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Migrating Deno modules from /x to JSR

NOTE: This guide is for Deno users only. If you are using JSR with Node.js or in a different runtime environment, this information does not pertain to you.

For package authors currently hosting modules on, it should be possible to migrate those modules to JSR with minimal changes. In this guide, we’ll describe changes in using HTTPS imports from Deno, comment on future support plans for, and describe the process for migration.

HTTPS modules supported in Deno; NOT in JSR packages

HTTPS imports will continue to be supported in Deno. Any code that uses modules hosted on,, and other URLs will continue to work indefinitely.

However, Deno code on JSR will NOT be permitted to use HTTPS imports. JSR performs deduplication of dependencies based on semantic versions, which is not possible with HTTPS-imported dependencies. If you attempt to publish code that contains HTTPS imports to JSR, you will receive an error.

Future support for

There are no plans to discontinue or shut down Module authors can continue to publish and update modules there, and Deno code using it will continue to function.

Migrating a package from /x to JSR

If you have already published a package on, there is a good chance it can be migrated to JSR with minimal hassle. Here are the high level steps to migrate.

Try using the /x to JSR migration tool

In an attempt to help speed up the migration of existing /x packages to JSR, the Deno team has created a utility to automate the most common steps required. To use this tool, you will need to have the most recent version of the Deno CLI installed. Grab the most recent canary build for your platform with:

deno upgrade --canary

Then, from within your package folder (probably the one with your deno.json or mod.ts), execute the following command:

deno run -Ar jsr:@deno/x-to-jsr

This will automatically refactor code where possible, and provide instructions in your terminal for additional manual steps that may be required. When you’ve completed the tasks described by the migration tool, follow these instructions to publish your package to JSR!

Manually refactor your package

If you would rather migrate your project by hand, here are the high-level steps often required to do so.

1.) Refactor away from HTTPS imports

Your code may be using HTTPS imports for dependencies on or You will need to change how you load these dependencies before you can publish on JSR.

Update standard library imports to the @std JSR scope

If you are using HTTPS modules from the standard library, we recommend updating those dependencies to use the newer @std scope on JSR. This will be the place to get the latest version of these modules going forward.

Use deno vendor for other dependencies on

For other dependencies in your project, you can also replace them one by one with equivalent dependencies on npm or JSR as described above.

If you find that this process would be prohibitively difficult, you also have the option of using the deno vendor command to download local versions of all your HTTPS dependencies, and store them alongside your package in source control.

2.) Ensure your library does not contain slow types

In your main package directory, run the following command:

deno publish --dry-run

This will inform you of any issues within your TypeScript code that may slow down type checking. Check out the docs here for more information on how to fix slow types.

3.) Publish!

When you’ve completed the tasks above, follow these instructions to publish your package to JSR!

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