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About "slow types"

In many of its features, JSR analyzes source code, and in particular TypeScript types in the source code. This is done to generate documentation, generate type declarations for the npm compatibility layer, and to speed up type checking of Deno projects using packages from JSR.

For these features to work, the TypeScript source must not export any functions, classes, interfaces, or variables, or type aliases, that are themselves or reference “slow types”. “Slow types” are types that are not explicitly written, or are so complex that they require extensive inference to be understood.

This inference requires full type checking of the TypeScript source, which is not feasible to do in JSR because it would require running the TypeScript compiler. It is not feasible because tsc does not produce stable type information over time and is too slow to run on every package in the registry on a regular basis (read more in this issue). Because of this, these kinds of types are not supported in the public API.

⚠️ If JSR discovers “slow types” in a package, certain features will either not work or degrade in quality. These are:

  • Type checking for consumers of the package will be slower. The slowdown is at least on the order of 1.5-2x for most packages. It may be significantly higher.
  • The package will not be able to generate type declarations for the npm compatibility layer, or “slow types” will be omitted or replaced with any in the generated type declarations.
  • The package will not be able to generate documentation for the package, or “slow types” will be omitted or missing details in the generated documentation.

What are slow types?

“Slow types” occur when a function, class, const declaration, or let declaration is exported from a package, and its type is not explicitly written or the type is more complex that what can be simply inferred.

Some examples of “slow types”:

// This function is problematic because the return type is not explicitly
// written, so it would have to be inferred from the function body.
export function foo() {
  return Math.random().toString();
const foo = "foo";
const bar = "bar";
export class MyClass {
  // This property is problematic because the type is not explicitly written, so
  // it would have to be inferred from the initializer.
  prop = foo + " " + bar;

Slow types that are internal to a package (i.e. are not exported from a file that is in the exports of the package manifest) are not problematic for JSR and consumers of your package. So, if you have a slow type that is not exported, you can keep it as is:

export add(a: number, b: number): number {
  return addInternal(a, b);

// It is ok to not explicitly write the return type of this function, because it
// is not exported (it is internal to the package).
function addInternal(a: number, b: number) {
  return a + b;

TypeScript restrictions

This section lists out all of the restrictions that the “no slow types” policy imposes on TypeScript code:

  1. All exported functions, classes, and variables must have explicit types. For example, functions should have an explicit return type, and classes should have explicit types for their properties, and constants should have explicit type annotations.

  2. Module augmentation and global augmentation must not be used. This means that packages cannot use declare global, declare module, or export as namespace to augment the global scope or other modules.

  3. CommonJS features must not be used. This means that packages cannot use export = or import foo = require("foo").

  4. All types in exported functions, classes, variables, and types must be simply inferred or explicit. If an expression is too complex to be inferred, its type should be explicitly assigned to an intermediate type.

  5. Destructuring in exports is not supported. Instead of destructuring, export each symbol individually.

  6. Types must not reference private fields of classes.

Explicit types

All symbols exported from a package must explicitly specify types. For example, functions should have an explicit return type:

- export function add(a: number, b: number) {
+ export function add(a: number, b: number): number {
    return a + b;

Classes should have explicit types for their properties:

  export class Person {
-   name;
-   age;
+   name: string;
+   age: number;
    constructor(name: string, age: number) { = name;
      this.age = age;

Constants should have explicit type annotations:

- export const GLOBAL_ID = crypto.randomUUID();
+ export const GLOBAL_ID: string = crypto.randomUUID();

Global augmentation

Module augmentation and global augmentation must not be used. This means that packages can not use declare global to introduce new global variables, or declare module to augment other modules.

Here are some examples of unsupported code:

declare global {
  const globalVariable: string;
declare module "some-module" {
  const someModuleVariable: string;

CommonJS features

CommonJS features must not be used. This means that packages cannot use export = or import foo = require("foo").

Use ESM syntax instead:

- export = 5;
+ export default 5;
- import foo = require("foo");
+ import foo from "foo";

Types must be simply inferred or explicit

All types in exported functions, classes, variables, and types must be simply inferred or explicit. If an expression is too complex to be inferred, its type should be explicitly assigned to an intermediate type.

