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This release is 31 versions behind 1.448.1 — the latest version of @windmill/windmill. Jump to latest

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This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers
This package works with Cloudflare Workers
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
This package works with Browsers
JSR Score
2 months ago (1.434.1)
Package root>src>types.gen.ts
// This file is auto-generated by @hey-api/openapi-ts export type AiResource = { path: string; provider: string; }; export type Script = { workspace_id?: string; hash: string; path: string; /** * The first element is the direct parent of the script, the second is the parent of the first, etc * */ parent_hashes?: Array<(string)>; summary: string; description: string; content: string; created_by: string; created_at: string; archived: boolean; schema?: { [key: string]: unknown; }; deleted: boolean; is_template: boolean; extra_perms: { [key: string]: (boolean); }; lock?: string; lock_error_logs?: string; language: 'python3' | 'deno' | 'go' | 'bash' | 'powershell' | 'postgresql' | 'mysql' | 'bigquery' | 'snowflake' | 'mssql' | 'graphql' | 'nativets' | 'bun' | 'php' | 'rust' | 'ansible'; kind: 'script' | 'failure' | 'trigger' | 'command' | 'approval'; starred: boolean; tag?: string; has_draft?: boolean; draft_only?: boolean; envs?: Array<(string)>; concurrent_limit?: number; concurrency_time_window_s?: number; concurrency_key?: string; cache_ttl?: number; dedicated_worker?: boolean; ws_error_handler_muted?: boolean; priority?: number; restart_unless_cancelled?: boolean; timeout?: number; delete_after_use?: boolean; visible_to_runner_only?: boolean; no_main_func: boolean; codebase?: string; has_preprocessor: boolean; }; export type NewScript = { path: string; parent_hash?: string; summary: string; description: string; content: string; schema?: { [key: string]: unknown; }; is_template?: boolean; lock?: string; language: 'python3' | 'deno' | 'go' | 'bash' | 'powershell' | 'postgresql' | 'mysql' | 'bigquery' | 'snowflake' | 'mssql' | 'graphql' | 'nativets' | 'bun' | 'php' | 'rust' | 'ansible'; kind?: 'script' | 'failure' | 'trigger' | 'command' | 'approval'; tag?: string; draft_only?: boolean; envs?: Array<(string)>; concurrent_limit?: number; concurrency_time_window_s?: number; cache_ttl?: number; dedicated_worker?: boolean; ws_error_handler_muted?: boolean; priority?: number; restart_unless_cancelled?: boolean; timeout?: number; delete_after_use?: boolean; deployment_message?: string; concurrency_key?: string; visible_to_runner_only?: boolean; no_main_func?: boolean; codebase?: string; has_preprocessor?: boolean; }; export type NewScriptWithDraft = NewScript & { draft?: NewScript; hash: string; }; export type ScriptHistory = { script_hash: string; deployment_msg?: string; }; export type ScriptArgs = { [key: string]: unknown; }; export type Input = { id: string; name: string; created_by: string; created_at: string; is_public: boolean; success?: boolean; }; export type CreateInput = { name: string; args: { [key: string]: unknown; }; }; export type UpdateInput = { id: string; name: string; is_public: boolean; }; export type RunnableType = 'ScriptHash' | 'ScriptPath' | 'FlowPath'; export type QueuedJob = { workspace_id?: string; id: string; parent_job?: string; created_by?: string; created_at?: string; started_at?: string; scheduled_for?: string; running: boolean; script_path?: string; script_hash?: string; args?: ScriptArgs; logs?: string; raw_code?: string; canceled: boolean; canceled_by?: string; canceled_reason?: string; last_ping?: string; job_kind: 'script' | 'preview' | 'dependencies' | 'flowdependencies' | 'appdependencies' | 'flow' | 'flowpreview' | 'script_hub' | 'identity' | 'deploymentcallback' | 'singlescriptflow' | 'flowscript'; schedule_path?: string; /** * The user (u/userfoo) or group (g/groupfoo) whom * the execution of this script will be permissioned_as and by extension its DT_TOKEN. * */ permissioned_as: string; flow_status?: FlowStatus; raw_flow?: FlowValue; is_flow_step: boolean; language?: 'python3' | 'deno' | 'go' | 'bash' | 'powershell' | 'postgresql' | 'mysql' | 'bigquery' | 'snowflake' | 'mssql' | 'graphql' | 'nativets' | 'bun' | 'php' | 'rust' | 'ansible'; email: string; visible_to_owner: boolean; mem_peak?: number; tag: string; priority?: number; self_wait_time_ms?: number; aggregate_wait_time_ms?: number; suspend?: number; }; export type CompletedJob = { workspace_id?: string; id: string; parent_job?: string; created_by: string; created_at: string; started_at: string; duration_ms: number; success: boolean; script_path?: string; script_hash?: string; args?: ScriptArgs; result?: unknown; logs?: string; deleted?: boolean; raw_code?: string; canceled: boolean; canceled_by?: string; canceled_reason?: string; job_kind: 'script' | 'preview' | 'dependencies' | 'flow' | 'flowdependencies' | 'appdependencies' | 'flowpreview' | 'script_hub' | 'identity' | 'deploymentcallback' | 'singlescriptflow' | 'flowscript'; schedule_path?: string; /** * The user (u/userfoo) or group (g/groupfoo) whom * the execution of this script will be permissioned_as and by extension its DT_TOKEN. * */ permissioned_as: string; flow_status?: FlowStatus; raw_flow?: FlowValue; is_flow_step: boolean; language?: 'python3' | 'deno' | 'go' | 'bash' | 'powershell' | 'postgresql' | 'mysql' | 'bigquery' | 'snowflake' | 'mssql' | 'graphql' | 'nativets' | 'bun' | 'php' | 'rust' | 'ansible'; is_skipped: boolean; email: string; visible_to_owner: boolean; mem_peak?: number; tag: string; priority?: number; labels?: Array<(string)>; self_wait_time_ms?: number; aggregate_wait_time_ms?: number; }; export type ObscuredJob = { typ?: string; started_at?: string; duration_ms?: number; }; export type Job = CompletedJob & { type?: 'CompletedJob'; } | QueuedJob & { type?: 'QueuedJob'; }; export type User = { email: string; username: string; is_admin: boolean; is_super_admin: boolean; created_at: string; operator: boolean; disabled: boolean; groups?: Array<(string)>; folders: Array<(string)>; folders_owners: Array<(string)>; }; export type UserUsage = { email?: string; executions?: number; }; export type Login = { email: string; password: string; }; export type EditWorkspaceUser = { is_admin?: boolean; operator?: boolean; disabled?: boolean; }; export type TruncatedToken = { label?: string; expiration?: string; token_prefix: string; created_at: string; last_used_at: string; scopes?: Array<(string)>; email?: string; }; export type NewToken = { label?: string; expiration?: string; scopes?: Array<(string)>; workspace_id?: string; }; export type NewTokenImpersonate = { label?: string; expiration?: string; impersonate_email: string; workspace_id?: string; }; export type ListableVariable = { workspace_id: string; path: string; value?: string; is_secret: boolean; description?: string; account?: number; is_oauth?: boolean; extra_perms: { [key: string]: (boolean); }; is_expired?: boolean; refresh_error?: string; is_linked?: boolean; is_refreshed?: boolean; expires_at?: string; }; export type ContextualVariable = { name: string; value: string; description: string; is_custom: boolean; }; export type CreateVariable = { path: string; value: string; is_secret: boolean; description: string; account?: number; is_oauth?: boolean; expires_at?: string; }; export type EditVariable = { path?: string; value?: string; is_secret?: boolean; description?: string; }; export type AuditLog = { id: number; timestamp: string; username: string; operation: '' | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' | 'jobs.flow_dependencies' | 'jobs' | 'jobs.cancel' | 'jobs.force_cancel' | 'jobs.disapproval' | 'jobs.delete' | 'account.delete' | 'ai.request' | 'resources.create' | 'resources.update' | 'resources.delete' | 'resource_types.create' | 'resource_types.update' | 'resource_types.delete' | 'schedule.create' | 'schedule.setenabled' | 'schedule.edit' | 'schedule.delete' | 'scripts.create' | 'scripts.update' | 'scripts.archive' | 'scripts.delete' | 'users.create' | 'users.delete' | 'users.update' | 'users.login' | 'users.login_failure' | 'users.logout' | 'users.accept_invite' | 'users.decline_invite' | 'users.token.create' | 'users.token.delete' | 'users.add_to_workspace' | 'users.add_global' | 'users.setpassword' | 'users.impersonate' | 'users.leave_workspace' | 'oauth.login' | 'oauth.login_failure' | 'oauth.signup' | 'variables.create' | 'variables.delete' | 'variables.update' | 'flows.create' | 'flows.update' | 'flows.delete' | 'flows.archive' | 'apps.create' | 'apps.update' | 'apps.delete' | 'folder.create' | 'folder.update' | 'folder.delete' | 'folder.add_owner' | 'folder.remove_owner' | 'group.create' | 'group.delete' | 'group.edit' | 'group.adduser' | 'group.removeuser' | 'igroup.create' | 'igroup.delete' | 'igroup.adduser' | 'igroup.removeuser' | 'variables.decrypt_secret' | 'workspaces.edit_command_script' | 'workspaces.edit_deploy_to' | 'workspaces.edit_auto_invite_domain' | 'workspaces.edit_webhook' | 'workspaces.edit_copilot_config' | 'workspaces.edit_error_handler' | 'workspaces.create' | 'workspaces.update' | 'workspaces.archive' | 'workspaces.unarchive' | 'workspaces.delete'; action_kind: 'Created' | 'Updated' | 'Delete' | 'Execute'; resource?: string; parameters?: { [key: string]: unknown; }; }; export type MainArgSignature = { type: 'Valid' | 'Invalid'; error: string; star_args: boolean; star_kwargs?: boolean; args: Array<{ name: string; typ: 'float' | 'int' | 'bool' | 'email' | 'unknown' | 'bytes' | 'dict' | 'datetime' | 'sql' | { resource: string | null; } | { str: Array<(string)> | null; } | { object: Array<{ key: string; typ: 'float' | 'int' | 'bool' | 'email' | 'unknown' | 'bytes' | 'dict' | 'datetime' | 'sql' | { str: unknown; }; }>; } | { list: 'float' | 'int' | 'bool' | 'email' | 'unknown' | 'bytes' | 'dict' | 'datetime' | 'sql' | { str: unknown; } | null; }; has_default?: boolean; default?: unknown; }>; no_main_func: boolean | null; has_preprocessor: boolean | null; }; export type Preview = { content?: string; path?: string; args: ScriptArgs; language?: 'python3' | 'deno' | 'go' | 'bash' | 'powershell' | 'postgresql' | 'mysql' | 'bigquery' | 'snowflake' | 'mssql' | 'graphql' | 'nativets' | 'bun' | 'php' | 'rust' | 'ansible'; tag?: string; kind?: 'code' | 'identity' | 