Macros are a mechanism for running JavaScript functions at bundle-time. The value returned from these functions or variables are directly inlined into your bundle.
# npm npm i -D unplugin-macros # jsr npx jsr add -D @unplugin/macros
// vite.config.ts import Macros from 'unplugin-macros/vite' export default defineConfig({ plugins: [Macros()], })
// rollup.config.js import Macros from 'unplugin-macros/rollup' export default { plugins: [Macros()], }
Requires esbuild >= 0.15
// esbuild.config.js import { build } from 'esbuild' build({ plugins: [require('unplugin-macros/esbuild')()], })
// webpack.config.js module.exports = { /* ... */ plugins: [require('unplugin-macros/webpack')()], }
// main.js import { buildTime, getRandom } from './macros' with { type: 'macro' } getRandom() // Will be replaced with a random number at build time buildTime // Will be replaced with the timestamp at the build time
// macros.js export function getRandom() { return Math.random() } export const buildTime =
See more in Bun Macros.
Import Attributes syntax is supported in TypeScript 5.3 and above.
However, you can use assert
keyword instead of with
, which is supported in TypeScript 4.5 and above.
Import Attributes syntax is supported in ESLint v9.14.0.
Refer to docs.
Thanks to Bun Macros.