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It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers
It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers
It is unknown whether this package works with Node.js
It is unknown whether this package works with Deno
It is unknown whether this package works with Bun
It is unknown whether this package works with Browsers
JSR Score
a month ago (0.2.0)
Package root>main.ts
import { FSDB, FSDBError } from "npm:file-system-db@2.1.0"; import { type Either, Left, Right } from "npm:purify-ts@2.1.0"; export type PicoEventStore = { appendToStream: <T>( streamName: string, event: T, ) => Either<FSDBError, Array<T>>; createStream: <T>(streamName: string) => Either<FSDBError, Array<T>>; getStreamVersion: (streamName: string) => Either<FSDBError, number>; readStream: <T>(streamName: string) => Either<FSDBError, Array<T>>; }; /** * Simplest implementation of an Event Store using file-system-db */ const PicoEventStoreImpl = ( storageDir: string = "storage", ): PicoEventStore => ({ appendToStream: <T>(streamName: string, event: T) => { try { const db = new FSDB(`./${storageDir}/${streamName}.json`, false); if (db.getAll().length === 0) { PicoEventStoreImpl().createStream(streamName); } db.push(streamName, event); return Right(db.getAll()[0].value as unknown as Array<T>); } catch (ex: unknown) { return Left(ex as FSDBError); } }, createStream: <T>(streamName: string) => { try { const db = new FSDB(`./${storageDir}/${streamName}.json`, false); db.set(streamName, []); return Right(db.getAll()[0].value as unknown as Array<T>); } catch (ex: unknown) { return Left(ex as FSDBError); } }, getStreamVersion: (streamName: string) => { try { const db = new FSDB(`./${storageDir}/${streamName}.json`, false); return Right(db.get(streamName).length); } catch (ex: unknown) { return Left(ex as FSDBError); } }, readStream: <T>(streamName: string) => { try { const db = new FSDB(`./${storageDir}/${streamName}.json`, false); const arr = db.get(streamName); return Array.isArray(arr) ? Right(arr as unknown as Array<T>) : Left( new FSDBError({ message: "Stream not found", method: "readStream" }), ); } catch (ex: unknown) { return Left(ex as FSDBError); } }, }); export default PicoEventStoreImpl;