'http'; dedicated_worker?: boolean; lock?: string; }; export type WorkflowTask = { args: ScriptArgs; }; export type WorkflowStatusRecord = { [key: string]: WorkflowStatus; }; export type WorkflowStatus = { scheduled_for?: string; started_at?: string; duration_ms?: number; name?: string; }; export type CreateResource = { path: string; value: unknown; description?: string; resource_type: string; }; export type EditResource = { path?: string; description?: string; value?: unknown; }; export type Resource = { workspace_id?: string; path: string; description?: string; resource_type: string; value?: unknown; is_oauth: boolean; extra_perms?: { [key: string]: (boolean); }; created_by?: string; edited_at?: string; }; export type ListableResource = { workspace_id?: string; path: string; description?: string; resource_type: string; value?: unknown; is_oauth: boolean; extra_perms?: { [key: string]: (boolean); }; is_expired?: boolean; refresh_error?: string; is_linked: boolean; is_refreshed: boolean; account?: number; created_by?: string; edited_at?: string; }; export type ResourceType = { workspace_id?: string; name: string; schema?: unknown; description?: string; created_by?: string; edited_at?: string; format_extension?: string; }; export type EditResourceType = { schema?: unknown; description?: string; }; export type Schedule = { path: string; edited_by: string; edited_at: string; schedule: string; timezone: string; enabled: boolean; script_path: string; is_flow: boolean; args?: ScriptArgs; extra_perms: { [key: string]: (boolean); }; email: string; error?: string; on_failure?: string; on_failure_times?: number; on_failure_exact?: boolean; on_failure_extra_args?: ScriptArgs; on_recovery?: string; on_recovery_times?: number; on_recovery_extra_args?: ScriptArgs; on_success?: string; on_success_extra_args?: ScriptArgs; ws_error_handler_muted?: boolean; retry?: Retry; summary?: string; no_flow_overlap?: boolean; tag?: string; paused_until?: string; cron_version?: string; }; export type ScheduleWJobs = Schedule & { jobs?: Array<{ id: string; success: boolean; duration_ms: number; }>; }; export type NewSchedule = { path: string; schedule: string; timezone: string; script_path: string; is_flow: boolean; args: ScriptArgs; enabled?: boolean; on_failure?: string; on_failure_times?: number; on_failure_exact?: boolean; on_failure_extra_args?: ScriptArgs; on_recovery?: string; on_recovery_times?: number; on_recovery_extra_args?: ScriptArgs; on_success?: string; on_success_extra_args?: ScriptArgs; ws_error_handler_muted?: boolean; retry?: Retry; no_flow_overlap?: boolean; summary?: string; tag?: string; paused_until?: string; cron_version?: string; }; export type EditSchedule = { schedule: string; timezone: string; args: ScriptArgs; on_failure?: string; on_failure_times?: number; on_failure_exact?: boolean; on_failure_extra_args?: ScriptArgs; on_recovery?: string; on_recovery_times?: number; on_recovery_extra_args?: ScriptArgs; on_success?: string; on_success_extra_args?: ScriptArgs; ws_error_handler_muted?: boolean; retry?: Retry; no_flow_overlap?: boolean; summary?: string; tag?: string; paused_until?: string; cron_version?: string; }; export type HttpTrigger = { path: string; edited_by: string; edited_at: string; script_path: string; route_path: string; static_asset_config?: { s3: string; storage?: string; filename?: string; }; is_flow: boolean; extra_perms: { [key: string]: (boolean); }; email: string; workspace_id: string; http_method: 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'delete' | 'patch'; is_async: boolean; requires_auth: boolean; }; export type NewHttpTrigger = { path: string; script_path: string; route_path: string; static_asset_config?: { s3: string; storage?: string; filename?: string; }; is_flow: boolean; http_method: 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'delete' | 'patch'; is_async: boolean; requires_auth: boolean; }; export type EditHttpTrigger = { path: string; script_path: string; route_path?: string; static_asset_config?: { s3: string; storage?: string; filename?: string; }; is_flow: boolean; http_method: 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'delete' | 'patch'; is_async: boolean; requires_auth: boolean; }; export type TriggersCount = { primary_schedule?: { schedule?: string; }; schedule_count?: number; http_routes_count?: number; webhook_count?: number; email_count?: number; websocket_count?: number; kafka_count?: number; }; export type WebsocketTrigger = { path: string; edited_by: string; edited_at: string; script_path: string; url: string; is_flow: boolean; extra_perms: { [key: string]: (boolean); }; email: string; workspace_id: string; server_id?: string; last_server_ping?: string; error?: string; enabled: boolean; filters: Array<{ key: string; value: unknown; }>; initial_messages: Array<WebsocketTriggerInitialMessage>; url_runnable_args: ScriptArgs; }; export type NewWebsocketTrigger = { path: string; script_path: string; is_flow: boolean; url: string; enabled?: boolean; filters: Array<{ key: string; value: unknown; }>; initial_messages: Array<WebsocketTriggerInitialMessage>; url_runnable_args: ScriptArgs; }; export type EditWebsocketTrigger = { url: string; path: string; script_path: string; is_flow: boolean; filters: Array<{ key: string; value: unknown; }>; initial_messages: Array<WebsocketTriggerInitialMessage>; url_runnable_args: ScriptArgs; }; export type WebsocketTriggerInitialMessage = { raw_message: string; } | { runnable_result: { path: string; args: ScriptArgs; is_flow: boolean; }; }; export type KafkaTrigger = { path: string; edited_by: string; edited_at: string; script_path: string; kafka_resource_path: string; group_id: string; topics: Array<(string)>; is_flow: boolean; extra_perms: { [key: string]: (boolean); }; email: string; workspace_id: string; server_id?: string; last_server_ping?: string; error?: string; enabled: boolean; }; export type NewKafkaTrigger = { path: string; script_path: string; is_flow: boolean; kafka_resource_path: string; group_id: string; topics: Array<(string)>; enabled?: boolean; }; export type EditKafkaTrigger = { kafka_resource_path: string; group_id: string; topics: Array<(string)>; path: string; script_path: string; is_flow: boolean; }; export type Group = { name: string; summary?: string; members?: Array<(string)>; extra_perms?: { [key: string]: (boolean); }; }; export type InstanceGroup = { name: string; summary?: string; emails?: Array<(string)>; }; export type Folder = { name: string; owners: Array<(string)>; extra_perms: { [key: string]: (boolean); }; summary?: string; created_by?: string; edited_at?: string; }; export type WorkerPing = { worker: string; worker_instance: string; last_ping?: number; started_at: string; ip: string; jobs_executed: number; custom_tags?: Array<(string)>; worker_group: string; wm_version: string; last_job_id?: string; last_job_workspace_id?: string; occupancy_rate?: number; occupancy_rate_15s?: number; occupancy_rate_5m?: number; occupancy_rate_30m?: number; memory?: number; vcpus?: number; memory_usage?: number; wm_memory_usage?: number; }; export type UserWorkspaceList = { email: string; workspaces: Array<{ id: string; name: string; username: string; }>; }; export type CreateWorkspace = { id: string; name: string; username?: string; }; export type Workspace = { id: string; name: string; owner: string; domain?: string; }; export type WorkspaceInvite = { workspace_id: string; email: string; is_admin: boolean; operator: boolean; }; export type GlobalUserInfo = { email: string; login_type: 'password' | 'github'; super_admin: boolean; devops?: boolean; verified: boolean; name?: string; company?: string; username?: string; operator_only?: boolean; }; export type Flow = OpenFlow & FlowMetadata; export type ExtraPerms = { [key: string]: (boolean); }; export type FlowMetadata = { workspace_id?: string; path: string; edited_by: string; edited_at: string; archived: boolean; extra_perms: ExtraPerms; starred?: boolean; draft_only?: boolean; tag?: string; ws_error_handler_muted?: boolean; priority?: number; dedicated_worker?: boolean; timeout?: number; visible_to_runner_only?: boolean; }; export type OpenFlowWPath = OpenFlow & { path: string; tag?: string; ws_error_handler_muted?: boolean; priority?: number; dedicated_worker?: boolean; timeout?: number; visible_to_runner_only?: boolean; }; export type FlowPreview = { value: FlowValue; path?: string; args: ScriptArgs; tag?: string; restarted_from?: RestartedFrom; }; export type RestartedFrom = { flow_job_id?: string; step_id?: string; branch_or_iteration_n?: number; }; export type Policy = { triggerables?: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: unknown; }; }; triggerables_v2?: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: unknown; }; }; s3_inputs?: Array<{ [key: string]: unknown; }>; execution_mode?: 'viewer' | 'publisher' | 'anonymous'; on_behalf_of?: string; on_behalf_of_email?: string; }; export type ListableApp = { id: number; workspace_id: string; path: string; summary: string; version: number; extra_perms: { [key: string]: (boolean); }; starred?: boolean; edited_at: string; execution_mode: 'viewer' | 'publisher' | 'anonymous'; }; export type ListableRawApp = { workspace_id: string; path: string; summary: string; extra_perms: { [key: string]: (boolean); }; starred?: boolean; version: number; edited_at: string; }; export type AppWithLastVersion = { id: number; workspace_id: string; path: string; summary: string; versions: Array<(number)>; created_by: string; created_at: string; value: { [key: string]: unknown; }; policy: Policy; execution_mode: 'viewer' | 'publisher' | 'anonymous'; extra_perms: { [key: string]: (boolean); }; }; export type AppWithLastVersionWDraft = AppWithLastVersion & { draft_only?: boolean; draft?: unknown; }; export type AppHistory = { version: number; deployment_msg?: string; }; export type FlowVersion = { id: number; created_at: string; deployment_msg?: string; }; export type SlackToken = { access_token: string; team_id: string; team_name: string; bot: { bot_access_token?: string; }; }; export type TokenResponse = { access_token: string; expires_in?: number; refresh_token?: string; scope?: Array<(string)>; }; export type HubScriptKind = unknown; export type PolarsClientKwargs = { region_name: string; }; export type LargeFileStorage = { type?: 'S3Storage' | 