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JSR provides badges for each package that can be used to showcase its latest version or its JSR score.

Version Badge

The version badge can be used to showcase the version of a package. It is available at the following URL:<scope>/<package>

Here’s how it looks:


To include it in a Markdown document, use the following code, replacing <scope> and <package> with the actual scope and name of the package.


In HTML documents, the following can be used:

<a href="<scope>/<package>">
  <img src="<scope>/<package>" alt="" />

JSR Score Badge

The JSR score badge can be used to showcase the JSR score of a package. It is available at the following URL:<scope>/<package>/score

Here’s how it looks:

JSR Score

To include it in a Markdown document, use the following code, replacing <scope> and <package> with the actual scope and name of the package.

[![JSR Score](<scope>/<package>/score)](<scope>/<package>)

In HTML documents, the following can be used:

<a href="<scope>/<package>">
  <img src="<scope>/<package>/score" alt="" />

Scope Badge

The scope badge can be used to showcase the package list of a scope. It is available at the following URL:<scope>

Here’s how it looks:

JSR Scope

To include it in a Markdown document, use the following code, replacing <scope> with the actual scope.

[![JSR Scope](<scope>)](<scope>)
<a href="<scope>">
  <img src="<scope>" alt="" />

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