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This release is 4 versions behind 1.435.2 — the latest version of @windmill/windmill. Jump to latest

Built and signed on GitHub Actions

Client for

This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers
This package works with Cloudflare Workers
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
This package works with Browsers
JSR Score
a week ago (1.434.1)
type alias $OpenApiTs


/version: { get: { res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/uptodate: { get: { res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/ee_license: { get: { res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/openapi.yaml: { get: { res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/audit/get/{id}: { get: { req: { id: number; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: AuditLog; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/audit/list: { get: { req: { actionKind?:
| "Update"
| "Delete"
| "Execute"
; after?: string; before?: string; excludeOperations?: string; operation?: string; operations?: string; page?: number; perPage?: number; resource?: string; username?: string; workspace: string; }
; res: { 200: Array<AuditLog>; }; }
; }
/auth/login: { post: { req: { requestBody: Login; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/auth/logout: { post: { res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/users/get/{username}: { get: { req: { username: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: User; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/users/update/{username}: { post: { req: { requestBody: EditWorkspaceUser; username: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/users/is_owner/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: boolean; }; }; }
/users/setpassword: { post: { req: { requestBody: { password: string; }; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/users/set_password_of/{user}: { post: { req: { requestBody: { password: string; }; user: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/users/set_login_type/{user}: { post: { req: { requestBody: { login_type: string; }; user: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/users/create: { post: { req: { requestBody: { email: string; password: string; super_admin: boolean; name?: string; company?: string; }; }; res: { 201: string; }; }; }
/users/update/{email}: { post: { req: { email: string; requestBody: { is_super_admin?: boolean; is_devops?: boolean; name?: string; }; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/users/username_info/{email}: { get: { req: { email: string; }; res: { 200: { username: string; workspace_usernames: Array<{ workspace_id: string; username: string; }>; }; }; }; }
/users/rename/{email}: { post: { req: { email: string; requestBody: { new_username: string; }; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/users/delete/{email}: { delete: { req: { email: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/users/overwrite: { post: { req: { requestBody: Array<ExportedUser>; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/users/export: { get: { res: { 200: Array<ExportedUser>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/users/delete/{username}: { delete: { req: { username: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/users/email: { get: { res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/users/refresh_token: { get: { res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/users/tutorial_progress: { get: { res: { 200: { progress?: number; }; }; }; post: { req: { requestBody: { progress?: number; }; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/users/leave_instance: { post: { res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/users/usage: { get: { res: { 200: number; }; }; }
/users/all_runnables: { get: { res: { 200: { workspace: string; endpoint_async: string; endpoint_sync: string; endpoint_openai_sync: string; summary: string; description?: string; kind: string; }; }; }; }
/users/whoami: { get: { res: { 200: GlobalUserInfo; }; }; }
/users/list_invites: { get: { res: { 200: Array<WorkspaceInvite>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/users/whoami: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: User; }; }; }
/users/accept_invite: { post: { req: { requestBody: { workspace_id: string; username?: string; }; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/users/decline_invite: { post: { req: { requestBody: { workspace_id: string; }; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/users/whois/{username}: { get: { req: { username: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: User; }; }; }
/users/exists/{email}: { get: { req: { email: string; }; res: { 200: boolean; }; }; }
/users/list_as_super_admin: { get: { req: { activeOnly?: boolean; page?: number; perPage?: number; }; res: { 200: Array<GlobalUserInfo>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/users/list: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Array<User>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/users/list_usage: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Array<UserUsage>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/users/list_usernames: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Array<(string)>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/users/username_to_email/{username}: { get: { req: { username: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/users/tokens/create: { post: { req: { requestBody: NewToken; }; res: { 201: string; }; }; }
/users/tokens/impersonate: { post: { req: { requestBody: NewTokenImpersonate; }; res: { 201: string; }; }; }
/users/tokens/delete/{token_prefix}: { delete: { req: { tokenPrefix: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/users/tokens/list: { get: { req: { excludeEphemeral?: boolean; page?: number; perPage?: number; }; res: { 200: Array<TruncatedToken>; }; }; }
/oauth/login_callback/{client_name}: { post: { req: { clientName: string; requestBody: { code?: string; state?: string; }; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/workspaces/list: { get: { res: { 200: Array<Workspace>; }; }; }
/workspaces/allowed_domain_auto_invite: { get: { res: { 200: boolean; }; }; }
/workspaces/users: { get: { res: { 200: UserWorkspaceList; }; }; }
/workspaces/list_as_superadmin: { get: { req: { page?: number; perPage?: number; }; res: { 200: Array<Workspace>; }; }; }
/workspaces/create: { post: { req: { requestBody: CreateWorkspace; }; res: { 201: string; }; }; }
/workspaces/exists: { post: { req: { requestBody: { id: string; }; }; res: { 200: boolean; }; }; }