'AzureBlobStorage' | 'AzureWorkloadIdentity' | 'S3AwsOidc'; s3_resource_path?: string; azure_blob_resource_path?: string; public_resource?: boolean; secondary_storage?: { [key: string]: { type?: 'S3Storage' | 'AzureBlobStorage' | 'AzureWorkloadIdentity' | 'S3AwsOidc'; s3_resource_path?: string; azure_blob_resource_path?: string; public_resource?: boolean; }; }; }; export type WindmillLargeFile = { s3: string; }; export type WindmillFileMetadata = { mime_type?: string; size_in_bytes?: number; last_modified?: string; expires?: string; version_id?: string; }; export type WindmillFilePreview = { msg?: string; content?: string; content_type: 'RawText' | 'Csv' | 'Parquet' | 'Unknown'; }; export type S3Resource = { bucket: string; region: string; endPoint: string; useSSL: boolean; accessKey?: string; secretKey?: string; pathStyle: boolean; }; export type WorkspaceGitSyncSettings = { include_path?: Array<(string)>; include_type?: Array<('script' | 'flow' | 'app' | 'folder' | 'resource' | 'variable' | 'secret' | 'resourcetype' | 'schedule' | 'user' | 'group')>; repositories?: Array<GitRepositorySettings>; }; export type WorkspaceDeployUISettings = { include_path?: Array<(string)>; include_type?: Array<('script' | 'flow' | 'app' | 'resource' | 'variable' | 'secret')>; }; export type WorkspaceDefaultScripts = { order?: Array<(string)>; hidden?: Array<(string)>; default_script_content?: unknown; }; export type GitRepositorySettings = { script_path: string; git_repo_resource_path: string; use_individual_branch?: boolean; group_by_folder?: boolean; exclude_types_override?: Array<('script' | 'flow' | 'app' | 'folder' | 'resource' | 'variable' | 'secret' | 'resourcetype' | 'schedule' | 'user' | 'group')>; }; export type UploadFilePart = { part_number: number; tag: string; }; export type MetricMetadata = { id: string; name?: string; }; export type ScalarMetric = { metric_id?: string; value: number; }; export type TimeseriesMetric = { metric_id?: string; values: Array<MetricDataPoint>; }; export type MetricDataPoint = { timestamp: string; value: number; }; export type RawScriptForDependencies = { raw_code: string; path: string; language: 'python3' | 'deno' | 'go' | 'bash' | 'powershell' | 'postgresql' | 'mysql' | 'bigquery' | 'snowflake' | 'mssql' | 'graphql' | 'nativets' | 'bun' | 'php' | 'rust' | 'ansible'; }; export type ConcurrencyGroup = { concurrency_key: string; total_running: number; }; export type ExtendedJobs = { jobs: Array<Job>; obscured_jobs: Array<ObscuredJob>; /** * Obscured jobs omitted for security because of too specific filtering */ omitted_obscured_jobs?: boolean; }; export type ExportedUser = { email: string; password_hash?: string; super_admin: boolean; verified: boolean; name?: string; company?: string; first_time_user: boolean; username?: string; }; export type GlobalSetting = { name: string; value: { [key: string]: unknown; }; }; export type Config = { name: string; config?: { [key: string]: unknown; }; }; export type ExportedInstanceGroup = { name: string; summary?: string; emails?: Array<(string)>; id?: string; scim_display_name?: string; external_id?: string; }; export type JobSearchHit = { dancer?: string; }; export type LogSearchHit = { dancer?: string; }; export type AutoscalingEvent = { id?: number; worker_group?: string; event_type?: string; desired_workers?: number; reason?: string; applied_at?: string; }; export type CriticalAlert = { /** * Unique identifier for the alert */ id?: number; /** * Type of alert (e.g., critical_error) */ alert_type?: string; /** * The message content of the alert */ message?: string; /** * Time when the alert was created */ created_at?: string; /** * Acknowledgment status of the alert, can be true, false, or null if not set */ acknowledged?: boolean | null; /** * Workspace id if the alert is in the scope of a workspace */ workspace_id?: string | null; }; export type OpenFlow = { summary: string; description?: string; value: FlowValue; schema?: { [key: string]: unknown; }; }; export type FlowValue = { modules: Array<FlowModule>; failure_module?: FlowModule; preprocessor_module?: FlowModule; same_worker?: boolean; concurrent_limit?: number; concurrency_key?: string; concurrency_time_window_s?: number; skip_expr?: string; cache_ttl?: number; priority?: number; early_return?: string; }; export type Retry = { constant?: { attempts?: number; seconds?: number; }; exponential?: { attempts?: number; multiplier?: number; seconds?: number; random_factor?: number; }; }; export type FlowModule = { id: string; value: FlowModuleValue; stop_after_if?: { skip_if_stopped?: boolean; expr: string; }; stop_after_all_iters_if?: { skip_if_stopped?: boolean; expr: string; }; skip_if?: { expr: string; }; sleep?: InputTransform; cache_ttl?: number; timeout?: number; delete_after_use?: boolean; summary?: string; mock?: { enabled?: boolean; return_value?: unknown; }; suspend?: { required_events?: number; timeout?: number; resume_form?: { schema?: { [key: string]: unknown; }; }; user_auth_required?: boolean; user_groups_required?: InputTransform; self_approval_disabled?: boolean; hide_cancel?: boolean; continue_on_disapprove_timeout?: boolean; }; priority?: number; continue_on_error?: boolean; retry?: Retry; }; export type InputTransform = StaticTransform | JavascriptTransform; export type StaticTransform = { value?: unknown; type: 'static'; }; export type JavascriptTransform = { expr: string; type: 'javascript'; }; export type FlowModuleValue = RawScript | PathScript | PathFlow | ForloopFlow | WhileloopFlow | BranchOne | BranchAll | Identity; export type RawScript = { input_transforms: { [key: string]: InputTransform; }; content: string; language: 'deno' | 'bun' | 'python3' | 'go' | 'bash' | 'powershell' | 'postgresql' | 'mysql' | 'bigquery' | 'snowflake' | 'mssql' | 'graphql' | 'nativets' | 'php'; path?: string; lock?: string; type: 'rawscript'; tag?: string; concurrent_limit?: number; concurrency_time_window_s?: number; custom_concurrency_key?: string; is_trigger?: boolean; }; export type PathScript = { input_transforms: { [key: string]: InputTransform; }; path: string; hash?: string; type: 'script'; tag_override?: string; is_trigger?: boolean; }; export type PathFlow = { input_transforms: { [key: string]: InputTransform; }; path: string; type: 'flow'; }; export type ForloopFlow = { modules: Array<FlowModule>; iterator: InputTransform; skip_failures: boolean; type: 'forloopflow'; parallel?: boolean; parallelism?: number; }; export type WhileloopFlow = { modules: Array<FlowModule>; skip_failures: boolean; type: 'whileloopflow'; parallel?: boolean; parallelism?: number; }; export type BranchOne = { branches: Array<{ summary?: string; expr: string; modules: Array<FlowModule>; }>; default: Array<FlowModule>; type: 'branchone'; }; export type BranchAll = { branches: Array<{ summary?: string; skip_failure?: boolean; modules: Array<FlowModule>; }>; type: 'branchall'; parallel?: boolean; }; export type Identity = { type: 'identity'; flow?: boolean; }; export type FlowStatus = { step: number; modules: Array<FlowStatusModule>; user_states?: unknown; preprocessor_module?: FlowStatusModule; failure_module: FlowStatusModule & { parent_module?: string; }; retry?: { fail_count?: number; failed_jobs?: Array<(string)>; }; }; export type FlowStatusModule = { type: 'WaitingForPriorSteps' | 'WaitingForEvents' | 'WaitingForExecutor' | 'InProgress' | 'Success' | 'Failure'; id?: string; job?: string; count?: number; progress?: number; iterator?: { index?: number; itered?: Array<unknown>; args?: unknown; }; flow_jobs?: Array<(string)>; flow_jobs_success?: Array<(boolean)>; branch_chosen?: { type: 'branch' | 'default'; branch?: number; }; branchall?: { branch: number; len: number; }; approvers?: Array<{ resume_id: number; approver: string; }>; failed_retries?: Array<(string)>; skipped?: boolean; }; export type ParameterKey = string; export type ParameterWorkspaceId = string; export type ParameterVersionId = number; export type ParameterToken = string; export type ParameterAccountId = number; export type ParameterClientName = string; export type ParameterScriptPath = string; export type ParameterScriptHash = string; export type ParameterJobId = string; export type ParameterPath = string; export type ParameterPathId = number; export type ParameterPathVersion = number; export type ParameterName = string; /** * which page to return (start at 1, default 1) */ export type ParameterPage = number; /** * number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) */ export type ParameterPerPage = number; /** * order by desc order (default true) */ export type ParameterOrderDesc = boolean; /** * mask to filter exact matching user creator */ export type ParameterCreatedBy = string; /** * mask to filter exact matching job's label (job labels are completed jobs with as a result an object containing a string in the array at key 'wm_labels') */ export type ParameterLabel = string; /** * The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any */ export type ParameterParentJob = string; /** * Override the tag to use */ export type ParameterWorkerTag = string; /** * Override the cache time to live (in seconds). Can not be used to disable caching, only override with a new cache ttl */ export type ParameterCacheTtl = string; /** * The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request) */ export type ParameterNewJobId = string; /** * List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args * Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key * */ export type ParameterIncludeHeader = string; /** * The maximum size of the queue for which the request would get rejected if that job would push it above that limit * */ export type ParameterQueueLimit = string; /** * The base64 encoded payload that has been encoded as a JSON. e.g how to encode such payload encodeURIComponent * `encodeURIComponent(btoa(JSON.stringify({a: 2})))` * */ export type ParameterPayload = string; /** * mask to filter matching starting path */ export type ParameterScriptStartPath = string; /** * mask to filter by schedule path */ export type ParameterSchedulePath = string; /** * mask to filter exact matching path */ export type ParameterScriptExactPath = string; /** * mask to filter exact matching path */ export type ParameterScriptExactHash = string; /** * filter on created before (inclusive) timestamp */ export