@timepp/zero-config-deno-log@0.1.7Built and signed on GitHub ActionsBuilt and signed on GitHub Actions
Built and signed on GitHub Actions
timepp/enhanced-deno-logBrings coloring, timestamp prefix, files to deno log behavior with zero configuration
This package works with Deno
JSR Score
3 months ago (0.1.7)
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any const name = Deno.mainModule.replace(/.*\/([^\\]+)\.ts$/, '$1') try { Deno.statSync('./logs/') } catch { Deno.mkdirSync('./logs/') } const file = Deno.createSync(`./logs/${name}-${new Date().toJSON().replaceAll(':', '_')}.log`) const config = { dateFormat: 'y-m-d H:M:S.T', prefixEmptyLines: false, colors: {error: 'red', warn: 'yellow', log: 'lightgray', info: 'blue', debug: 'gray', timer: 'green'} } const fmtDate = (date: Date, fmt: string) => { const o = { 'y': date.getFullYear(), 'm': date.getMonth() + 1, 'd': date.getDate(), 'H': date.getHours(), 'M': date.getMinutes(), 'S': date.getSeconds(), 'T': date.getMilliseconds() } return [...fmt].map(c => o[c as keyof typeof o]?.toString()?.padStart(c === 'T'? 3 : 2, '0') || c).join('') } const getPrefix = (type: string) => [`[${fmtDate(new Date, config.dateFormat)}]`, `[${type.padStart(5, ' ')}]`] const formatParams = (data: any[]) => { const records = [] for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) records.push((typeof data[i] === 'string') ? data[i] : Deno.inspect(data[i])) return records.join(' ') } // count '%c' in a string but ignore '%%c' const findColorSpecifiers = (s: string) => { const r = [] for (let i = 0; i < s.length - 1; ++i) { if (s[i] === '%' && s[i + 1] === 'c' && (i === 0 || s[i - 1] !== '%')) r.push(i) } return r } const removeColorSpecifiers = (s: string, removeLimit: number) => { const cs = findColorSpecifiers(s).slice(0, removeLimit) let r = '' let p = 0 for (const c of cs) { r += s.slice(p, c) p = c + 2 } r += s.slice(p) return r } const rawConsole = {...globalThis.console} const timestampedLeveledLog = (level: keyof typeof config.colors, data: any[]) => { const [dp, lp] = getPrefix(level) const emptyLineIntention = data.length === 0 if (data.length === 0) data = [''] let fi = 1 const outputInfo: {l: string, colors: string[]}[] = [] if (typeof data[0] === 'string') { const lines = data[0].split('\n') for (const l of lines) { const c = findColorSpecifiers(l).length outputInfo.push({l, colors: data.slice(fi, fi + c)}) fi += c } } else { outputInfo.push(...formatParams([data[0]]).split('\n').map(l => ({l, colors: []}))) } if (fi < data.length) { const remainingLines = formatParams(data.slice(fi)).split('\n') outputInfo[outputInfo.length - 1].l += ' '+ remainingLines.shift() for (const l of remainingLines) { outputInfo.push({ l, colors: [] }) } } const pf = `color:${config.colors[level]}` let currentUserColorFormat = pf for (let i = 0; i < outputInfo.length; ++i) { const c = outputInfo[i] const connector = outputInfo.length === 1 ? '─' : (i === 0 ? '┬' : i === outputInfo.length - 1 ? '└' : '├') if (config.prefixEmptyLines === false && emptyLineIntention) { // if there is only one line and it's empty, don't prefix it } else { c.l = `%c${dp}${connector}${lp} %c` + c.l c.colors = [pf, currentUserColorFormat, ...c.colors] } if (c.colors.length > 0) { currentUserColorFormat = c.colors[c.colors.length - 1] } } const finalContent = outputInfo.map(o => o.l).join('\n') const finalColors = outputInfo.flatMap(o => o.colors) file.write(new TextEncoder().encode(removeColorSpecifiers(finalContent, finalColors.length) + '\n')) rawConsole[level === 'timer'? 'log' : level](finalContent, ...finalColors) } for (const k of ['error', 'warn', 'log', 'info', 'debug'] as const) { globalThis.console[k] = (...data: any[]) => timestampedLeveledLog(k, data) } const timers: Record<string, number> = {} globalThis.console.time = (label = 'default') => { if (timers[label]) return console.warn(`Timer ${label} already exists.`, timers) timers[label] = performance.now() } globalThis.console.timeLog = (label = 'default', ...data: any[]) => { const logTime = performance.now() const startTime = timers[label] if (!startTime) return console.warn(`Timer ${label} doesn't exist.`, timers) timestampedLeveledLog('timer', [`${label}: ${(logTime - startTime).toLocaleString(undefined, { maximumFractionDigits: 0 })}ms`, ...data]) } globalThis.console.timeEnd = (label = 'default') => { const endTime = performance.now() const startTime = timers[label] if (!startTime) return console.warn(`Timer ${label} doesn't exist.`, timers) timestampedLeveledLog('timer', [`${label}: ${(endTime - startTime).toLocaleString(undefined, { maximumFractionDigits: 0 })}ms - timer ended`]) delete timers[label] } /** * Set date format for timestamp prefix in log messages * Use following single character to represent date parts: y - year, m - month, d - day, H - hour, M - minute, S - second, T - millisecond * * e.g. setDateFormat('y-m-d H:M:S.T') */ export function setDateFormat(fmt = 'y-m-d H:M:S.T') { config.dateFormat = fmt } /** * Whether to prefix log calls with no parameters, e.g. `console.log()` * Set this to `true` will keep writing prefix in this case * Set this to `false` will end up with a blank line * Default is `false` * Note: there will always be prefix for log calls with parameters, even this causes empty line, e.g. `console.log('')` */ export function prefixEmptyLines(p = false) { config.prefixEmptyLines = p } /** * Set colors for different log levels */ export function setColors(colors: Partial<typeof config.colors>) { Object.assign(config.colors, colors) } /** * Get the raw console object in case you need to use the original console */ export const raw = rawConsole