/workspaces/exists_username: { post: { req: { requestBody: { id: string; username: string; }; }; res: { 200: boolean; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/invite_user: { post: { req: { requestBody: { email: string; is_admin: boolean; operator: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/add_user: { post: { req: { requestBody: { email: string; is_admin: boolean; username?: string; operator: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/delete_invite: { post: { req: { requestBody: { email: string; is_admin: boolean; operator: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/archive: { post: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/workspaces/unarchive/{workspace}: { post: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/workspaces/delete/{workspace}: { delete: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/leave: { post: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/get_workspace_name: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/change_workspace_name: { post: { req: { requestBody?: { new_name?: string; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/change_workspace_id: { post: { req: { requestBody?: { new_id?: string; new_name?: string; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/list_pending_invites: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Array<WorkspaceInvite>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/get_settings: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: { workspace_id?: string; slack_name?: string; slack_team_id?: string; slack_command_script?: string; auto_invite_domain?: string; auto_invite_operator?: boolean; auto_add?: boolean; plan?: string; automatic_billing: boolean; customer_id?: string; webhook?: string; deploy_to?: string; ai_resource?: AiResource; code_completion_enabled: boolean; error_handler?: string; error_handler_extra_args?: ScriptArgs; error_handler_muted_on_cancel: boolean; large_file_storage?: LargeFileStorage; git_sync?: WorkspaceGitSyncSettings; deploy_ui?: WorkspaceDeployUISettings; default_app?: string; default_scripts?: WorkspaceDefaultScripts; mute_critical_alerts?: boolean; }; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/get_deploy_to: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: { deploy_to?: string; }; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/is_premium: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: boolean; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/premium_info: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: { premium: boolean; usage?: number; seats?: number; automatic_billing: boolean; }; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/set_automatic_billing: { post: { req: { requestBody: { automatic_billing: boolean; seats?: number; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_slack_command: { post: { req: { requestBody: { slack_command_script?: string; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/run_slack_message_test_job: { post: { req: { requestBody: { hub_script_path?: string; channel?: string; test_msg?: string; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: { job_uuid?: string; }; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_deploy_to: { post: { req: { requestBody: { deploy_to?: string; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_auto_invite: { post: { req: { requestBody: { operator?: boolean; invite_all?: boolean; auto_add?: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_webhook: { post: { req: { requestBody: { webhook?: string; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_copilot_config: { post: { req: { requestBody: { ai_resource?: AiResource; code_completion_enabled: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/get_copilot_info: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: { ai_provider: string; exists_ai_resource: boolean; code_completion_enabled: boolean; }; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_error_handler: { post: { req: { requestBody: { error_handler?: string; error_handler_extra_args?: ScriptArgs; error_handler_muted_on_cancel?: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_large_file_storage_config: { post: { req: { requestBody: { large_file_storage?: LargeFileStorage; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: unknown; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_git_sync_config: { post: { req: { requestBody: { git_sync_settings?: WorkspaceGitSyncSettings; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: unknown; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_deploy_ui_config: { post: { req: { requestBody: { deploy_ui_settings?: WorkspaceDeployUISettings; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: unknown; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/edit_default_app: { post: { req: { requestBody: { default_app_path?: string; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/default_scripts: { post: { req: { requestBody?: WorkspaceDefaultScripts; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: WorkspaceDefaultScripts; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/set_environment_variable: { post: { req: { requestBody: { name: string; value?: string; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/encryption_key: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: { key: string; }; }; }; post: { req: { requestBody: { new_key: string; skip_reencrypt?: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/default_app: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: { default_app_path?: string; }; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/get_large_file_storage_config: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: LargeFileStorage; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/usage: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: number; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/used_triggers: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: { http_routes_used: boolean; websocket_used: boolean; kafka_used: boolean; }; }; }; }
/settings/global/{key}: { get: { req: { key: string; }; res: { 200: unknown; }; }; post: { req: { key: string; requestBody: { value?: unknown; }; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/settings/local: { get: { res: { 200: unknown; }; }; }
/settings/test_smtp: { post: { req: { requestBody: { to: string; smtp: { host: string; username: string; password: string; port: number; from: string; tls_implicit: boolean; disable_tls: boolean; }; }; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/settings/test_critical_channels: { post: { req: { requestBody: Array<{ email?: string; slack_channel?: string; }>; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/settings/critical_alerts: { get: { req: { acknowledged?: boolean | null; page?: number; pageSize?: number; }; res: { 200: Array<CriticalAlert>; }; }; }
/settings/critical_alerts/{id}/acknowledge: { post: { req: { id: number; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/settings/critical_alerts/acknowledge_all: { post: { res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/settings/test_license_key: { post: { req: { requestBody: { license_key: string; }; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/settings/test_object_storage_config: { post: { req: { requestBody: { [key: string]: unknown; }; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/settings/send_stats: { post: { res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/settings/latest_key_renewal_attempt: { get: { res: { 200: { result: string; attempted_at: string; } | null; }; }; }