type ParameterCreatedBefore = string; /** * filter on created after (exclusive) timestamp */ export type ParameterCreatedAfter = string; /** * filter on started before (inclusive) timestamp */ export type ParameterStartedBefore = string; /** * filter on started after (exclusive) timestamp */ export type ParameterStartedAfter = string; /** * filter on started before (inclusive) timestamp */ export type ParameterBefore = string; /** * filter on created_at for non non started job and started_at otherwise after (exclusive) timestamp */ export type ParameterCreatedOrStartedAfter = string; /** * filter on created_at for non non started job and started_at otherwise after (exclusive) timestamp but only for the completed jobs */ export type ParameterCreatedOrStartedAfterCompletedJob = string; /** * filter on created_at for non non started job and started_at otherwise before (inclusive) timestamp */ export type ParameterCreatedOrStartedBefore = string; /** * filter on successful jobs */ export type ParameterSuccess = boolean; /** * filter on jobs scheduled_for before now (hence waitinf for a worker) */ export type ParameterScheduledForBeforeNow = boolean; /** * filter on suspended jobs */ export type ParameterSuspended = boolean; /** * filter on running jobs */ export type ParameterRunning = boolean; /** * filter on jobs containing those args as a json subset (@> in postgres) */ export type ParameterArgsFilter = string; /** * filter on jobs with a given tag/worker group */ export type ParameterTag = string; /** * filter on jobs containing those result as a json subset (@> in postgres) */ export type ParameterResultFilter = string; /** * filter on created after (exclusive) timestamp */ export type ParameterAfter = string; /** * filter on exact username of user */ export type ParameterUsername = string; /** * filter on exact or prefix name of operation */ export type ParameterOperation = string; /** * filter on exact or prefix name of resource */ export type ParameterResourceName = string; /** * filter on type of operation */ export type ParameterActionKind = 'Create' | 'Update' | 'Delete' | 'Execute'; /** * filter on job kind (values 'preview', 'script', 'dependencies', 'flow') separated by, */ export type ParameterJobKinds = string; export type ParameterRunnableId = string; export type ParameterRunnableTypeQuery = RunnableType; export type ParameterInputId = string; export type ParameterGetStarted = boolean; export type ParameterConcurrencyId = string; export type BackendVersionResponse = string; export type BackendUptodateResponse = string; export type GetLicenseIdResponse = string; export type GetOpenApiYamlResponse = string; export type GetAuditLogData = { id: number; workspace: string; }; export type GetAuditLogResponse = AuditLog; export type ListAuditLogsData = { /** * filter on type of operation */ actionKind?: 'Create' | 'Update' | 'Delete' | 'Execute'; /** * filter on created after (exclusive) timestamp */ after?: string; /** * filter on started before (inclusive) timestamp */ before?: string; /** * comma separated list of operations to exclude */ excludeOperations?: string; /** * filter on exact or prefix name of operation */ operation?: string; /** * comma separated list of exact operations to include */ operations?: string; /** * which page to return (start at 1, default 1) */ page?: number; /** * number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) */ perPage?: number; /** * filter on exact or prefix name of resource */ resource?: string; /** * filter on exact username of user */ username?: string; workspace: string; }; export type ListAuditLogsResponse = Array<AuditLog>; export type LoginData = { /** * credentials */ requestBody: Login; }; export type LoginResponse = string; export type LogoutResponse = string; export type GetUserData = { username: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetUserResponse = User; export type UpdateUserData = { /** * new user */ requestBody: EditWorkspaceUser; username: string; workspace: string; }; export type UpdateUserResponse = string; export type IsOwnerOfPathData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type IsOwnerOfPathResponse = boolean; export type SetPasswordData = { /** * set password */ requestBody: { password: string; }; }; export type SetPasswordResponse = string; export type SetPasswordForUserData = { /** * set password */ requestBody: { password: string; }; user: string; }; export type SetPasswordForUserResponse = string; export type SetLoginTypeForUserData = { /** * set login type */ requestBody: { login_type: string; }; user: string; }; export type SetLoginTypeForUserResponse = string; export type CreateUserGloballyData = { /** * user info */ requestBody: { email: string; password: string; super_admin: boolean; name?: string; company?: string; }; }; export type CreateUserGloballyResponse = string; export type GlobalUserUpdateData = { email: string; /** * new user info */ requestBody: { is_super_admin?: boolean; is_devops?: boolean; name?: string; }; }; export type GlobalUserUpdateResponse = string; export type GlobalUsernameInfoData = { email: string; }; export type GlobalUsernameInfoResponse = { username: string; workspace_usernames: Array<{ workspace_id: string; username: string; }>; }; export type GlobalUserRenameData = { email: string; /** * new username */ requestBody: { new_username: string; }; }; export type GlobalUserRenameResponse = string; export type GlobalUserDeleteData = { email: string; }; export type GlobalUserDeleteResponse = string; export type GlobalUsersOverwriteData = { /** * List of users */ requestBody: Array<ExportedUser>; }; export type GlobalUsersOverwriteResponse = string; export type GlobalUsersExportResponse = Array<ExportedUser>; export type DeleteUserData = { username: string; workspace: string; }; export type DeleteUserResponse = string; export type GetCurrentEmailResponse = string; export type RefreshUserTokenResponse = string; export type GetTutorialProgressResponse = { progress?: number; }; export type UpdateTutorialProgressData = { /** * progress update */ requestBody: { progress?: number; }; }; export type UpdateTutorialProgressResponse = string; export type LeaveInstanceResponse = string; export type GetUsageResponse = number; export type GetRunnableResponse = { workspace: string; endpoint_async: string; endpoint_sync: string; endpoint_openai_sync: string; summary: string; description?: string; kind: string; }; export type GlobalWhoamiResponse = GlobalUserInfo; export type ListWorkspaceInvitesResponse = Array<WorkspaceInvite>; export type WhoamiData = { workspace: string; }; export type WhoamiResponse = User; export type AcceptInviteData = { /** * accept invite */ requestBody: { workspace_id: string; username?: string; }; }; export type AcceptInviteResponse = string; export type DeclineInviteData = { /** * decline invite */ requestBody: { workspace_id: string; }; }; export type DeclineInviteResponse = string; export type WhoisData = { username: string; workspace: string; }; export type WhoisResponse = User; export type ExistsEmailData = { email: string; }; export type ExistsEmailResponse = boolean; export type ListUsersAsSuperAdminData = { /** * filter only active users */ activeOnly?: boolean; /** * which page to return (start at 1, default 1) */ page?: number; /** * number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) */ perPage?: number; }; export type ListUsersAsSuperAdminResponse = Array<GlobalUserInfo>; export type ListUsersData = { workspace: string; }; export type ListUsersResponse = Array<User>; export type ListUsersUsageData = { workspace: string; }; export type ListUsersUsageResponse = Array<UserUsage>; export type ListUsernamesData = { workspace: string; }; export type ListUsernamesResponse = Array<(string)>; export type UsernameToEmailData = { username: string; workspace: string; }; export type UsernameToEmailResponse = string; export type CreateTokenData = { /** * new token */ requestBody: NewToken; }; export type CreateTokenResponse = string; export type CreateTokenImpersonateData = { /** * new token */ requestBody: NewTokenImpersonate; }; export type CreateTokenImpersonateResponse = string; export type DeleteTokenData = { tokenPrefix: string; }; export type DeleteTokenResponse = string; export type ListTokensData = { excludeEphemeral?: boolean; /** * which page to return (start at 1, default 1) */ page?: number; /** * number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) */ perPage?: number; }; export type ListTokensResponse = Array<TruncatedToken>; export type LoginWithOauthData = { clientName: string; /** * Partially filled script */ requestBody: { code?: string; state?: string; }; }; export type LoginWithOauthResponse = string; export type ListWorkspacesResponse = Array<Workspace>; export type IsDomainAllowedResponse = boolean; export type ListUserWorkspacesResponse = UserWorkspaceList; export type ListWorkspacesAsSuperAdminData = { /** * which page to return (start at 1, default 1) */ page?: number; /** * number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) */ perPage?: number; }; export type ListWorkspacesAsSuperAdminResponse = Array<Workspace>; export type CreateWorkspaceData = { /** * new token */ requestBody: CreateWorkspace; }; export type CreateWorkspaceResponse = string; export type ExistsWorkspaceData = { /** * id of workspace */ requestBody: { id: string; }; }; export type ExistsWorkspaceResponse = boolean; export type ExistsUsernameData = { requestBody: { id: string; username: string; }; }; export type ExistsUsernameResponse = boolean; export type InviteUserData = { /** * WorkspaceInvite */ requestBody: { email: string; is_admin: boolean; operator: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; export type InviteUserResponse = string; export type AddUserData = { /** * WorkspaceInvite */ requestBody: { email: string; is_admin: boolean; username?: string; operator: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; export type AddUserResponse = string; export type DeleteInviteData = { /** * WorkspaceInvite */ requestBody: { email: string; is_admin: boolean; operator: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; export type DeleteInviteResponse = string; export type ArchiveWorkspaceData = { workspace: string; }; export type ArchiveWorkspaceResponse = string; export type UnarchiveWorkspaceData = { workspace: string; }; export type UnarchiveWorkspaceResponse = string; export type DeleteWorkspaceData = { workspace: string; }; export type DeleteWorkspaceResponse = string; export type LeaveWorkspaceData = { workspace: string; }; export type LeaveWorkspaceResponse = string; export type GetWorkspaceNameData = { workspace: string; }; export type GetWorkspaceNameResponse = string; export type ChangeWorkspaceNameData = { requestBody?: { new_name?: string; }; workspace: string; }; export type ChangeWorkspaceNameResponse = string; export type ChangeWorkspaceIdData = { requestBody?: { new_id?: string; new_name?: string; }; workspace: string; }; export type ChangeWorkspaceIdResponse = string; export type ListPendingInvitesData = { workspace: string; }; export type ListPendingInvitesResponse = Array<WorkspaceInvite>; export type GetSettingsData = { workspace: string; }; export type GetSettingsResponse = { workspace_id?: string; slack_name?: string; slack_team_id?: string; slack_command_script?: string; auto_invite_domain?: string; auto_invite_operator?: boolean; auto_add?: boolean; plan?: string; automatic_billing: boolean; customer_id?: string; webhook?: string; deploy_to?: string; ai_resource?: AiResource; code_completion_enabled: boolean; error_handler?: string; error_handler_extra_args?: ScriptArgs; error_handler_muted_on_cancel: boolean; large_file_storage?: LargeFileStorage; git_sync?: WorkspaceGitSyncSettings; deploy_ui?: WorkspaceDeployUISettings; default_app?: string; default_scripts?: WorkspaceDefaultScripts; mute_critical_alerts?: boolean; }; export type GetDeployToData = { workspace: string; }; export type GetDeployToResponse = { deploy_to?: string; }; export type GetIsPremiumData = { workspace: string; }; export type GetIsPremiumResponse = boolean; export type GetPremiumInfoData = { workspace: string; }; export type GetPremiumInfoResponse = { premium: boolean; usage?: number; seats?: number; automatic_billing: boolean; }; export type SetAutomaticBillingData = { /** * automatic billing */ requestBody: { automatic_billing: boolean; seats?: number; }; workspace: string; }; export type SetAutomaticBillingResponse = string; export type EditSlackCommandData = { /** * WorkspaceInvite */ requestBody: { slack_command_script?: string; }; workspace: string; }; export type EditSlackCommandResponse = string; export type RunSlackMessageTestJobData = { /** * path to hub script to run and its corresponding args */ requestBody: { hub_script_path?: string; channel?: string; test_msg?: string; }; workspace: string; }; export type RunSlackMessageTestJobResponse = { job_uuid?: string; }; export type EditDeployToData = { requestBody: { deploy_to?: string; }; workspace: string; }; export type EditDeployToResponse = string; export type EditAutoInviteData = { /** * WorkspaceInvite */ requestBody: { operator?: boolean; invite_all?: boolean; auto_add?: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; export type EditAutoInviteResponse = string; export type EditWebhookData = { /** * WorkspaceWebhook */ requestBody: { webhook?: string; }; workspace: string; }; export type EditWebhookResponse = string; export type EditCopilotConfigData = { /** * WorkspaceCopilotConfig */ requestBody: { ai_resource?: AiResource; code_completion_enabled: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; export type EditCopilotConfigResponse = string; export type GetCopilotInfoData = { workspace: string; }; export type GetCopilotInfoResponse = { ai_provider: string; exists_ai_resource: boolean; code_completion_enabled: boolean; }; export type EditErrorHandlerData = { /** * WorkspaceErrorHandler */ requestBody: { error_handler?: string; error_handler_extra_args?: ScriptArgs; error_handler_muted_on_cancel?: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; export type EditErrorHandlerResponse = string; export type EditLargeFileStorageConfigData = { /** * LargeFileStorage info */ requestBody: { large_file_storage?: LargeFileStorage; }; workspace: string; }; export type EditLargeFileStorageConfigResponse = unknown; export type EditWorkspaceGitSyncConfigData = { /** * Workspace Git sync settings */ requestBody: { git_sync_settings?: WorkspaceGitSyncSettings; }; workspace: string; }; export type EditWorkspaceGitSyncConfigResponse = unknown; export type EditWorkspaceDeployUiSettingsData = { /** * Workspace deploy UI settings */ requestBody: { deploy_ui_settings?: WorkspaceDeployUISettings; }; workspace: string; }; export type EditWorkspaceDeployUiSettingsResponse = unknown; export type EditWorkspaceDefaultAppData = { /** * Workspace default app */ requestBody: { default_app_path?: string; }; workspace: string; }; export type EditWorkspaceDefaultAppResponse = string; export type EditDefaultScriptsData = { /** * Workspace default app */ requestBody?: WorkspaceDefaultScripts; workspace: string; }; export type EditDefaultScriptsResponse = string; export type GetDefaultScriptsData = { workspace: string; }; export type GetDefaultScriptsResponse = WorkspaceDefaultScripts; export type SetEnvironmentVariableData = { /** * Workspace default app */ requestBody: { name: string; value?: string; }; workspace: string; }; export type SetEnvironmentVariableResponse = string; export type GetWorkspaceEncryptionKeyData = { workspace: string; }; export type GetWorkspaceEncryptionKeyResponse = { key: string; }; export type SetWorkspaceEncryptionKeyData = { /** * New encryption key */ requestBody: { new_key: string; skip_reencrypt?: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; export type SetWorkspaceEncryptionKeyResponse = string; export type GetWorkspaceDefaultAppData = { workspace: string; }; export type GetWorkspaceDefaultAppResponse = { default_app_path?: string; }; export type GetLargeFileStorageConfigData = { workspace: string; }; export type GetLargeFileStorageConfigResponse = LargeFileStorage; export type GetWorkspaceUsageData = { workspace: string; }; export type GetWorkspaceUsageResponse = number; export type GetUsedTriggersData = { workspace: string; }; export type GetUsedTriggersResponse = { http_routes_used: boolean; websocket_used: boolean; kafka_used: boolean; }; export type GetGlobalData = { key: string; }; export type GetGlobalResponse = unknown; export type SetGlobalData = { key: string; /** * value set */ requestBody: { value?: unknown; }; }; export type SetGlobalResponse = string; export type GetLocalResponse = unknown; export type TestSmtpData = { /** * test smtp payload */ requestBody: { to: string; smtp: { host: string; username: string; password: string; port: number; from: string; tls_implicit: boolean; disable_tls: boolean; }; }; }; export type TestSmtpResponse = string; export type TestCriticalChannelsData = { /** * test critical channel payload */ requestBody: Array<{ email?: string; slack_channel?: string; }>; }; export type TestCriticalChannelsResponse = string; export type GetCriticalAlertsData = { acknowledged?: boolean | null; page?: number; pageSize?: number; }; export type GetCriticalAlertsResponse = Array<CriticalAlert>; export type AcknowledgeCriticalAlertData = { /** * The ID of the critical alert to acknowledge */ id: number; }; export type AcknowledgeCriticalAlertResponse = string; export type AcknowledgeAllCriticalAlertsResponse = string; export type TestLicenseKeyData = { /** * test license key */ requestBody: { license_key: string; }; }; export type TestLicenseKeyResponse = string; export type TestObjectStorageConfigData = { /** * test object storage config */ requestBody: { [key: string]: unknown; }; }; export type TestObjectStorageConfigResponse = string; export type SendStatsResponse = string; export type GetLatestKeyRenewalAttemptResponse = { result: string; attempted_at: string; } | null; export type RenewLicenseKeyData = { licenseKey?: string; }; export type RenewLicenseKeyResponse = string; export type CreateCustomerPortalSessionData = { licenseKey?: string; }; export type CreateCustomerPortalSessionResponse = string; export type TestMetadataData = { /** * test metadata */ requestBody: string; }; export type TestMetadataResponse = string; export type ListGlobalSettingsResponse = Array<GlobalSetting>; export type WorkspaceGetCriticalAlertsData = { acknowledged?: boolean | null; page?: number; pageSize?: number; workspace: string; }; export type WorkspaceGetCriticalAlertsResponse = Array<CriticalAlert>; export type WorkspaceAcknowledgeCriticalAlertData = { /** * The ID of the critical alert to acknowledge */ id: number; workspace: string; }; export type WorkspaceAcknowledgeCriticalAlertResponse = string; export type WorkspaceAcknowledgeAllCriticalAlertsData = { workspace: string; }; export type WorkspaceAcknowledgeAllCriticalAlertsResponse = string; export type WorkspaceMuteCriticalAlertsUiData = { /** * Boolean flag to mute critical alerts. */ requestBody: { /** * Whether critical alerts should be muted. */ mute_critical_alerts?: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; export type WorkspaceMuteCriticalAlertsUiResponse = string; export type GetOidcTokenData = { audience: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetOidcTokenResponse = string; export type CreateVariableData = { alreadyEncrypted?: boolean; /** * new variable */ requestBody: CreateVariable; workspace: string; }; export type CreateVariableResponse = string; export type EncryptValueData = { /** * new variable */ requestBody: string; workspace: string; }; export type EncryptValueResponse = string; export type DeleteVariableData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type DeleteVariableResponse = string; export type UpdateVariableData = { alreadyEncrypted?: boolean; path: string; /** * updated variable */ requestBody: EditVariable; workspace: string; }; export type UpdateVariableResponse = string; export type GetVariableData = { /** * ask to decrypt secret if this variable is secret * (if not secret no effect, default: true) * */ decryptSecret?: boolean; /** * ask to include the encrypted value if secret and decrypt secret is not true (default: false) * */ includeEncrypted?: boolean; path: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetVariableResponse = ListableVariable; export type GetVariableValueData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetVariableValueResponse = string; export type ExistsVariableData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type