A tiny way to make `Promise` more convenient to use without any dependencies.
- Complete score
Has a readme or module doc
The package should have a README.md in the root of the repository or a module doc in the main entrypoint of the package.
2/2 - Complete score
Has examples in the readme or module doc
The README or module doc of the main entrypoint should have an example of how to use the package, in the form of a code block.
1/1 - Complete score
Has module docs in all entrypoints
Every entrypoint of the package should have a module doc summarizing what is defined in that module.
1/1 - Complete score
Has docs for most symbols
At least 80% of the packages' exported symbols should have symbol documentation. Currently 100% of exported symbols are documented.
5/5 - Complete score
No slow types are used
The package should not use slow types.
5/5 - Complete score
Has a description
The package should have a description set in the package settings to help users find this package via search.
1/1 - Complete score
At least one runtime is marked as compatible
The package should be marked with at least one runtime as "compatible" in the package settings to aid users in understanding where they can use this package.
1/1 - Complete score
At least two runtimes are marked as compatible
The package should be compatible with more than one runtime, and be marked as such in the package settings.
1/1 - Complete score
Has provenance
The package should be published from a verifiable CI/CD workflow, and have a public transparency log entry.