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This package works with Node.js, DenoIt is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Bun, Browsers
It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
It is unknown whether this package works with Bun
It is unknown whether this package works with Browsers
JSR Score
2 months ago (0.1.0)
function map
Tin = unknown,
Tout = Tin,
readable: ReadableStream<Tin>,
...transformers: ITransformer<any, any>[],
): ReadableStream<Tout>

Creates a new stream by applying one or more transform functions to each chunk of the input stream. When many functions are provided, they are applied in order.


Example 1

const asInt = map<string, number>(readable, parseInt);

Example 2

const asUpperCase = map<string, string>(readable, item => item.toUpperCase());

Example 3

const asDouble = map<number, number>(readable, item => item * 2);

Example 4

const asLength = map<string, number>(readable, item => item.length);

Example 5

const asJSONobj = map<unknown, string>(readable, JSON.stringify, JSON.parse);

Type Parameters

Tin = unknown
Tout = Tin


The input stream

...transformers: ITransformer<any, any>[]

Return Type

A readable stream whose chunks are the result of applying the transform functions (sequentially) to the input chunks

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import { map } from "@sgmonda/qfu";

---- OR ----

Import directly with a jsr specifier

import { map } from "jsr:@sgmonda/qfu";

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import { map } from "@sgmonda/qfu";

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Import symbol

import { map } from "@sgmonda/qfu";

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pnpm dlx jsr add @sgmonda/qfu

Import symbol

import { map } from "@sgmonda/qfu";

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import { map } from "@sgmonda/qfu";