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This release is 2 versions behind 0.1.3 — the latest version of @versia/federation. Jump to latest

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Federation types, validators and cryptography for Versia server implementations.

This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers
This package works with Cloudflare Workers
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
This package works with Browsers
JSR Score
4 weeks ago (0.1.1)
import { fromZodError } from "npm:zod-validation-error@^3.4.0"; import type { SignatureConstructor } from "../cryptography/index.ts"; import { WebFingerSchema } from "../schemas/webfinger.ts"; import type { User } from "../types.ts"; import { DEFAULT_UA } from "./constants.ts"; type HttpVerb = "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "PATCH" | "DELETE"; /** * Output of a request. Contains the data and headers. * @template ReturnType The type of the data returned by the request. */ export interface Output<ReturnType> { data: ReturnType; ok: boolean; raw: Response; request: Request; } /** * Wrapper around Error, useful for detecting if an error * is due to a failed request. * * Throws if the request returns invalid or unexpected data. */ export class ResponseError< ReturnType = { error?: string; }, > extends Error { constructor( public response: Output<ReturnType>, message: string, ) { super(message); = "ResponseError"; } } /** * Class to handle requests to a remote server. * @param signatureConstructor The constructor to sign requests with. * @param globalCatch A function to call when a request fails. * @example * const requester = new FederationRequester( * new SignatureConstructor(privateKey, keyId), * ); * * const { data, ok } = await requester.get<User>("/users/1"); * * if (!ok) { * console.error(data); * } * * console.log(data); */ export class FederationRequester { constructor( private signatureConstructor?: SignatureConstructor, public globalCatch: (error: ResponseError) => void = () => { // Do nothing by default }, ) {} /** * Get the user's profile link from their username. * @param username The username to get the profile link for. * @param hostname The hostname to get the profile link for (defaults to the server's hostname). * @param contentType The content type of the link to get (defaults to "application/json"). * @param serverUrl The URL of the server to query for WebFinger. Useful for bridges. Defaults to hostname. * @returns The user's profile link. * @throws If the request fails or the response is invalid. * @example * const profileLink = await requester.webFinger("testuser", ""); * * console.log(profileLink); * // => "" */ public async webFinger( username: string, hostname: string, contentType = "application/json", serverUrl = `https://${hostname}`, ): Promise<string> { const result = await this.get<User>( new URL( `/.well-known/webfinger?${new URLSearchParams({ resource: `acct:${username}@${hostname}`, })}`, serverUrl, ), ); // Validate the response const { error, success, data } = await WebFingerSchema.safeParseAsync(, ); if (!success) { throw fromZodError(error); } // Get the first link with a rel of "self" const selfLink = data.links?.find( (link) => link.rel === "self" && link.type === contentType, ); if (!selfLink) { throw new Error( "No link with rel=self found in WebFinger response", ); } if (!selfLink.href) { throw new Error( "Link with rel=self has no href in WebFinger response", ); } // Return user's profile link return selfLink.href; } private async request<ReturnType>( request: Request, ): Promise<Output<ReturnType>> { const result = await fetch(request).catch((e) => { // If using https, try and use http const url = new URL(request.url); if (url.protocol === "https") { url.protocol = "http"; return fetch(url, request); } throw e; }); const isJson = result.headers.get("Content-Type")?.includes("json"); if (!result.ok) { const error = isJson ? await result.clone().json() : await result.clone().text(); throw new ResponseError( { data: error, ok: false, raw: result, request, }, `Request failed (${result.status}): ${ error.error || error.message || result.statusText }`, ); } return { data: isJson ? await result.clone().json() : (await result.clone().text()) || null, ok: true, raw: result, request, }; } private async constructRequest( url: string | URL, method: HttpVerb, body?: object | FormData, extra?: RequestInit, ): Promise<Request> { const headers = new Headers({ Accept: "application/json", "User-Agent": DEFAULT_UA, ...(extra?.headers instanceof Headers ? Object.fromEntries(extra.headers.entries()) : extra?.headers), }); if (body) { headers.set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); } const request = new Request(url, { method, headers, body: body ? body instanceof FormData ? body : JSON.stringify(body) : undefined, ...extra, }); return this.signatureConstructor ? (await this.signatureConstructor.sign(request)).request : request; } /** * Make a GET request to a URL. * @param url The path to make the request to. * @param extra Any extra options to pass to the fetch function. * @returns The data returned by the request. */ public async get<ReturnType>( url: string | URL, extra?: RequestInit, ): Promise<Output<ReturnType>> { return this.request<ReturnType>( await this.constructRequest(url, "GET", undefined, extra), ).catch((e) => { this.globalCatch(e); throw e; }); } /** * Make a POST request to a URL. * @param url The path to make the request to. * @param body The body of the request. * @param extra Any extra options to pass to the fetch function. * @returns The data returned by the request. */ public async post<ReturnType>( url: string | URL, body: object, extra?: RequestInit, ): Promise<Output<ReturnType>> { return this.request<ReturnType>( await this.constructRequest(url, "POST", body, extra), ).catch((e) => { this.globalCatch(e); throw e; }); } }