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Number to String (short scale & long scale) converter

This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers
This package works with Cloudflare Workers
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
This package works with Browsers
JSR Score
a month ago (0.6.1)
Package root>
# ntoa: _Number to String_ converter. Wondering how to correctly pronounce `659102863539127065129078569382156238956190238`? No? Understandable, have a nice day. But with `ntoa` you can do it - using the API, CLI, or WebApp. > 659 Tredecillion 102 Duodecillion 863 Undecillion 539 Decillion 127 Nonillion > 65 Octillion 129 Septillion 78 Sextillion 569 Quintillion 382 Quadrillion 156 > Trillion 238 Billion 956 Million 190 Thousand 238 Or if you're french 🇫🇷 or portuguese 🇵🇹 and use the awkward long scale, it's (long version): > Six Hundred Fifty Nine Septillion One Hundred Two Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty > Three Sextillion Five Hundred Thirty Nine Thousand One Hundred Twenty Seven > Quintillion Sixty Five Thousand One Hundred Twenty Nine Quadrillion Seventy > Eight Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Nine Trillion Three Hundred Eighty Two > Thousand One Hundred Fifty Six Billion Two Hundred Thirty Eight Thousand Nine > Hundred Fifty Six Million One Hundred Ninety Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Eight ## Usage ### Web API 🌐 🦕 ```ts import { ntoa } from ""; ntoa("123456789"); /// 123 million 456 thousand 789 ntoa("123456789123456789"); /// 123 Quadrillion 456 Trillion 789 Billion 123 Million 456 Thousand 780 ``` ### CLI ```sh # install deno install -f # run ntoa 123456789123456789123456789 # 123 Septillion 456 Sextillion 789 Quintillion 123 Quadrillion 456 Trillion 790 Billion ```