ExistsVariableResponse = boolean; export type ListVariableData = { /** * which page to return (start at 1, default 1) */ page?: number; pathStart?: string; /** * number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) */ perPage?: number; workspace: string; }; export type ListVariableResponse = Array<ListableVariable>; export type ListContextualVariablesData = { workspace: string; }; export type ListContextualVariablesResponse = Array<ContextualVariable>; export type ConnectSlackCallbackData = { /** * code endpoint */ requestBody: { code: string; state: string; }; workspace: string; }; export type ConnectSlackCallbackResponse = string; export type ConnectSlackCallbackInstanceData = { /** * code endpoint */ requestBody: { code: string; state: string; }; }; export type ConnectSlackCallbackInstanceResponse = string; export type ConnectCallbackData = { clientName: string; /** * code endpoint */ requestBody: { code: string; state: string; }; }; export type ConnectCallbackResponse = TokenResponse; export type CreateAccountData = { /** * code endpoint */ requestBody: { refresh_token?: string; expires_in: number; client: string; }; workspace: string; }; export type CreateAccountResponse = string; export type RefreshTokenData = { id: number; /** * variable path */ requestBody: { path: string; }; workspace: string; }; export type RefreshTokenResponse = string; export type DisconnectAccountData = { id: number; workspace: string; }; export type DisconnectAccountResponse = string; export type DisconnectSlackData = { workspace: string; }; export type DisconnectSlackResponse = string; export type ListOauthLoginsResponse = { oauth: Array<{ type: string; display_name?: string; }>; saml?: string; }; export type ListOauthConnectsResponse = Array<(string)>; export type GetOauthConnectData = { /** * client name */ client: string; }; export type GetOauthConnectResponse = { extra_params?: { [key: string]: unknown; }; scopes?: Array<(string)>; }; export type CreateResourceData = { /** * new resource */ requestBody: CreateResource; updateIfExists?: boolean; workspace: string; }; export type CreateResourceResponse = string; export type DeleteResourceData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type DeleteResourceResponse = string; export type UpdateResourceData = { path: string; /** * updated resource */ requestBody: EditResource; workspace: string; }; export type UpdateResourceResponse = string; export type UpdateResourceValueData = { path: string; /** * updated resource */ requestBody: { value?: unknown; }; workspace: string; }; export type UpdateResourceValueResponse = string; export type GetResourceData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetResourceResponse = Resource; export type GetResourceValueInterpolatedData = { /** * job id */ jobId?: string; path: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetResourceValueInterpolatedResponse = unknown; export type GetResourceValueData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetResourceValueResponse = unknown; export type ExistsResourceData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type ExistsResourceResponse = boolean; export type ListResourceData = { /** * which page to return (start at 1, default 1) */ page?: number; pathStart?: string; /** * number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) */ perPage?: number; /** * resource_types to list from, separated by ',', */ resourceType?: string; /** * resource_types to not list from, separated by ',', */ resourceTypeExclude?: string; workspace: string; }; export type ListResourceResponse = Array<ListableResource>; export type ListSearchResourceData = { workspace: string; }; export type ListSearchResourceResponse = Array<{ path: string; value: unknown; }>; export type ListResourceNamesData = { name: string; workspace: string; }; export type ListResourceNamesResponse = Array<{ name: string; path: string; }>; export type CreateResourceTypeData = { /** * new resource_type */ requestBody: ResourceType; workspace: string; }; export type CreateResourceTypeResponse = string; export type FileResourceTypeToFileExtMapData = { workspace: string; }; export type FileResourceTypeToFileExtMapResponse = unknown; export type DeleteResourceTypeData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type DeleteResourceTypeResponse = string; export type UpdateResourceTypeData = { path: string; /** * updated resource_type */ requestBody: EditResourceType; workspace: string; }; export type UpdateResourceTypeResponse = string; export type GetResourceTypeData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetResourceTypeResponse = ResourceType; export type ExistsResourceTypeData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type ExistsResourceTypeResponse = boolean; export type ListResourceTypeData = { workspace: string; }; export type ListResourceTypeResponse = Array<ResourceType>; export type ListResourceTypeNamesData = { workspace: string; }; export type ListResourceTypeNamesResponse = Array<(string)>; export type QueryResourceTypesData = { /** * query limit */ limit?: number; /** * query text */ text: string; workspace: string; }; export type QueryResourceTypesResponse = Array<{ name: string; score: number; schema?: unknown; }>; export type ListHubIntegrationsData = { /** * query integrations kind */ kind?: string; }; export type ListHubIntegrationsResponse = Array<{ name: string; }>; export type ListHubFlowsResponse = { flows?: Array<{ id: number; flow_id: number; summary: string; apps: Array<(string)>; approved: boolean; votes: number; }>; }; export type GetHubFlowByIdData = { id: number; }; export type GetHubFlowByIdResponse = { flow?: OpenFlow; }; export type ListFlowPathsData = { workspace: string; }; export type ListFlowPathsResponse = Array<(string)>; export type ListSearchFlowData = { workspace: string; }; export type ListSearchFlowResponse = Array<{ path: string; value: unknown; }>; export type ListFlowsData = { /** * mask to filter exact matching user creator */ createdBy?: string; /** * (default false) * include items that have no deployed version * */ includeDraftOnly?: boolean; /** * order by desc order (default true) */ orderDesc?: boolean; /** * which page to return (start at 1, default 1) */ page?: number; /** * mask to filter exact matching path */ pathExact?: string; /** * mask to filter matching starting path */ pathStart?: string; /** * number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) */ perPage?: number; /** * (default false) * show only the archived files. * when multiple archived hash share the same path, only the ones with the latest create_at * are displayed. * */ showArchived?: boolean; /** * (default false) * show only the starred items * */ starredOnly?: boolean; /** * (default false) * include deployment message * */ withDeploymentMsg?: boolean; workspace: string; }; export type ListFlowsResponse = Array<(Flow & { has_draft?: boolean; draft_only?: boolean; })>; export type GetFlowHistoryData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetFlowHistoryResponse = Array<FlowVersion>; export type GetFlowLatestVersionData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetFlowLatestVersionResponse = FlowVersion; export type GetFlowVersionData = { path: string; version: number; workspace: string; }; export type GetFlowVersionResponse = Flow; export type UpdateFlowHistoryData = { path: string; /** * Flow deployment message */ requestBody: { deployment_msg: string; }; version: number; workspace: string; }; export type UpdateFlowHistoryResponse = string; export type GetFlowByPathData = { path: string; withStarredInfo?: boolean; workspace: string; }; export type GetFlowByPathResponse = Flow; export type GetTriggersCountOfFlowData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetTriggersCountOfFlowResponse = TriggersCount; export type ListTokensOfFlowData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type ListTokensOfFlowResponse = Array<TruncatedToken>; export type ToggleWorkspaceErrorHandlerForFlowData = { path: string; /** * Workspace error handler enabled */ requestBody: { muted?: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; export type ToggleWorkspaceErrorHandlerForFlowResponse = string; export type GetFlowByPathWithDraftData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetFlowByPathWithDraftResponse = Flow & { draft?: Flow; }; export type ExistsFlowByPathData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type ExistsFlowByPathResponse = boolean; export type CreateFlowData = { /** * Partially filled flow */ requestBody: OpenFlowWPath & { draft_only?: boolean; deployment_message?: string; }; workspace: string; }; export type CreateFlowResponse = string; export type UpdateFlowData = { path: string; /** * Partially filled flow */ requestBody: OpenFlowWPath & { deployment_message?: string; }; workspace: string; }; export type UpdateFlowResponse = string; export type ArchiveFlowByPathData = { path: string; /** * archiveFlow */ requestBody: { archived?: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; export type ArchiveFlowByPathResponse = string; export type DeleteFlowByPathData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type DeleteFlowByPathResponse = string; export type ListHubAppsResponse = { apps?: Array<{ id: number; app_id: number; summary: string; apps: Array<(string)>; approved: boolean; votes: number; }>; }; export type GetHubAppByIdData = { id: number; }; export type GetHubAppByIdResponse = { app: { summary: string; value: unknown; }; }; export type ListSearchAppData = { workspace: string; }; export type ListSearchAppResponse = Array<{ path: string; value: unknown; }>; export type ListAppsData = { /** * mask to filter exact matching user creator */ createdBy?: string; /** * (default false) * include items that have no deployed version * */ includeDraftOnly?: boolean; /** * order by desc order (default true) */ orderDesc?: boolean; /** * which page to return (start at 1, default 1) */ page?: number; /** * mask to filter exact matching path */ pathExact?: string; /** * mask to filter matching starting path */ pathStart?: string; /** * number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) */ perPage?: number; /** * (default false) * show only the starred items * */ starredOnly?: boolean; /** * (default false) * include deployment message * */ withDeploymentMsg?: boolean; workspace: string; }; export type ListAppsResponse = Array<ListableApp>; export type CreateAppData = { /** * new app */ requestBody: { path: string; value: unknown; summary: string; policy: Policy; draft_only?: boolean; deployment_message?: string; }; workspace: string; }; export type CreateAppResponse = string; export type ExistsAppData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type ExistsAppResponse = boolean; export type GetAppByPathData = { path: string; withStarredInfo?: boolean; workspace: string; }; export type GetAppByPathResponse = AppWithLastVersion; export type GetAppByPathWithDraftData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetAppByPathWithDraftResponse = AppWithLastVersionWDraft; export type GetAppHistoryByPathData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetAppHistoryByPathResponse = Array<AppHistory>; export type GetAppLatestVersionData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetAppLatestVersionResponse = AppHistory; export type UpdateAppHistoryData = { id: number; /** * App deployment message */ requestBody: { deployment_msg?: string; }; version: number; workspace: string; }; export type UpdateAppHistoryResponse = string; export type GetPublicAppBySecretData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetPublicAppBySecretResponse = AppWithLastVersion; export type GetPublicResourceData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetPublicResourceResponse = unknown; export type GetPublicSecretOfAppData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetPublicSecretOfAppResponse = string; export type GetAppByVersionData = { id: number; workspace: string; }; export type GetAppByVersionResponse = AppWithLastVersion; export type DeleteAppData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type DeleteAppResponse = string; export type UpdateAppData = { path: string; /** * update app */ requestBody: { path?: string; summary?: string; value?: unknown; policy?: Policy; deployment_message?: string; }; workspace: string; }; export type UpdateAppResponse = string; export type ExecuteComponentData = { path: string; /** * update app */ requestBody: { component: string; path?: string; args: unknown; raw_code?: { content: string; language: string; path?: string; lock?: string; cache_ttl?: number; }; force_viewer_static_fields?: { [key: string]: unknown; }; force_viewer_one_of_fields?: { [key: string]: unknown; }; force_viewer_allow_user_resources?: Array<(string)>; }; workspace: string; }; export type ExecuteComponentResponse = string; export type GetHubScriptContentByPathData = { path: string; }; export type GetHubScriptContentByPathResponse = string; export type GetHubScriptByPathData = { path: string; }; export type GetHubScriptByPathResponse = { content: string; lockfile?: string; schema?: unknown; language: string; summary?: string; }; export type GetTopHubScriptsData = { /** * query scripts app */ app?: string; /** * query scripts kind */ kind?: string; /** * query limit */ limit?: number; }; export type GetTopHubScriptsResponse = { asks?: Array<{ id: number; ask_id: number; summary: string; app: string; version_id: number; kind: HubScriptKind; votes: number; views: number; }>; }; export type QueryHubScriptsData = { /** * query scripts app */ app?: string; /** * query scripts kind */ kind?: string; /** * query limit */ limit?: number; /** * query text */ text: string; }; export type QueryHubScriptsResponse = Array<{ ask_id: number; id: number; version_id: number; summary: string; app: string; kind: HubScriptKind; score: number; }>; export type ListSearchScriptData = { workspace: string; }; export type ListSearchScriptResponse = Array<{ path: string; content: string; }>; export type ListScriptsData = { /** * mask to filter exact matching user creator */ createdBy?: string; /** * mask to filter scripts whom first direct parent has exact hash */ firstParentHash?: string; /** * (default false) * include scripts that have no deployed version * */ includeDraftOnly?: boolean; /** * (default false) * include scripts without an exported main function * */ includeWithoutMain?: boolean; /** * (default regardless) * if true show only the templates * if false show only the non templates * if not defined, show all regardless of if the script is a template * */ isTemplate?: boolean; /** * (default regardless) * script kinds to filter, split by comma * */ kinds?: string; /** * mask to filter scripts whom last parent in the chain has exact hash. * Beware that each script stores only a limited number of parents. Hence * the last parent hash for a script is not necessarily its top-most parent. * To find the top-most parent you will have to jump from last to last hash * until finding the parent * */ lastParentHash?: string; /** * order by desc order (default true) */ orderDesc?: boolean; /** * which page to return (start at 1, default 1) */ page?: number; /** * is the hash present in the array of stored parent hashes for this script. * The same warning applies than for last_parent_hash. A script only store a * limited number of direct parent * */ parentHash?: string; /** * mask to filter exact matching path */ pathExact?: string; /** * mask to filter matching starting path */ pathStart?: string; /** * number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) */ perPage?: number; /** * (default false) * show only the archived files. * when multiple archived hash share the same path, only the ones with the latest create_at * are * ed. * */ showArchived?: boolean; /** * (default false) * show only the starred items * */ starredOnly?: boolean; /** * (default false) * include deployment message * */ withDeploymentMsg?: boolean; workspace: string; }; export type ListScriptsResponse = Array<Script>; export type ListScriptPathsData = { workspace: string; }; export type ListScriptPathsResponse = Array<(string)>; export type CreateScriptData = { /** * Partially filled script */ requestBody: NewScript; workspace: string; }; export type CreateScriptResponse = string; export type ToggleWorkspaceErrorHandlerForScriptData = { path: string; /** * Workspace error handler enabled */ requestBody: { muted?: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; export type ToggleWorkspaceErrorHandlerForScriptResponse = string; export type ArchiveScriptByPathData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type ArchiveScriptByPathResponse = string; export type ArchiveScriptByHashData = { hash: string; workspace: string; }; export type ArchiveScriptByHashResponse = Script; export type DeleteScriptByHashData = { hash: string; workspace: string; }; export type DeleteScriptByHashResponse = Script; export type DeleteScriptByPathData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type DeleteScriptByPathResponse = string; export type GetScriptByPathData = { path: string; withStarredInfo?: boolean; workspace: string; }; export type GetScriptByPathResponse = Script; export type GetTriggersCountOfScriptData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetTriggersCountOfScriptResponse = TriggersCount; export type ListTokensOfScriptData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type ListTokensOfScriptResponse = Array<TruncatedToken>; export type GetScriptByPathWithDraftData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetScriptByPathWithDraftResponse = NewScriptWithDraft; export type GetScriptHistoryByPathData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetScriptHistoryByPathResponse = Array<ScriptHistory>; export type GetScriptLatestVersionData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetScriptLatestVersionResponse = ScriptHistory; export type UpdateScriptHistoryData = { hash: string; path: string; /** * Script deployment message */ requestBody: { deployment_msg?: string; }; workspace: string; }; export type UpdateScriptHistoryResponse = string; export type RawScriptByPathData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type RawScriptByPathResponse = string; export type RawScriptByPathTokenedData = { path: string; token: string; workspace: string; }; export type RawScriptByPathTokenedResponse = string; export type ExistsScriptByPathData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type ExistsScriptByPathResponse = boolean; export type GetScriptByHashData = { hash: string; withStarredInfo?: boolean; workspace: string; }; export type GetScriptByHashResponse = Script; export type RawScriptByHashData = { path: string; workspace: string; }; export type RawScriptByHashResponse = string; export type GetScriptDeploymentStatusData = { hash: string; workspace: string; }; export type GetScriptDeploymentStatusResponse = { lock?: string; lock_error_logs?: string; }; export type CreateDraftData = { requestBody: { path: string; typ: 'flow' | 'script' | 'app'; value?: unknown; }; workspace: string; }; export type CreateDraftResponse = string; export type DeleteDraftData = { kind: 'script' | 'flow' | 'app'; path: string; workspace: string; }; export type DeleteDraftResponse = string; export type GetCustomTagsResponse = Array<(string)>; export type GeDefaultTagsResponse = Array<(string)>; export type IsDefaultTagsPerWorkspaceResponse = boolean; export type ListWorkersData = { /** * which page to return (start at 1, default 1) */ page?: number; /** * number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) */ perPage?: number; /** * number of seconds the worker must have had a last ping more recent of (default to 300) */ pingSince?: number; }; export type ListWorkersResponse = Array<WorkerPing>; export type ExistsWorkerWithTagData = { tag: string; }; export type ExistsWorkerWithTagResponse = boolean; export type GetQueueMetricsResponse = Array<{ id: string; values: Array<{ created_at: string; value: number; }>; }>; export type GetCountsOfJobsWaitingPerTagResponse = { [key: string]: (number); }; export type RunScriptByPathData = { /** * Override the cache time to live (in seconds). Can not be used to disable caching, only override with a new cache ttl */ cacheTtl?: string; /** * make the run invisible to the the script owner (default false) */ invisibleToOwner?: boolean; /** * The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request) */ jobId?: string; /** * The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any */ parentJob?: string; path: string; /** * script