This release is 1 version behind 0.2.0 — the latest version of @tjercus/pico-event-store. Jump to latest
It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers

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a month ago (0.1.0)
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657import { FSDB, FSDBError } from "npm:file-system-db@2.1.0"; import { Either, Left, Right } from "npm:purify-ts@2.1.0"; export type PicoEventStore = { appendToStream: <T>( streamName: string, event: T, ) => Either<FSDBError, Array<T>>; createStream: <T>(streamName: string) => Either<FSDBError, Array<T>>; getStreamVersion: (streamName: string) => Either<FSDBError, number>; readStream: <T>(streamName: string) => Either<FSDBError, Array<T>>; }; /** * Simplest implementation of an Event Store using file-system-db */ const PicoEventStoreImpl = (storageDir: string = "storage"): PicoEventStore => ({ appendToStream: <T>(streamName: string, event: T) => { try { const db = new FSDB(`./${storageDir}/${streamName}.json`, false); if (db.getAll().length === 0) { PicoEventStoreImpl().createStream(streamName); } db.push(streamName, event); return Right(db.getAll()[0] as unknown as Array<T>); } catch (ex: unknown) { return Left(ex as FSDBError); } }, createStream: <T>(streamName: string) => { try { const db = new FSDB(`./${storageDir}/${streamName}.json`, false); db.set(streamName, []); return Right(db.getAll()[0] as unknown as Array<T>); } catch (ex: unknown) { return Left(ex as FSDBError); } }, getStreamVersion: (streamName: string) => { try { const db = new FSDB(`./${storageDir}/${streamName}.json`, false); return Right(db.get(streamName).length); } catch (ex: unknown) { return Left(ex as FSDBError); } }, readStream: <T>(streamName: string) => { try { const db = new FSDB(`./${storageDir}/${streamName}.json`, false); return Right(db.get(streamName) as unknown as Array<T>); } catch (ex: unknown) { return Left(ex as FSDBError); } }, }); export default PicoEventStoreImpl;