A collection of tools and utilities for Node.js and TypeScript.
Creates a deep copy of the given object.If the browser doesn't support structuredClone, it will fallback to JSON.parse(JSON.stringify())
Generic type for html elements
Generic type of null
Generic type for nullable values
Generic type for nullable values
Omit all nullable values from an object recursively.
Returns a new object with all the properties of the input object removed that are specified in the keys parameter.
Parse a number to a string representing bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes based on the input number.
Parse string bytes to number1kb = 1024 bytes1mb = 1048576 bytes1gb = 1073741824 bytes1tb = 1099511627776 bytes
If detect string is number or boolean, parse it to number or boolean
Make all properties in T optional (deep)
Creates a promise that resolves after a specified time delay.
Make all properties in T readonly (deep)
Make all properties in T required (deep)
Accepts generic strings and known string keys and injects values
Executes the 'run' function within a try-catch block and calls 'cbErr' if an error occurs.
Executes an array of functions serially.
Accepts generic strings and known string keys
Union of values of an array