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Utilities for building HTTP servers

This package works with DenoIt is unknown whether this package works with Bun
This package works with Deno
It is unknown whether this package works with Bun
JSR Score
2 weeks ago (1.0.13)

Provides user-friendly serve on top of Deno's native HTTP server and other utilities for creating HTTP servers and clients.

File Server

A small program for serving local files over HTTP.

deno run --allow-net --allow-read jsr:@std/http/file-server
Listening on:
- Local: http://localhost:8000

When the --allow-sys=networkInterfaces permission is provided, the file server will also display the local area network addresses that can be used to access the server.

HTTP Status Code and Status Text

Helper for processing status code and status text.

HTTP errors

Provides error classes for each HTTP error status code as well as utility functions for handling HTTP errors in a structured way.


Provides helper functions and types to work with HTTP method strings safely.


A set of functions which can be used to negotiate content types, encodings and languages when responding to requests.

Note: some libraries include accept charset functionality by analyzing the Accept-Charset header. This is a legacy header that clients omit and servers should ignore therefore is not provided.

User agent handling

The UserAgent class provides user agent string parsing, allowing a user agent flag to be semantically understood.

For example to integrate the user agent provided in the header User-Agent in an http request would look like this:

import { UserAgent } from "@std/http/user-agent";

Deno.serve((req) => {
  const userAgent = new UserAgent(req.headers.get("user-agent") ?? "");
  return new Response(`Hello, ${}
    on ${} ${userAgent.os.version}!`);


route provides an easy way to route requests to different handlers based on the request path and method.

import { route, type Route } from "@std/http/unstable-route";
import { serveDir } from "@std/http/file-server";

const routes: Route[] = [
    pattern: new URLPattern({ pathname: "/about" }),
    handler: () => new Response("About page"),
    pattern: new URLPattern({ pathname: "/users/:id" }),
    handler: (_req, _info, params) => new Response(params?,
    pattern: new URLPattern({ pathname: "/static/*" }),
    handler: (req: Request) => serveDir(req)
    method: ["GET", "HEAD"],
    pattern: new URLPattern({ pathname: "/api" }),
    handler: (req: Request) => new Response(req.method === 'HEAD' ? null : 'ok'),

function defaultHandler(_req: Request) {
  return new Response("Not found", { status: 404 });

Deno.serve(route(routes, defaultHandler));
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Add Package

deno add jsr:@std/http

Import symbol

import * as http from "@std/http";

---- OR ----

Import directly with a jsr specifier

import * as http from "jsr:@std/http";

Add Package

bunx jsr add @std/http

Import symbol

import * as http from "@std/http";