args */ requestBody: ScriptArgs; /** * when to schedule this job (leave empty for immediate run) */ scheduledFor?: string; /** * schedule the script to execute in the number of seconds starting now */ scheduledInSecs?: number; /** * skip the preprocessor */ skipPreprocessor?: boolean; /** * Override the tag to use */ tag?: string; workspace: string; }; export type RunScriptByPathResponse = string; export type OpenaiSyncScriptByPathData = { /** * List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args * Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key * */ includeHeader?: string; /** * The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request) */ jobId?: string; /** * The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any */ parentJob?: string; path: string; /** * The maximum size of the queue for which the request would get rejected if that job would push it above that limit * */ queueLimit?: string; /** * script args */ requestBody: ScriptArgs; workspace: string; }; export type OpenaiSyncScriptByPathResponse = unknown; export type RunWaitResultScriptByPathData = { /** * Override the cache time to live (in seconds). Can not be used to disable caching, only override with a new cache ttl */ cacheTtl?: string; /** * List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args * Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key * */ includeHeader?: string; /** * The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request) */ jobId?: string; /** * The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any */ parentJob?: string; path: string; /** * The maximum size of the queue for which the request would get rejected if that job would push it above that limit * */ queueLimit?: string; /** * script args */ requestBody: ScriptArgs; /** * Override the tag to use */ tag?: string; workspace: string; }; export type RunWaitResultScriptByPathResponse = unknown; export type RunWaitResultScriptByPathGetData = { /** * Override the cache time to live (in seconds). Can not be used to disable caching, only override with a new cache ttl */ cacheTtl?: string; /** * List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args * Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key * */ includeHeader?: string; /** * The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request) */ jobId?: string; /** * The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any */ parentJob?: string; path: string; /** * The base64 encoded payload that has been encoded as a JSON. e.g how to encode such payload encodeURIComponent * `encodeURIComponent(btoa(JSON.stringify({a: 2})))` * */ payload?: string; /** * The maximum size of the queue for which the request would get rejected if that job would push it above that limit * */ queueLimit?: string; /** * Override the tag to use */ tag?: string; workspace: string; }; export type RunWaitResultScriptByPathGetResponse = unknown; export type OpenaiSyncFlowByPathData = { /** * List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args * Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key * */ includeHeader?: string; /** * The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request) */ jobId?: string; path: string; /** * The maximum size of the queue for which the request would get rejected if that job would push it above that limit * */ queueLimit?: string; /** * script args */ requestBody: ScriptArgs; workspace: string; }; export type OpenaiSyncFlowByPathResponse = unknown; export type RunWaitResultFlowByPathData = { /** * List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args * Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key * */ includeHeader?: string; /** * The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request) */ jobId?: string; path: string; /** * The maximum size of the queue for which the request would get rejected if that job would push it above that limit * */ queueLimit?: string; /** * script args */ requestBody: ScriptArgs; workspace: string; }; export type RunWaitResultFlowByPathResponse = unknown; export type ResultByIdData = { flowJobId: string; nodeId: string; workspace: string; }; export type ResultByIdResponse = unknown; export type RunFlowByPathData = { /** * List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args * Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key * */ includeHeader?: string; /** * make the run invisible to the the flow owner (default false) */ invisibleToOwner?: boolean; /** * The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request) */ jobId?: string; /** * The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any */ parentJob?: string; path: string; /** * flow args */ requestBody: ScriptArgs; /** * when to schedule this job (leave empty for immediate run) */ scheduledFor?: string; /** * schedule the script to execute in the number of seconds starting now */ scheduledInSecs?: number; /** * skip the preprocessor */ skipPreprocessor?: boolean; /** * Override the tag to use */ tag?: string; workspace: string; }; export type RunFlowByPathResponse = string; export type RestartFlowAtStepData = { /** * for branchall or loop, the iteration at which the flow should restart */ branchOrIterationN: number; id: string; /** * List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args * Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key * */ includeHeader?: string; /** * make the run invisible to the the flow owner (default false) */ invisibleToOwner?: boolean; /** * The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request) */ jobId?: string; /** * The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any */ parentJob?: string; /** * flow args */ requestBody: ScriptArgs; /** * when to schedule this job (leave empty for immediate run) */ scheduledFor?: string; /** * schedule the script to execute in the number of seconds starting now */ scheduledInSecs?: number; /** * step id to restart the flow from */ stepId: string; /** * Override the tag to use */ tag?: string; workspace: string; }; export type RestartFlowAtStepResponse = string; export type RunScriptByHashData = { /** * Override the cache time to live (in seconds). Can not be used to disable caching, only override with a new cache ttl */ cacheTtl?: string; hash: string; /** * List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args * Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key * */ includeHeader?: string; /** * make the run invisible to the the script owner (default false) */ invisibleToOwner?: boolean; /** * The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request) */ jobId?: string; /** * The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any */ parentJob?: string; /** * Partially filled args */ requestBody: { [key: string]: unknown; }; /** * when to schedule this job (leave empty for immediate run) */ scheduledFor?: string; /** * schedule the script to execute in the number of seconds starting now */ scheduledInSecs?: number; /** * skip the preprocessor */ skipPreprocessor?: boolean; /** * Override the tag to use */ tag?: string; workspace: string; }; export type RunScriptByHashResponse = string; export type RunScriptPreviewData = { /** * List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args * Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key * */ includeHeader?: string; /** * make the run invisible to the the script owner (default false) */ invisibleToOwner?: boolean; /** * The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request) */ jobId?: string; /** * preview */ requestBody: Preview; workspace: string; }; export type RunScriptPreviewResponse = string; export type RunCodeWorkflowTaskData = { entrypoint: string; jobId: string; /** * preview */ requestBody: WorkflowTask; workspace: string; }; export type RunCodeWorkflowTaskResponse = string; export type RunRawScriptDependenciesData = { /** * raw script content */ requestBody: { raw_scripts: Array<RawScriptForDependencies>; entrypoint: string; }; workspace: string; }; export type RunRawScriptDependenciesResponse = { lock: string; }; export type RunFlowPreviewData = { /** * List of headers's keys (separated with ',') whove value are added to the args * Header's key lowercased and '-'' replaced to '_' such that 'Content-Type' becomes the 'content_type' arg key * */ includeHeader?: string; /** * make the run invisible to the the script owner (default false) */ invisibleToOwner?: boolean; /** * The job id to assign to the created job. if missing, job is chosen randomly using the ULID scheme. If a job id already exists in the queue or as a completed job, the request to create one will fail (Bad Request) */ jobId?: string; /** * preview */ requestBody: FlowPreview; workspace: string; }; export type RunFlowPreviewResponse = string; export type ListQueueData = { /** * get jobs from all workspaces (only valid if request come from the `admins` workspace) */ allWorkspaces?: boolean; /** * filter on jobs containing those args as a json subset (@> in postgres) */ args?: string; /** * mask to filter exact matching user creator */ createdBy?: string; /** * is not a scheduled job */ isNotSchedule?: boolean; /** * filter on job kind (values 'preview', 'script', 'dependencies', 'flow') separated by, */ jobKinds?: string; /** * order by desc order (default true) */ orderDesc?: boolean; /** * which page to return (start at 1, default 1) */ page?: number; /** * The parent job that is at the origin and responsible for the execution of this script if any */ parentJob?: string; /** * number of items to return for a given page (default 30, max 100) */ perPage?: number; /** * filter on jobs containing those result as a json subset (@> in postgres) */ result?: string; /** * filter on running jobs */ running?: boolean; /** * filter on jobs scheduled_for before now (hence waitinf for a worker) */ scheduledForBeforeNow?: boolean; /** * mask to filter by schedule path */ schedulePath?: string; /** * mask to filter exact matching path */ scriptHash?: string; /** * mask to filter exact matching path */ scriptPathExact?: string; /** * mask to filter matching starting path */ scriptPathStart?: string; /** * filter on started after (exclusive) timestamp */ startedAfter?: string; /** * filter on started before (inclusive) timestamp */ startedBefore?: string; /** * filter on successful jobs */ success?: boolean