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`jsr.json` file

JSR packages need to contain a configuration file that specifies the name, version, and exports of a package. This file should be named jsr.json or jsr.jsonc. When using Deno, all properties of the jsr.json configuration file can instead be placed in the deno.json.

// jsr.json / deno.json
  "name": "@luca/greet",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "exports": "./mod.ts"


The name field is the name of your package, prefixed with a JSR scope. Learn more about scope and package names.


The version field is the version of your package, which must be a valid SemVer version. You must increment the version of your package every time you publish a new version. Learn more about package versions.


The exports field tells JSR which modules should be importable by users of your package. The exports field can either be specified as a single string, or as an object mapping entrypoint names to paths in your package.

// jsr.json / deno.json
  "name": "@luca/greet",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "exports": {
    ".": "./mod.ts",
    "./greet": "./greet.ts"

In the above example, the exports field is an object. The . entrypoint is the default entrypoint for the package. The ./greet entrypoint is a named entrypoint. With this entrypoint can import the greet.ts module using import { greet } from "@luca/greet/greet"; and the mod.ts module using import { greet } from "@luca/greet";.

You can also specify the exports field as a single string. This is useful if you only have a single entrypoint in your package. It is semantically equivalent to specifying a default entrypoint in the object form.

// deno.json
  "name": "@luca/greet",
  "version": "1.0.0",
- "exports": {
-   ".": "./mod.ts"
- }
+ "exports": "./mod.ts"

include and exclude

You can also use the include and exclude options to include and exclude files during publishing. When using a deno.json, you can use publish.include and publish.exclude to include and exclude files only for publishing, rather than for all Deno subcommands. Learn more about filtering files.

JSON Schema

A JSON schema file is available for editors to provide autocompletion. The file is versioned and available at:

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