/settings/renew_license_key: { post: { req: { licenseKey?: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/settings/customer_portal: { post: { req: { licenseKey?: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/saml/test_metadata: { post: { req: { requestBody: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/settings/list_global: { get: { res: { 200: Array<GlobalSetting>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/critical_alerts: { get: { req: { acknowledged?: boolean | null; page?: number; pageSize?: number; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Array<CriticalAlert>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/critical_alerts/{id}/acknowledge: { post: { req: { id: number; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/critical_alerts/acknowledge_all: { post: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/workspaces/critical_alerts/mute: { post: { req: { requestBody: { mute_critical_alerts?: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/oidc/token/{audience}: { post: { req: { audience: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/variables/create: { post: { req: { alreadyEncrypted?: boolean; requestBody: CreateVariable; workspace: string; }; res: { 201: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/variables/encrypt: { post: { req: { requestBody: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/variables/delete/{path}: { delete: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/variables/update/{path}: { post: { req: { alreadyEncrypted?: boolean; path: string; requestBody: EditVariable; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/variables/get/{path}: { get: { req: { decryptSecret?: boolean; includeEncrypted?: boolean; path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: ListableVariable; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/variables/get_value/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/variables/exists/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: boolean; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/variables/list: { get: { req: { page?: number; pathStart?: string; perPage?: number; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Array<ListableVariable>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/variables/list_contextual: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Array<ContextualVariable>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/oauth/connect_slack_callback: { post: { req: { requestBody: { code: string; state: string; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/oauth/connect_slack_callback: { post: { req: { requestBody: { code: string; state: string; }; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/oauth/connect_callback/{client_name}: { post: { req: { clientName: string; requestBody: { code: string; state: string; }; }; res: { 200: TokenResponse; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/oauth/create_account: { post: { req: { requestBody: { refresh_token?: string; expires_in: number; client: string; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/oauth/refresh_token/{id}: { post: { req: { id: number; requestBody: { path: string; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/oauth/disconnect/{id}: { post: { req: { id: number; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/oauth/disconnect_slack: { post: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/oauth/list_logins: { get: { res: { 200: { oauth: Array<{ type: string; display_name?: string; }>; saml?: string; }; }; }; }
/oauth/list_connects: { get: { res: { 200: Array<(string)>; }; }; }
/oauth/get_connect/{client}: { get: { req: { client: string; }; res: { 200: { extra_params?: { [key: string]: unknown; }; scopes?: Array<(string)>; }; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/resources/create: { post: { req: { requestBody: CreateResource; updateIfExists?: boolean; workspace: string; }; res: { 201: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/resources/delete/{path}: { delete: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/resources/update/{path}: { post: { req: { path: string; requestBody: EditResource; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/resources/update_value/{path}: { post: { req: { path: string; requestBody: { value?: unknown; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/resources/get/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Resource; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/resources/get_value_interpolated/{path}: { get: { req: { jobId?: string; path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: unknown; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/resources/get_value/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: unknown; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/resources/exists/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: boolean; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/resources/list: { get: { req: { page?: number; pathStart?: string; perPage?: number; resourceType?: string; resourceTypeExclude?: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Array<ListableResource>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/resources/list_names/{name}: { get: { req: { name: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Array<{ name: string; path: string; }>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/resources/type/create: { post: { req: { requestBody: ResourceType; workspace: string; }; res: { 201: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/resources/file_resource_type_to_file_ext_map: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: unknown; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/resources/type/delete/{path}: { delete: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/resources/type/update/{path}: { post: { req: { path: string; requestBody: EditResourceType; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/resources/type/get/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: ResourceType; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/resources/type/exists/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: boolean; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/resources/type/list: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Array<ResourceType>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/resources/type/listnames: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Array<(string)>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/embeddings/query_resource_types: { get: { req: { limit?: number; text: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Array<{ name: string; score: number; schema?: unknown; }>; }; }; }
/integrations/hub/list: { get: { req: { kind?: string; }; res: { 200: Array<{ name: string; }>; }; }; }
/flows/hub/list: { get: { res: { 200: { flows?: Array<{ id: number; flow_id: number; summary: string; apps: Array<(string)>; approved: boolean; votes: number; }>; }; }; }; }