For example, in the following case the type of the default export is too complex to be inferred, so it must be explicitly declared using an intermediate type:

  class Class {}

- export default {
-   test: new Class(),
- };
+ const obj: { test: Class } = {
+   test: new Class(),
+ };
+ export default obj;

Or using an as assertion:

  class Class {}
  export default {
    test: new Class(),
- };
+ } as { test: Class };

For super class expressions, evaluate the expression and assign it to an intermediate type:

  interface ISuperClass {}

  function getSuperClass() {
    return class SuperClass implements ISuperClass {};

- export class MyClass extends getSuperClass() {}
+ const SuperClass: ISuperClass = getSuperClass();
+ export class MyClass extends SuperClass {}

No destructuring in exports

Destructuring in exports is not supported. Instead of destructuring, export each symbol individually:

- export const { foo, bar } = { foo: 5, bar: "world" };
+ const obj = { foo: 5, bar: "world" };
+ export const foo: number =;
+ export const bar: string =;

Types must not reference private fields of the class

Types must not reference private fields of classes during inference.

In this example, a public field references a private field, which is not allowed.

  export class MyClass {
-   prop!: typeof MyClass.prototype.myPrivateMember;
-   private myPrivateMember!: string;
+   prop!: MyPrivateMember;
+   private myPrivateMember!: MyPrivateMember;

+ type MyPrivateMember = string;

Simple inference

In a few cases, JSR can infer a type without you needing to specify it explicitly. These cases are called “simple inference”. Types that can be simply inferred are not considered “slow types”.

In general, simple inference is possible if a symbol is does not reference other symbols. It is also not possible if the TypeScript compiler would perform a type widening or narrowing operation on the type (for example arrays containing different shapes of object literals).

Simple inference is possible in two positions:

  1. The return type of an arrow function, if the function body is a single simple expression and not a block.
  2. The type of a variable (const or let declaration) or property that is initialized with a simple expression.
export const foo = 5; // The type of `foo` is `number`.
export const bar = () => 5; // The type of `bar` is `() => number`.
class MyClass {
  prop = 5; // The type of `prop` is `number`.

This inference can only be performed for a select few simple expressions. These are:

  1. Number literals.
  2. String literals.
    // Template strings are not supported.
  3. Boolean literals.
  4. null and undefined.
  5. BigInt literals.
  6. as T assertions
    foo() as MyType; // The type is `MyType`.
  7. Symbol() and Symbol.for() expressions.
  8. Regular expressions.
  9. Array literals with simple expressions as properties (excluding object literals).
    [1, 2, 3];
  10. Object literals with simple expressions as properties.
    { foo: 5, bar: "hello" };
  11. Functions or arrow functions that are fully annotated (i.e. have all parameters and the return type annotated or simply inferred).
    const x = (a: number, b: number): number => a + b;

Ignoring slow types

Due to their nature of affecting if JSR can understand the code, you can not selectively ignore individual diagnostics for slow types. Slow type diagnostics can only be ignored for the entire package. Doing this results in incomplete documentation and type declarations for the package, and slower type checking for consumers of the package.

To ignore slow type diagnostics for a package, add the --allow-slow-types flag to jsr publish or deno publish.

When using Deno, one can supress slow type diagnostics from being surfaced in deno lint by adding an exclude for the no-slow-types rule. This can be done by specifying --rules-exclude=no-slow-types when running deno lint, or by adding the following to your deno.json configuration file:

  "lint": {
    "rules": {
      "exclude": ["no-slow-types"]

Note that because slow type diagnostics can not be individually ignored, one can not use an ignore comment like // deno-lint-ignore no-slow-types to ignore slow type diagnostics.

Interactions with TypeScript isolatedDeclarations

Since TypeScript 5.5, TypeScript has introduced a compiler option called isolatedDeclarations. When enabled, this option disallows writing types that would require type inference to emit a declaration file. This is very similar to the “no slow types” policy of JSR.

For example, just like JSR, TypeScript with isolatedDeclarations enabled would not allow funtion declarations without an explicit return type:

// This is not allowed with `isolatedDeclarations`.
export function foo() {
  return Math.random().toString();

However, there are some differences between the two:

  • Isolated declarations require that all symbols that are exported from a module follow the “no inference” rules. JSR only requires that symbols that are actually part of the public API of a package follow the “no inference” rules.
  • Isolated declarations is sometimes more strict than JSR. For example, isolated declarations does not support inferring the return type of an empty function body as void, while JSR does.

If you are using TypeScript with isolatedDeclarations, your code is already compliant with the “no slow types” policy of JSR. However, you may still need to make some changes to your code to comply with the other restrictions of JSR, such as not using module augmentation or global augmentation.

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