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JSR has three APIs that you can interact with:

JSR registry API

The JSR registry API is used to download modules (individual JS/TS files in a package), package version metadata, and package metadata.

NOTE: All requests to the JSR registry API must be made with an Accept header that does not include text/html, and requests must not specify Sec-Fetch-Dest: document. When fetching with Accept: text/html, the registry may return an HTML page with a rendered version of the underlying data.


Modules are served using standard HTTP GET requests as would be initiated by a browser import statement. Modules are served from the domain, at the following URL:<scope>/<package-name>/<version>/<path>

For example, the /main.ts file of the @luca/flag package version 1.0.0 would be served at the following URL:

Modules are immutable, so they can be cached indefinitely. The registry understands conditional requests, so will appropriately respond with 304 Not Modified when If-No-Match or If-Modified-Since headers are provided.

Package metadata

Package metadata refers to the information about a package as a whole, such as the package scope, name and versions. Package metadata is served as JSON at the following URL:<scope>/<package-name>/meta.json

For example, the metadata for the @luca/flag package would be served at the following URL:

This metadata contains a list of published versions for the package. This allows a tool to discover the available versions of a package and perform semantic versioning resolution to determine the best version to use.

Each version in the metadata contains information about the version, such as the yanked status, and the exports field for the package version. The exports field is normalized to simple object form.

For the above @luca/flag package, the metadata would look like this:

  "scope": "luca",
  "name": "flag",
  "versions": {
    "1.0.0": {
      "yanked": true
    "1.0.1": {}

Package version metadata

Package version metadata refers to the information about a specific version of a package.

Version metadata is served as JSON at the following URL:<scope>/<package-name>/<version>_meta.json

For example, the metadata for the @luca/flag package version 1.0.0 would be served at the following URL:

This metadata contains information about the requested version, such as the list of files in the package version, the exports field, and a moduleGraph1 or moduleGraph2 field that contains information about the module graph to allow for less waterfall when downloading modules.

For the above @luca/flag package version 1.0.0, the metadata would look like this:

  "manifest": {
    "/deno.json": {
      "size": 75,
      "checksum": "sha256-98719bf861369684be254b01f1427084dc6d16b506809719122890784542496b"
    "/LICENSE": {
      "size": 1070,
      "checksum": "sha256-c3f0644e8374585b209ea5206ab88055c1c503c202bff5d1f01bb29c07041fbb"
    "/": {
      "size": 279,
      "checksum": "sha256-f544a1489e93e93957d6bd03f069e0db7a9bef4af6eeae46a86b4e3316e598c3"
    "/main.ts": {
      "size": 2989,
      "checksum": "sha256-a41796ceb0be1bca3aa446ddebebcd732492ccb2cdcb8912adbabef3375fafc8"
  "moduleGraph1": {
    "/main.ts": {}
  "exports": {
    ".": "./main.ts"

The version metadata field is immutable, so it can be cached indefinitely. Because of this immutability, the yanked field is not included in the version metadata. Instead, retrieve yanked status from the package metadata.

npm compatibility registry API

The npm compatibility registry API is used to download npm compatible tarballs for JSR packages, and to retrieve npm compatible package metadata.

Learn more about the npm compatibility layer.

The npm compatibility registry API is served from the domain.

The entrypoint to the npm compatibility registry API is the package metadata endpoint. For example, the metadata for the @luca/flag package on JSR (with compatibility name @jsr/luca__flag) is served at the following URL:

This returns an npm compatible package metadata object, with the following fields:

  • name: The npm compatibility name of the package.
  • description: The package description.
  • dist-tags: The latest version of the package.
  • versions: A map of versions to version metadata.
  • time: A map of versions to publish timestamps.

The versions field is a map of versions to version metadata. The version metadata is an npm compatible version metadata object, with the following fields:

  • name: The npm compatibility name of the package.
  • version: The version of the package.
  • description: The package description.
  • dist: The dist field for the package version. This contains the tarball URL for the package version, and the checksums / integrity hashes for the tarball.
  • dependencies: The dependencies of the package version.

Yanked versions are not included in the versions field, and are never referenced from the latest dist-tag.

Note: The data served from the npm compatibility registry API may not always be up to date or consistent with the data served from the JSR registry API. Versions may be missing, or the latest dist-tag may be out of date. Generally this resolves itself within a few minutes.

Management API

The management API is used to publish packages, manage your scopes, and retrieve account information.

The management API is served from the domain. It is a REST API that uses JSON for serialization.

Many requests to the management API require authentication. Authentication is done using an Authorization header with a Bearer or githuboidc token.

Authentication tokens

JSR supports authenticating with three types of tokens:

  • Short-lived device access tokens, which are used to authenticate as a user. These tokens are authenticated by the user interactively, and are only valid for one specific purpose for a short period of time.

  • Long-lived personal access tokens, which are used to authenticate as a user. Personal access tokens may have an expiration date, and may grant only limited permissions. Personal access tokens can be created on the JSR account settings page in the “Tokens” tab.

  • GitHub Actions OIDC tokens, which are used to authenticate as a GitHub Actions runner. These tokens are created from within GitHub Actions, and are only valid for a short period of time. They can only be used to publish packages.

Both device access tokens, and personal access tokens are passed in the Authorization header with a Bearer prefix. GitHub Actions OIDC tokens are passed in the Authorization header with a githuboidc prefix.

Authorization: Bearer jsrd_5gVEGU852nnRH2opZeP9uZ1UdNXog0fcvP8
Authorization: Bearer jsrp_Kj0yFdcksJqHPm04l5tic2WXVtaLS2292b2
Authorization: githuboidc eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjEwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMCJ9.eyJyZXBvIjoibHVjYWNhc29uYXRvL2ZsYWciLCJkaWQiOiAieW91IHJlYWxseSB0aGluayBpIHdhcyBnb2luZyB0byBnaXZlIHlvdSBhIHZhbGlkIHRva2VuPyJ9.ZXlKeVpYQnZJam9pYkhWallXTmhjMjl1WVhSdkwyWnNZV2NpTENKa2FXUWlPaUFpZVc5MU


The management API has various permissions that can be granted to tokens. These permissions are:

  • package/publish: Only allows publishing a specific package, possibly at a specific version.
  • all: Allows all actions with the exception of token management.

GitHub Actions OIDC tokens only support the package/publish permission, with a specific package and version specified.


An OpenAPI 3.0 specification for the management API is available at

A rendered version of the OpenAPI specification is available at

Usage restrictions

The management API should not be used during registry operations. You should not retrieve the list of versions for a package, or the metadata for a package version, from the management API. Instead, use the JSR registry API or the npm compatibility registry API.

The management API is intended for use by tools and services that need to interact with the registry on behalf of a user. For example, a tool that publishes packages to JSR on behalf of a user would use the management API to publish packages.

Tools should identify themselves using the User-Agent header. The User-Agent header should be in the following format:

<tool-name>/<tool-version>; <tool-url>

If a tool is misbehaving, we may block it from using the management API.

If you are not sure whether the management API is appropriate for your use case, please contact us at

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