/flows/hub/get/{id}: { get: { req: { id: number; }; res: { 200: { flow?: OpenFlow; }; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/flows/list_paths: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Array<(string)>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/flows/list: { get: { req: { createdBy?: string; includeDraftOnly?: boolean; orderDesc?: boolean; page?: number; pathExact?: string; pathStart?: string; perPage?: number; showArchived?: boolean; starredOnly?: boolean; withDeploymentMsg?: boolean; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Array<(Flow & { has_draft?: boolean; draft_only?: boolean; })>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/flows/history/p/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Array<FlowVersion>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/flows/get_latest_version/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: FlowVersion; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/flows/get/v/{version}/p/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; version: number; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Flow; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/flows/history_update/v/{version}/p/{path}: { post: { req: { path: string; requestBody: { deployment_msg: string; }; version: number; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/flows/get/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; withStarredInfo?: boolean; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Flow; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/flows/get_triggers_count/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: TriggersCount; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/flows/list_tokens/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Array<TruncatedToken>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/flows/toggle_workspace_error_handler/{path}: { post: { req: { path: string; requestBody: { muted?: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/flows/get/draft/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Flow & { draft?: Flow; }; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/flows/exists/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: boolean; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/flows/create: { post: { req: { requestBody: OpenFlowWPath & { draft_only?: boolean; deployment_message?: string; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 201: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/flows/update/{path}: { post: { req: { path: string; requestBody: OpenFlowWPath & { deployment_message?: string; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/flows/archive/{path}: { post: { req: { path: string; requestBody: { archived?: boolean; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/flows/delete/{path}: { delete: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/apps/hub/list: { get: { res: { 200: { apps?: Array<{ id: number; app_id: number; summary: string; apps: Array<(string)>; approved: boolean; votes: number; }>; }; }; }; }
/apps/hub/get/{id}: { get: { req: { id: number; }; res: { 200: { app: { summary: string; value: unknown; }; }; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/apps/list: { get: { req: { createdBy?: string; includeDraftOnly?: boolean; orderDesc?: boolean; page?: number; pathExact?: string; pathStart?: string; perPage?: number; starredOnly?: boolean; withDeploymentMsg?: boolean; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Array<ListableApp>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/apps/create: { post: { req: { requestBody: { path: string; value: unknown; summary: string; policy: Policy; draft_only?: boolean; deployment_message?: string; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 201: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/apps/exists/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: boolean; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/apps/get/p/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; withStarredInfo?: boolean; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: AppWithLastVersion; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/apps/get/draft/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: AppWithLastVersionWDraft; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/apps/history/p/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Array<AppHistory>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/apps/get_latest_version/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: AppHistory; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/apps/history_update/a/{id}/v/{version}: { post: { req: { id: number; requestBody: { deployment_msg?: string; }; version: number; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/apps_u/public_app/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: AppWithLastVersion; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/apps_u/public_resource/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: unknown; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/apps/secret_of/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/apps/get/v/{id}: { get: { req: { id: number; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: AppWithLastVersion; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/apps/delete/{path}: { delete: { req: { path: string; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/apps/update/{path}: { post: { req: { path: string; requestBody: { path?: string; summary?: string; value?: unknown; policy?: Policy; deployment_message?: string; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/apps_u/execute_component/{path}: { post: { req: { path: string; requestBody: { component: string; path?: string; args: unknown; raw_code?: { content: string; language: string; path?: string; lock?: string; cache_ttl?: number; }; force_viewer_static_fields?: { [key: string]: unknown; }; force_viewer_one_of_fields?: { [key: string]: unknown; }; force_viewer_allow_user_resources?: Array<(string)>; }; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/scripts/hub/get/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; }; res: { 200: string; }; }; }
/scripts/hub/get_full/{path}: { get: { req: { path: string; }; res: { 200: { content: string; lockfile?: string; schema?: unknown; language: string; summary?: string; }; }; }; }
/scripts/hub/top: { get: { req: { app?: string; kind?: string; limit?: number; }; res: { 200: { asks?: Array<{ id: number; ask_id: number; summary: string; app: string; version_id: number; kind: HubScriptKind; votes: number; views: number; }>; }; }; }; }
/embeddings/query_hub_scripts: { get: { req: { app?: string; kind?: string; limit?: number; text: string; }; res: { 200: Array<{ ask_id: number; id: number; version_id: number; summary: string; app: string; kind: HubScriptKind; score: number; }>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/scripts/list: { get: { req: { createdBy?: string; firstParentHash?: string; includeDraftOnly?: boolean; includeWithoutMain?: boolean; isTemplate?: boolean; kinds?: string; lastParentHash?: string; orderDesc?: boolean; page?: number; parentHash?: string; pathExact?: string; pathStart?: string; perPage?: number; showArchived?: boolean; starredOnly?: boolean; withDeploymentMsg?: boolean; workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Array<Script>; }; }; }
/w/{workspace}/scripts/list_paths: { get: { req: { workspace: string; }; res: { 200: Array<(string)>; }; }; }