The Semantic Version parser.
Returns true if the string can be parsed as SemVer.
Compare two SemVers.
Returns difference between two SemVers by the release type,
or undefined
if the SemVers are the same.
Returns true
if both SemVers are equivalent.
Format a SemVer object into a string.
Formats the SemVerrange into a string.
Greater than or equal to comparison for two SemVers.
Greater than comparison for two SemVers.
Check if the SemVer is greater than the range.
Returns the new SemVer resulting from an increment by release type.
Does a deep check on the object to determine if its a valid range.
Checks to see if value is a valid SemVer object. It does a check into each field including prerelease and build.
Less than or equal to comparison for two SemVers.
Less than comparison for two SemVers.
Check if the SemVer is less than the range.
Returns the highest SemVer in the list that satisfies the range, or undefined
if none of them do.
Returns the lowest SemVer in the list that satisfies the range, or undefined
none of them do.
Not equal comparison for two SemVers.
SemVer comparison operators.
Attempt to parse a string as a semantic version, returning a SemVer object.
Parses a range string into a Range
A type representing a semantic version range. The ranges consist of a nested array, which represents a set of OR comparisons while the inner array represents AND comparisons.
The ranges intersect every range of AND comparators intersects with a least one range of OR ranges.
The possible release types are used as an operator for the increment function and as a result of the difference function.
Test to see if the SemVer satisfies the range.
Returns the parsed SemVer, or undefined
if it's not valid.
Parses the given range string and returns a Range object. If the range string
is invalid, undefined
is returned.
Returns true if the string can be parsed as SemVer.
Compare two SemVers.
Returns difference between two SemVers by the release type,
or undefined
if the SemVers are the same.
Returns true
if both SemVers are equivalent.
Format a SemVer object into a string.
Formats the SemVerrange into a string.
Greater than or equal to comparison for two SemVers.
Greater than comparison for two SemVers.
Check if the SemVer is greater than the range.
Returns the new SemVer resulting from an increment by release type.
Does a deep check on the object to determine if its a valid range.
Checks to see if value is a valid SemVer object. It does a check into each field including prerelease and build.
Less than or equal to comparison for two SemVers.
Less than comparison for two SemVers.
Check if the SemVer is less than the range.
Returns the highest SemVer in the list that satisfies the range, or undefined
if none of them do.
Returns the lowest SemVer in the list that satisfies the range, or undefined
none of them do.
Not equal comparison for two SemVers.
Attempt to parse a string as a semantic version, returning a SemVer object.
Parses a range string into a Range
The ranges intersect every range of AND comparators intersects with a least one range of OR ranges.
Test to see if the SemVer satisfies the range.
Returns the parsed SemVer, or undefined
if it's not valid.
Parses the given range string and returns a Range object. If the range string
is invalid, undefined
is returned.
SemVer comparison operators.
A type representing a semantic version range. The ranges consist of a nested array, which represents a set of OR comparisons while the inner array represents AND comparisons.
The possible release types are used as an operator for the increment function and as a result of the difference function.