An options object. Every option is optional.
delimiters: Array<{ start: string; end: string; katexOptions?: KaTeXOptions; }>
These delimiters are used to find TeX inside the template. By default,
the delimiters \(…\)
and $…$
are used for inline math, and \[…\]
and $$…$$
for display math. Note that, if you define your own, they
overwrite the defaults. To avoid this, import the defaultDelimiters
use delimiters: [...defaultDelimiters, …]
to keep them around.
To define custom delimiters, you must specify the start
and end
each delimiter as strings. Optionally, include some options to pass to
KaTeX (most notably displayMode
) for TeX rendered with a specific custom
delimiter. Note that every delimiter may be escaped with a backslash; such
an occurrance is not used as a delimiter. The backslash is removed (but
only if it is followed by a registered delimiter!)
katexOptions: KaTeXOptions
Set default options to pass to KaTeX. These may be overwritten by individual delimiters.