBracket", image: "[", startOffset: 26, nextOffset: 27 },
    { type: "string", image: '"apple"', startOffset: 27, nextOffset: 34 },
    { type: "comma", image: ",", startOffset: 34, nextOffset: 35 },
    { type: "whitespace", image: " ", startOffset: 35, nextOffset: 36 },
        type: "string",
        image: '"cherry"',
        startOffset: 36,
        nextOffset: 44,
    { type: "comma", image: ",", startOffset: 44, nextOffset: 45 },
    { type: "whitespace", image: " ", startOffset: 45, nextOffset: 46 },
    { type: "string", image: '"kiwi"', startOffset: 46, nextOffset: 52 },
    { type: "closeBracket", image: "]", startOffset: 52, nextOffset: 53 },
    { type: "whitespace", image: " ", startOffset: 53, nextOffset: 54 },
    { type: "closeBrace", image: "}", startOffset: 54, nextOffset: 55 },
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import * as mod from "jsr:@seally/simple-lexer";

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import * as mod from "@seally/simple-lexer";

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import * as mod from "@seally/simple-lexer";

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import * as mod from "@seally/simple-lexer";

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import * as mod from "@seally/simple-lexer";